Ghost Town Sherrif
Rayn Gryphon
Rayn is a typical Gen X waste case right down to just about every cliche you could think of. He is an alcoholic drug addict wannabe Native American who still lives with his presumably (they are never seen that I can tell) elderly parents on a Ranch In British Columbia Canada. Rayn is primarily a youtuber who does multi hour long videos which are often complete nonsense. He likes to do extremely long videos in various locations some of which include the woods and the bathtub of his parents spare bathroom while eating his dinner. This is a very curious habit and almost every time you see him eating he will be doing so sitting in the bath tub with the lights off as he streams. Rayn also seems to be obsessed with the sitcom Friends referencing the show in several of his videos. He has been streaming on YT since 2009 and has gotten some small notoriety in flat earth circles.
When Rayn isn’t hanging out in the woods or his mother’s house in a drug induced stupor he often writes some of the worst poetry you have ever heard which is in the style of every wiccan blogspot you have ever seen. Lots of retarded jargon about “mother earth’s warm embrace” you know the kind of stuff that tries hard to sound profound but is absolute gibberish? He has self published a few dozen of these “novels” which usually aren’t more than 30 pages or so.
If you like that you should check out his music which consists of Rayn doing accapella spoken word with a heavy echo effect over a backing track of him doing cliche Native chants that would surely be offensive to any real Injun. Despite his blonde hair Rayn keeps up this larp by making numerous videos about how terrible white people are. Or at least it seems so from the titles however the actual video contents with most of Rayn’s videos seldom match the title and the contents could be something completely different from what the title states.
Rayn despite pretending to be a positive person who doesn’t spread negativity spends most of his time decrying the majority of humanity as terrible, uncaring and unhelpful. However once you see a few shots of his parents multi-acre ranch you will begin to understand that he is a spoiled rich brat who like most coddled man-children is just angry that he doesn’t get his every want immediately.
Rayn is a former flat earther turned anti-flat earther and is deep into many kinds of spiritual woo woo. These themes are also prevalent throughout his music and writing. His writing especially seems to be steeped in these ideas. Many of his writings also seem highly derivative both of other work and of themselves. Rayn has used phrases from the bible and other writing and some phrases he uses in his writing over and over again. Rayn also often speaks of himself as a child and often does long videos speaking to, as he puts it, his “unborn children”(Paging Josh Moon). I don’t know if this is just spiritual nonsense or if something darker lies behind this.
Rayn does indeed exhibit a very childlike and naive way of thinking which can clash abruptly with his occasional sexually charged video titles some of which hint at a scat fetish. Sexuality is clearly a very weird area for Rayn and while you might imagine he is more on the lefty side of things Rayn is actually virulently anti-gay and anti-trans calling them homos and sodomites. All of this is very strange as Rayn gives off extremely gay vibes.
Research Scientist 1000A-5 [ rayn talks about meeting a fellow crazy spiritualist lady and within minutes of talking to her he started to try and debate her which she didn’t care for and immediately pissed her off. Rayn might not have to sit in his bathtub alone if he could just stop trying to prove other people wrong while declaring himself the perfect child of god and nature.]
Childhood's End?
My Lifelong Consolation [Rayn gushes over his own writing like a teenage girl talking about her favourite boyband]
This is my mother
Audio Books
Principia Galactica
Paradise, a novel
Susana part1
Susana part 2
Susana part 3
Flat Earth Era March 2015- December 2015
Rayn makes his first video on flat earth theory in March of 2015. It’s hard to make out Rayn’s exact motivations for getting into flat earth as most of his videos and speeches make little sense and mostly just serve as a way for Rayn to say big words and hear himself speak. However the topic dominates his videos during this time period and you can tell that Rayn fell deep into this milieu very quickly as is common with crazy people and conspiracies. During this time he seems to have gained some notoreity in the flat earth community as he is spoken about on a Russian (I think?) forum in a section about flat earth called FSB.
FSB Forum [Rayn has a thread on this FSB forum which appears to be mostly in Russian]
Flat Earth Part 1st of 3 [Rayn’s first flat earth video]
Flat Earth Part 2 of 3
Flat Earth Part 3 of 3
"My Name Is Pat" (Flat Earth)
Education and the Flat Earth [Like what do words even mean man? We don’t need no education. Rayn wants the wotld to accept his ideas with an open mind and not make fun of him for having no evidence. He doesn’t have this same energy for people he doesn’t like however calling them unwell and stupid]
Rage Against Heliocentric Education
Rayn believes he is being gangstalked by several flat earthers. This seems to come from other flat earthers disagreeing with him and banning him from their forums. He calls them drug addicts. This seems to have been central in Rayn eventually leaving the flat earth movement.
Flat Earth Harassment [Rayn says he is being bullied and harassed because he was kicked off a flat earth forum and disagreed with. He also claims he has been “beaten” and he seems to feel that he has been physically assaulted despite cthis taking place over the internet]
Debriefing my beating [Rayn talks about people disagreeing with him online and calls it gangstalking.
