It took me probably 3 years to read the entirety of the Melinda thread because I hate how you fucks talk and your little shibboleths and your arrogance but it truly is just the most pathetic loser shit of all time and it just goes on and on and on. Joshua Moon who is probably 500 lbs at this point and has never gotten laid and mostly known for directing a child porn hub and making rape threats to women on a roblox forum for children at age 20 really did assemble you sorry pieces of shit as his personal army in retaliation for that lawsuit. Every page is dripping with so much smugness and sad lawyer roleplay, all because you were circling the wagons for some fetal alcohol incel who thinks child porn should be protected free speech.
Towards the ass-end of the thread a guy who was one of the virulently angry, prolific obsessives about this woman and her family and her finances and her past just up and accidentally kills himself. How beautifully comical is that? This raging slur-screaming little nothing was so stupid he took the wrong combo and it was over. His entire life was a total waste of submental sexism and racism directed at this lady who lives in a shack, preserved on the internet forever. And your response? "Oh he was funny, too bad." Hahahahahahahahahah!!!
It's so palpable you got off on causing a suicide, Melinda and her husband were a whipping post for every gross thought you've ever had about your own poverty or familial religious wingnuttery. I bet when Marshall shot himself you felt orgasmic glee like you did when your dad died, it's that starkly about you.
I'm delighted to know that so many guys who've ever fucked with my otherwise happy life is a literal basement creature that parents warn their kids about. Don't go up to that fat guy with the weird hair and the hollow eyes, Susie. Things that cannot touch any woman without paying money. I was right about all of them and then some and I'm excited to see how much you surpass all my assumptions and predictions.