register's latest activity

  • R
    register replied to the thread Ashley.
    No. There's no proof whatsoever. Kiwi farms trash has this collective delusion they're entitled to every detail of everyones' personal...
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    You plastered my face from 15+ year old photos onto scat pornography for no reason, Dan. Like lmao why are you trying to convince me of...
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    Love posting on Ken the hooker fucker's dead site about female strangers when I'm not taking care of my pristine body by "running".
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    You are absolutely not fooling anyone man. You are either playing videogames or hanging out on the porch with your disabled family...
    • 1fitnessbro.jpg
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    The fact that I've been accused of many terrible untrue things by this group and the fact you aren't in cop custody kind of casts...
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    That's entirely your opinion. But bizarrely, in every case of a guy who aggressively had this opinion about me they overshared were...
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    I'm not even overweight and it's amazing how guys who act like you towards me always end up being cut from the same cloth, so to speak...
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    The lack of creativity or prose chops is so much more annoying and strange than the content, it's like something a 5 year old would...
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    It's legit amazing you're still going. Are you sealed away on a compound or something? Or maybe you're missing all your limbs and...
    • 1okmancool.jpg
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    Never "defended" that guy, always ignored him, the admittedly vile pictures that are sometimes on the bodies of people of suspect age...
    • 1pedofails.jpg
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    How do any of you find this much time to make each other miserable lol. How are you like 50 and you have so few real problems to worry...
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    The first one really misses the mark, I don't think I'm feminine at all in how I talk about you. In fact I'm more blunt and crude than...
    • 1kenfails.jpg
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    You know what to do Ken, time to make the mentally retarded guy who hasn't stopped obsessing about me for 5+ years a moderator. Just...
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    Kiwifails and his wife are probably like those really gross anime or furry couples that become legendary for how filthy and socially...
  • R
    register replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    Only horrifyingly embarrassing mentally ill losers want to associate with an elderly autist who can't get his dick touched without...