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User ipreferpickles (apparently a sock of Socky) posts about us on KF in the splinter sites thread:

The post was up for about 5 hours before being deleted.
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Josh has released the Gumroad video he did about gamergate for free probably hoping to get more people to subscribe to gumroad.
Documenting and reviewing screenshots from the Kiwi Farms' Elon Reeve Musk "Lolcow" thread.

Reddit Farms is heckin' based, redpilled, and anti-troon. Except in political "lolcow" threads, where suddenly they're hard left Onion Farms-tier Kamala-supporting closet Democrats. They'll even respect trans pronouns. Figure that one out. Is it contrarianism, is it autism, is it stupidity or is it hypocrisy; or is it all four?






Vivian is Elon Musk's trans ex-son, who made an ABSOLUTE POWER MOVE by roasting his dad on Threads and Twitter! Empowered! Kiwi Farms says trans rights!

Oh yeah and Elon Musk is apparently a secret leftist plant working against MAGA and Trump, by the way. In case you're not tired of mental gymnastics yet.





"shut the fuck up." Heckin' based, LolcowTM funneh commentary btw. Totally not mad, totally not cringe A-Logging like 90% of the other posts on this website. It's just a funny joke gais. I gotta say though; these posters are a bit funny, in the "laughing at them, not with them" sense. Maybe the real lolcows were the friends you made along the way.

(Big shoutout to Google Recaptcha for making archive.today hell to use. If you know what I'm talking about, then you know.)

Who cares? How is this newsworthy for the top bar?

Also he apparently de-featured the election stuff. I get it that the election is tiresome, but it's something actually important versus Null's spastic obsession with daddy Nick. Rekieta is basically a nobody, some puffed-up lawyer from Minnesota or wherever.
View attachment 971
Who cares? How is this newsworthy for the top bar?

Also he apparently de-featured the election stuff. I get it that the election is tiresome, but it's something actually important versus Null's spastic obsession with daddy Nick. Rekieta is basically a nobody, some puffed-up lawyer from Minnesota or wherever.
Is this like forgetting to renew your drivers license, where you simply go and pay the money on Monday and it's reinstated?
Is this like forgetting to renew your drivers license, where you simply go and pay the money on Monday and it's reinstated?
Uh, I think they have to pay dues and then be in good standing with the state bar association, but I'm not a lawyer so....
Uh, I think they have to pay dues and then be in good standing with the state bar association, but I'm not a lawyer so....
Yeah I'm no lawyer either.

YouTube suggested a video of some troon talking about the Rekieta situation. I didn't watch the video but I saw this comment right below it:
Screenshot 2024-11-03 at 16-44-52 Nick Rekieta LOSES LICENSE To Practice Law TROUNCED By Midwe...png

I don't know the validity of this tactic or the likelihood of this theory being true, but on some level it makes sense. The bar is going to have a lot of questions and maybe it's better to answer them after the dust has settled. Technically this does means he's not currently a lawyer though, because legally speaking his bar membership is what makes him a lawyer.
View attachment 971
Who cares? How is this newsworthy for the top bar?
Nool had a relationship with Nick going back to his coverage of CWC and IBS, now that nool and Nick had a falling out YOU WILL read feature after feature about every minor indiscretion Nick makes ala Ralph.
it's extra annoying in this instance because of the Weeb Wars trying to force another gamergate.
Anyone remember a while back when it was being speculated that Josh ran the MATI 404 YouTube channel? Some of us saw a comment that seemed to prove it, but the comment got deleted and nobody had a screenshot.

Except I did have the screenshot after all, and I accidentally found it just now:
View attachment 974
there's a list here of who owns which channel.
Josh ushers in a new era of prosperity and extremely small image file sizes to Kiwi Farms.

No, really, why the fuck is he encouraging the use of webp? Is his his server is running out of free space and he simply hasn't got the shekels to shell out on new drives?
Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 00-40-05 webp.png

Support for webp is a built-in feature on newer versions of XenForo btw.

German Leader Josh goes to war against embedded hyperlinks for some reason, among other things:

You must not use rich text features in your posts, You must also not post outside links (do NOT bring outside food into my movie theater!). Archive it or fuck yourself. But don't you dare archive KF itself.

He's already capitulated on the hyperlink thing:
Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 00-47-05 Community Feature Submissions.png

A user asks for clarification, and Josh makes it clear that NO other site shall get traffic. You let people walk off the reservation, they might never come back...
Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 01-00-25 Null Kiwi Farms.png

Do NOT post on Josh's profile.