OF General 1.0

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View attachment 1534
Ken accuses the newest registered member @register of being Ashley Jankowski, with no evidence.
Sorry for the double post, But im so fucken beyond done with Kengle. I might start fucking with him again in more unorthodox manners that I'll refrain from mentioning or acting on while using this site.
To be fair, that is my suspicion too. I'm also short in the evidence department though.
Ashley is based and a great IBS style poster, I dont like the way KF admins and Jannies powertrip on users and cows, Which is why I was disappointed in lolcow.org they didnt want to uphold standards superior to Nool, No they wanted to be Nool.

This is why I have hope for this site.
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Did you guys know lounge96.org redirects here?

I haven't switched domain names because I'd have to redo the encryption certificates and change the hostname in a handful of config files, and correctly set the A records with the registrar. There's a high chance I forgot one thing and then chase my tail for an hour or two trying to figure out why it's broken. Also, we won't be in search results again for a few weeks.

But if it's really that important, I'll do it.
But if it's really that important, I'll do it.
It would make the place significantly less janky looking
But im so fucken beyond done with Ken. I might start fucking with him again in more unorthodox manners
He irritated me once so I found all the restaurants in his town that did cash on delivery and sent them by his condo. I made sure to tell them I'm hard of hearing and to knock loudly so Ken would have flashbacks to that time Elaine swatted him paid Torswats to swat him
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He irritated me once so I found all the restaurants in his town that did cash on delivery and sent them by his condo. I made sure to tell them I'm hard of hearing and to knock loudly so Ken would have flashbacks to that time Elaine swatted him paid Torswats to swat him
Same I've had a lot of fun fucking with Ken in the past, @Gargamel what are the Rules here on trolling plans or even discussing past trolling of cows?
Elaine is having a tough week because the Kiwis found out she's been eating noodles off of a filthy mattress
I've never seen Elaine attack someone who didn't go after her first.
I've never seen Elaine attack someone who didn't go after her first.
"Going after her" means nothing but saying anything critical of her and she immediately responds with life ruination type shit. Not saying she hasn't been on the receiving end of some really foul shit but proudly going the nuclear option over the slightest perceived slight countless times makes me unsympathetic.

Honestly, I find this a bit of a weird statement from this faggot. Now granted that he was't the worst poster ever, far from it. Just a bit of an idiot. But this level of skinwalking makes me question his mental health. And he always seems to be lurking in the background, to pop up immediately if Ashley or some new user who might be a sock posts anything.

Full troon out, psychotic break and claiming to be the real Ashley Jankowski when?

"Going after her" means nothing but saying anything critical of her and she immediately responds with life ruination type shit. Not saying she hasn't been on the receiving end of some really foul shit but proudly going the nuclear option over the slightest perceived slight countless times makes me unsympathetic.
She has at least had Empresa swatted before, I know that much. But a lot of her "life ruination type shit" is more like manufacture a fake or obsolete dox, then post it to get back at them and feel better about herself. It's a form of cope.
She has at least had Empresa swatted before, I know that much.
Don't know the impetus of that incident but I imagine it was regarding the proliferation of her nudes
But a lot of her "life ruination type shit" is more like manufacture a fake or obsolete dox, then post it to get back at them and feel better about herself. It's a form of cope.
There's definitely been plenty of that but it's a lack of means not a lack of desire that keeps her from running ops like she has with Strawberry Douche and Sprate Header on everyone who has ever posted in her many threads
Nektar Geist has the quantity over quality ideology when it comes to his posting. He also makes very strange references to movies & topics only boomers would talk about. I used to think he was a schizo until someone said “read his posts like he’s 50+” and it all made sense.
I wouldn't discount the schizo theory just because you realized he's around Kengle's age. He uses extremely deep cut Bong babble but also has a peculiar habit of creating his own lingo and posts as though everyone knows what he's on about, which is something I've seen several schizos do.
I wouldn't discount the schizo theory just because you realized he's around Kengle's age. He uses extremely deep cut Bong babble but also has a peculiar habit of creating his own lingo and posts as though everyone knows what he's on about, which is something I've seen several schizos do.
The word “schizo” has almost entirely lost its meaning to the point it’s now just used as an insulting buzzword. There are actual schizos like Strawberry Douche and IHM, but the vast majority of people accused of being schizophrenic are just a little autistic.