Anti Flat Earth Era
Rayn makes a video in December 2015 stating that he does still believe the earth is flat but that he no longer wants to be part of the flat earth movement calling it cringe. His exact motivations are hard to sus out due to the disconnected nature of how he communicates.
Going Anti-Flat Earth (a resolution)
Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The First Assault
Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The 2nd Assault
Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The 3rd Assault
Sexual clickbait cringe
Rayn is known to post extremely bizarre titles to his videos presumably for clickbait purposes though I can’t be sure. Some of these titles seem to hint at Rayn’s sexuality and fetishes.
Morning Skinny Dipping in Enos Lake
Inside a Vaginal Opening
I have sex with hamsters [Rayn talks about how he hates other people, flat earth and his ramblings are interrupted by a couple of dog walkers leading to an awkward encounter.
Man Admits To Sexual Yen For Goats [Rayn starts a talk but is shortly interrupted by another man who he seems to know called Bert. A conversation occurs but Rayn doesn’t let the guy know he is filming and the guy seems unaware he is being recorded. Fairly normal conversation.]
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Man Admits To Sexual Yen For Goats
Loser Utuber Craps his pants while filming!!
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Rayn Gryphon
The exploration of the wonder of living creative intelligence, that of our own emotional being.

Rayn Gryphon - Books and Publications Spotlight | Lulu
Rayn Gryphon lives in the lush surroundings of Vancouver Island, B.C. The Spiritual Letters of Rayn Gryphon comprise a contemplation of the qualities
Rayn is a typical Gen X waste case right down to just about every cliche you could think of. He is an alcoholic drug addict wannabe Native American who still lives with his presumably (they are never seen that I can tell) elderly parents on a Ranch In British Columbia Canada. Rayn is primarily a youtuber who does multi hour long videos which are often complete nonsense. He likes to do extremely long videos in various locations some of which include the woods and the bathtub of his parents spare bathroom while eating his dinner. This is a very curious habit and almost every time you see him eating he will be doing so sitting in the bath tub with the lights off as he streams. Rayn also seems to be obsessed with the sitcom Friends referencing the show in several of his videos. He has been streaming on YT since 2009 and has gotten some small notoriety in flat earth circles.
When Rayn isn’t hanging out in the woods or his mother’s house in a drug induced stupor he often writes some of the worst poetry you have ever heard which is in the style of every wiccan blogspot you have ever seen. Lots of retarded jargon about “mother earth’s warm embrace” you know the kind of stuff that tries hard to sound profound but is absolute gibberish? He has self published a few dozen of these “novels” which usually aren’t more than 30 pages or so.
If you like that you should check out his music which consists of Rayn doing accapella spoken word with a heavy echo effect over a backing track of him doing cliche Native chants that would surely be offensive to any real Injun. Despite his blonde hair Rayn keeps up this larp by making numerous videos about how terrible white people are. Or at least it seems so from the titles however the actual video contents with most of Rayn’s videos seldom match the title and the contents could be something completely different from what the title states.
Rayn despite pretending to be a positive person who doesn’t spread negativity spends most of his time decrying the majority of humanity as terrible, uncaring and unhelpful. However once you see a few shots of his parents multi-acre ranch you will begin to understand that he is a spoiled rich brat who like most coddled man-children is just angry that he doesn’t get his every want immediately.
Rayn is a former flat earther turned anti-flat earther and is deep into many kinds of spiritual woo woo. These themes are also prevalent throughout his music and writing. His writing especially seems to be steeped in these ideas. Many of his writings also seem highly derivative both of other work and of themselves. Rayn has used phrases from the bible and other writing and some phrases he uses in his writing over and over again. Rayn also often speaks of himself as a child and often does long videos speaking to, as he puts it, his “unborn children”(Paging Josh Moon). I don’t know if this is just spiritual nonsense or if something darker lies behind this.
Rayn does indeed exhibit a very childlike and naive way of thinking which can clash abruptly with his occasional sexually charged video titles some of which hint at a scat fetish. Sexuality is clearly a very weird area for Rayn and while you might imagine he is more on the lefty side of things Rayn is actually virulently anti-gay and anti-trans calling them homos and sodomites. All of this is very strange as Rayn gives off extremely gay vibes.
Research Scientist 1000A-5 [ rayn talks about meeting a fellow crazy spiritualist lady and within minutes of talking to her he started to try and debate her which she didn’t care for and immediately pissed her off. Rayn might not have to sit in his bathtub alone if he could just stop trying to prove other people wrong while declaring himself the perfect child of god and nature.]
Childhood's End?
Childhood's End? | PreserveTube
My Lifelong Consolation [Rayn gushes over his own writing like a teenage girl talking about her favourite boyband]
Clouds | PreserveTube
Forever | PreserveTube
This is my mother
Audio Books
Principia Galactica
Paradise, a novel
Susana part1
Susanna Read by the Author 1 | PreserveTube
Susana part 2
Susana part 3
Susanna Read by the Author 3 | PreserveTube
Flat Earth Era March 2015- December 2015
Rayn makes his first video on flat earth theory in March of 2015. It’s hard to make out Rayn’s exact motivations for getting into flat earth as most of his videos and speeches make little sense and mostly just serve as a way for Rayn to say big words and hear himself speak. However the topic dominates his videos during this time period and you can tell that Rayn fell deep into this milieu very quickly as is common with crazy people and conspiracies. During this time he seems to have gained some notoreity in the flat earth community as he is spoken about on a Russian (I think?) forum in a section about flat earth called FSB.
