Recent content by Smigger

  1. Smigger

    Something Needs To Change

    freedom of speech
  2. Smigger

    Joshua Conner Moon / Null / Ichverbot / Iban / IbanZ / IbanX / CityRPG / Not Important / n-tech / 2Tsuki (Work in Progress)

    I would suggest we archive the Blockland forum with forums recent shutdown. You can use a tool like
  3. Smigger

    Something Needs To Change

    arguing with you, I assume unless you banned her for something I'm unaware of.
  4. Smigger

    Something Needs To Change

    Hello 3d964c08 family! I am one of the members of this small internet family, and I am disappointed by what has happened to this site. When I was invited here, it brought me hope. I had hope we could take on kiwifarms or at least pose a viable challenge. That hope vanished after @Gargamel banned...
  5. Smigger

    RFC vote on the name of my child

    She should be here. I mean, what's the point of having this forum if literally nobody but yourself uses it? I was pumped when this forum came out. Now I forget it even exists. Somethings got to change. @Gargamel
  6. Smigger

    RFC vote on the name of my child

    @Gargamel Can we unban Catbert? the sites dead without her
  7. Smigger

    RFC vote on the name of my child

    This site is dead. I'm proposing a new name, graveyard farms.
  8. Smigger

    hello darkness My old friend, I've come to talk with you again.

    hello darkness My old friend, I've come to talk with you again.
  9. Smigger


    Don't be petty; we should give them a second chance.
  10. Smigger


    But we need users. Here's an idea. Make a containment thread; call it Catberts Kingdom or something like that.
  11. Smigger


    Don't make it perma if you are going to ban them do a week at most.
  12. Smigger


    How long is it?
  13. Smigger


    I think we should give Catbert a second chance. We can't ban our only users; that's what ruined Kiwifarms.
  14. Smigger

