mtil's latest activity

  • mtil
    mtil replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    my heart goes out to the streetwalker that had to put up with kengle 50 years ago
  • mtil
    mtil reacted to Vingle's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Informative Informative.
    No, but this is the least hostile place. Funfact: People don't really like being at places where the hostility towards them is constant...
  • mtil
    mtil reacted to Artemis's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Nope Nope.
    Nigga Daniel Lopez is single handedly ruining this site’s existence
  • mtil
    mtil replied to the thread Ashley.
    that's why he thinks you're still fat
    • thinkowski.jpg
  • mtil
    mtil replied to the thread Ashley.
    i have faith in your weight loss claims mrs jankowski
  • mtil
    mtil replied to the thread Ashley.
    is there any real proof @register is now, as she claims, not overweight (fat)? if so, i will retract my previous fat jokes posthaste and...
  • mtil
    mtil replied to the thread What are you up to?.
    eating discount apples & watching cute british women morris dancing:
  • mtil
    mtil reacted to Lord Fanny's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Think Think.
    Jizz mopper?
  • mtil
    mtil reacted to Vingle's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Haha Haha.
    As a patient? Because he's certainly geriatric.
  • mtil
    mtil reacted to Artemis's post in the thread What are you up to? with My nigga My nigga.
    They are so good, fuck I should get some prunes
  • mtil
    mtil reacted to Vingle's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Yep Yep.
    Holy fuck at Ken quoting me, he's so autistic that he doesn't understand an obvious joke
  • mtil
    mtil reacted to The Dumbitch Horror's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Haha Haha.
  • mtil
    mtil replied to the thread What are you up to?.
    i am eating prunes right now in order to be regular but also because they taste good
  • mtil
    mtil replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    does ken work at a hospital? what sort of place can you get a 12 hour shift on the lord's day?
  • mtil
    mtil reacted to Gargamel's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Informative Informative.
    An explanation of the recent OF downtime has been posted: That is a shit ton of add-ons for a site with 7 users, and many of them...