OF General 1.0

OF staff member kiwifails thirsts for my dox:
Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 18-03-07 Cowsphere - KF Orbiter - Elaine April Gertler Miller _ Laine...png

True & Honest monster if I ever knew one.

>My huge mistake.
What did he mean by this? Is he going to unban Daniel and Elaine now? I don't get it.

I misread the part about "furry", but "love story" between Daniel and Gargamel also doesn't make much sense. I thought they were referring to Elaine.
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>My huge mistake.
What did he mean by this? Is he going to unban Daniel and Elaine now? I don't get it.

I misread the part about "furry", but "love story" between Daniel and Gargamel also doesn't make much sense. I thought they were referring to Elaine.
He posted that he had dox, but was ambiguous as to whether they were my dox or Dan's dox. He deleted that post and I think a couple others. I'll post some screenshots later.
WN but I don't believe other races are inferior, just that we should be separate.
I know what you mean. In all of humans history, it clearly shows that’s diverse society hasn't worked out. I hear from time to time that it's important to learn history, so we don't repeat the same mistakes made in the past. The part about not mixing other races into societies is something people refuse to acknowledge.
This is why libtards is jealous of how peaceful Japan is, but that's unfortunately changing. Because they go there and shit things up. Luckily, the majority there does not like foreigners of any kind, and the news there blame foreigners as a group for things. So there's hope they will ban foreigners in some capacity in the future, and rather die out as a nation.

>Boobie Bomb: We have an idiot who wishes KiwiFarms was whitelisted so Credit Card companies can do business with the site even though it has the very same problems that this Cat user claims PornHub has. CP and animal porn are uncut.

>TheCIAGlowsInTheDark: if you as a community want to monetize what you do (in this case the organized trolling of lolcows online) then you must also allow even the degenerate stuff to be made and distributed
>If Kiwi Farms doesn't want to have an objective support for free speech in general then they deserve to stay blacklisted by Mastercard and Visa


If I have to explain:
1. Porn, especially "CP and animal porn", is not "free speech".
2. Porn tends to make credit card companies not want to give service to Kiwi Farms or Pornhub. Not the opposite.
Fuck this guy. (Probably a Ken sock, I doubt even The Gays From LA is this degenerate.)

Also, reminder that this is the same freak that went into a thread titled "Lolicon and Porn" to argue that "all porn should be legal" (paraphrasing).
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This almost seems like subtle spam advertising for medical vacations to Turkey for plastic surgery, but Ken doesn't seem to be in on it. It's a bit hard to tell what exactly is going on with Onion Farms lately. Maybe we're seeing the beginning of AI spambot accounts taking over, like is common on Twitter today. They're designed to look almost like real users, but they're always a bit off.

Granted that I doubt Ken will let this get too out of control, unless he is in on it. He doesn't have users paying for pay-to-win benefits like Musk does (Pakis/Indians probably using stolen credit cards pay for blue checks on their Twitter bots). So, I don't really see what motive or conflict of interest he would have for this, besides being insane.
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Well, I think that's how the Turks spell it since they started using the Latin alphabet. No idea why Ken is going out of his way to use their spelling, though. SJW points, I guess.
I'm aware that's how the Turkish government would prefer us to spell it, but for me it gives strong vibes of big B black people, or tranny pronouns.

Also, inclusive forum welcoming all races, walks of life, and all religions:
Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 21-01-56 (1) Cowsphere - KF Orbiter - Elaine April Gertler Miller _ L...png

I do believe it was kiwifails who was crying the loudest about feeling unwelcome.

I'm so glad that my adoring fan updated this news feed, after reading my post pointing out that there was a lull in the updates. However would I survive without knowing about the details of the Nigerian oil industry? Pray tell, I shall not think of it. A world without the fine details of such important happenings in the African chemical industry, isn't a world that I would prefer to witness.