Recent content by Vingle

  1. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    No, but this is the least hostile place. Funfact: People don't really like being at places where the hostility towards them is constant. He come off as like such a sperg. Not sure if he's like King Cobra haters that's literally can't comprehend that what they do makes them an asshole. Or he's...
  2. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    As a patient? Because he's certainly geriatric.
  3. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Holy fuck at Ken quoting me, he's so autistic that he doesn't understand an obvious joke
  4. Vingle

    What are you up to?

    My wi-fi has been down for since Sunday, because of a faulty power adapter. I haven't watched my daily otter videos, because I watched youtube in 144p to conserve mobile data. THE FAMINE IS OVER
  5. Vingle

    Reddit General

    Heres the situation. Nintendo has made the logo and most users agree that it should be the one, but janny is being weirdly bastant about keeping the aero fruitier-logo. The thing that makes it even more retarded, is the sub actually was made before NS2 was revealed. So it is basically the...
  6. Vingle

    What are you watching?

    Same archetype as Eugenia Cooney's mom, but reverse
  7. Vingle

    KF General

    Jocelyn was talking about how Reddit has begun to give warnings to people that upvote violent content. On MATI last week. He didn't say anything about how this is a direct action because of woketards going full retard like it's BLM again + the stock for Reddit is plummeting because of this. I...
  8. Vingle

    Reddit General

    Mod in the Nintendo Switch 2 sub went full retard about a minority disliking his fucking logo. And acting as if downvotes is violence.
  9. Vingle

    Reddit General

    Obvious thread because Reddit flourishes of pure concentrated autism.
  10. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    So true, humans are supposed to have free will. Blaming on muh mentality for being a shitty human being is peak NPC behaviour. At that point, you're less of a human than some animals. At least animals can be trained to not do certain things
  11. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    We heckin did it Reddit!
  12. Vingle

    What are you watching?

    The part about him not giving funding and seeing the governor of Maine in court. Just saw a comment about how "disgusting" it was of him to speak to her that way. Like, he is their boss. If you talked like that to every other boss, you would be fired. So him giving her a second chance is...
  13. Vingle

    What are you up to?

    Yea, UGG is either hate or love. It's that way with Versace too, so I'm used to the disapproval.
  14. Vingle

    What are you watching?

  15. Vingle

    What are you up to?

    It is 51-53 fahrenheit, I went in shorts and a sweater to the gym. Felt a little self conscious, because everybody else was dressed like it was late fall. Like shit, this is actual ideal summer temperature. Got these UGG branded, shoes/slippers? I got a little influenced by the UGG Goldenstar...