FSB Forum [Rayn has a thread on this FSB forum which appears to be mostly in Russian]
Flat Earth Part 1st of 3 [Rayn’s first flat earth video]
Flat Earth Part 2 of 3
Flat Earth Part 3 of 3
"My Name Is Pat" (Flat Earth)
"My Name Is Pat" (Flat Earth) | PreserveTube
"My Name Is Pat" (Flat Earth) Playlist Series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTsS1CGWtQI&list=PLJyC2sY3IoPKO3Abt3K_0NaOubdemQVhP
Education and the Flat Earth [Like what do words even mean man? We don’t need no education. Rayn wants the wotld to accept his ideas with an open mind and not make fun of him for having no evidence. He doesn’t have this same energy for people he doesn’t like however calling them unwell and stupid]
Education and the Flat Earth | PreserveTube
That is, much as any mercenary vital image of our cosmos is bound to mitigate (though a "new sun") for the thus presumed "peril" of our native conditions of human existence, so do all subsequent schools and cults (bloody graduations of currencies and knowledge themselves absolved, as with our...
Rage Against Heliocentric Education
Rayn believes he is being gangstalked by several flat earthers. This seems to come from other flat earthers disagreeing with him and banning him from their forums. He calls them drug addicts. This seems to have been central in Rayn eventually leaving the flat earth movement.
Flat Earth Harassment [Rayn says he is being bullied and harassed because he was kicked off a flat earth forum and disagreed with. He also claims he has been “beaten” and he seems to feel that he has been physically assaulted despite cthis taking place over the internet]
Flat Earth Harassment | PreserveTube
http://cosmicheaven.blogspot.ca/2015/07/eric-dubay-calls-me-shill-living-school.html http://cosmicheaven.blogspot.ca/2015/07/down-rabbit-hole-living-school.html Core reference: Axiom 404 - Pride and Prejudice http://cosmicheaven.blogspot.ca/2015/10/axiom-404-pride-and-prejudice.html...
Debriefing my beating [Rayn talks about people disagreeing with him online and calls it gangstalking.
Anti Flat Earth Era
Rayn makes a video in December 2015 stating that he does still believe the earth is flat but that he no longer wants to be part of the flat earth movement calling it cringe. His exact motivations are hard to sus out due to the disconnected nature of how he communicates.
Going Anti-Flat Earth (a resolution)
Going Anti-Flat Earth (a resolution) | PreserveTube
"Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious." - Rumi http://cosmicheaven.blogspot.ca/2015/12/leaving-flat-earth-movement-living.html My formal withdrawal from the Flat Earth school of thought as is. The Philosophical Assault...
Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The First Assault
Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The First Assault | PreserveTube
The Philosophical Assault on FE Proper: Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The First Assault youtu.be/LYqA8AfKcEQ Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The 2nd Assault youtu.be/m37ZiCgsWc4 Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The 3rd Assault youtu.be/sUN06ylnxhw Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) Appendix 1 of 2 youtu.be/l6lEepraF2U Anti-Flat...
Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The 2nd Assault
Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The 3rd Assault
Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The 3rd Assault | PreserveTube
The Philosophical Assault on FE Proper: Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The First Assault youtu.be/LYqA8AfKcEQ Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The 2nd Assault youtu.be/m37ZiCgsWc4 Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) The 3rd Assault youtu.be/sUN06ylnxhw Anti-Flat Earth (AFE) Appendix 1 of 2 youtu.be/l6lEepraF2U Anti-Flat...
Sexual clickbait cringe
Rayn is known to post extremely bizarre titles to his videos presumably for clickbait purposes though I can’t be sure. Some of these titles seem to hint at Rayn’s sexuality and fetishes.
Morning Skinny Dipping in Enos Lake
Inside a Vaginal Opening
I have sex with hamsters [Rayn talks about how he hates other people, flat earth and his ramblings are interrupted by a couple of dog walkers leading to an awkward encounter.
Man Admits To Sexual Yen For Goats [Rayn starts a talk but is shortly interrupted by another man who he seems to know called Bert. A conversation occurs but Rayn doesn’t let the guy know he is filming and the guy seems unaware he is being recorded. Fairly normal conversation.]
Man Admits To Sexual Yen For Goats | PreserveTube
Axiom 1067 - Definition of Civilization http://cosmicheaven.blogspot.ca/2017/09/definition-of-civilization-villifying-c.html http://cosmicheaven.blogspot.ca/2017/09/voices-of-whole-story-of-life.html
women get bigger erections than men do
Man Admits To Sexual Yen For Goats
Loser Utuber Craps his pants while filming!!
Loser Utuber Craps his pants while filming!! | PreserveTube
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- YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

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free Asian porn XXX tits ass pussy(8) | PreserveTube
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