
Melinda's gay ass woman beating loser suicidal dead husband never talked to me, but I pissed off Melinda so bad she printed out multiple posts from me and included them in her losing retard suit against Null.
So you did have an effect on their quality of life. You are now admitting it you evil dipshit.
You suck at concealing that you not only take pleasure in causing suffering to the point that a mentally ill man killed himself but you also relished that his kids were traumatized by it. You delighted in calling them dirty animals and you were glad you hurt them for Daddy Joshua who was incel raging about being sued for invading a woman's privacy for no reason, just like he got off doing when fatass was on the roblox forum. Every time you seek me out you're doing a little touchdown dance about it. I say this without exaggeration but you and the alcoholic hick retard and every shithead in that thread represents the worst of humanity to me. I genuinely hope he dies slow of cancer and I hope whatever freak you pulled out of some nihilistic "trolling" swamp that keeps you around after you describe all this to him with something between indifference and pride hacks you up into little pieces and flushes you down a toilet.
It took me probably 3 years to read the entirety of the Melinda thread because I hate how you fucks talk and your little shibboleths and your arrogance but it truly is just the most pathetic loser shit of all time and it just goes on and on and on. Joshua Moon who is probably 500 lbs at this point and has never gotten laid and mostly known for directing a child porn hub and making rape threats to women on a roblox forum for children at age 20 really did assemble you sorry pieces of shit as his personal army in retaliation for that lawsuit. Every page is dripping with so much smugness and sad lawyer roleplay, all because you were circling the wagons for some fetal alcohol incel who thinks child porn should be protected free speech.

Towards the ass-end of the thread a guy who was one of the virulently angry, prolific obsessives about this woman and her family and her finances and her past just up and accidentally kills himself. How beautifully comical is that? This raging slur-screaming little nothing was so stupid he took the wrong combo and it was over. His entire life was a total waste of submental sexism and racism directed at this lady who lives in a shack, preserved on the internet forever. And your response? "Oh he was funny, too bad." Hahahahahahahahahah!!!

It's so palpable you got off on causing a suicide, Melinda and her husband were a whipping post for every gross thought you've ever had about your own poverty or familial religious wingnuttery. I bet when Marshall shot himself you felt orgasmic glee like you did when your dad died, it's that starkly about you.

I'm delighted to know that so many guys who've ever fucked with my otherwise happy life is a literal basement creature that parents warn their kids about. Don't go up to that fat guy with the weird hair and the hollow eyes, Susie. Things that cannot touch any woman without paying money. I was right about all of them and then some and I'm excited to see how much you surpass all my assumptions and predictions.
I have never fucking seen someone this smug over killing a guy for a fat autistic pedophile. And not only that but you've convinced yourself you're superior to me for doing it. Bitch you are fucking CRAAAAAAZYYYY.
so there's me who probably definitely did* force a wife beater to shoot himself and there's you who would line up various members of the public and take pot-shots with an m80 because they made you mad online a lot. which one of our supposed targets are worse people
So you did have an effect on their quality of life. You are now admitting it you evil dipshit.
yeah I made Melinda super buttmad. that was kind of the point. why did you say I'd never interacted with her tho
You suck at concealing that you not only take pleasure in causing suffering to the point that a mentally ill man killed himself but you also relished that his kids were traumatized by it. You delighted in calling them dirty animals and you were glad you hurt them for Daddy Joshua who was incel raging about being sued for invading a woman's privacy for no reason, just like he got off doing when fatass was on the roblox forum. Every time you seek me out you're doing a little touchdown dance about it. I say this without exaggeration but you and the alcoholic hick retard and every shithead in that thread represents the worst of humanity to me. I genuinely hope he dies slow of cancer and I hope whatever freak you pulled out of some nihilistic "trolling" swamp that keeps you around after you describe all this to him with something between indifference and pride hacks you up into little pieces and flushes you down a toilet.

* scientists are still pondering this question

so there's me who probably definitely did* force a wife beater to shoot himself and there's you who would line up various members of the public and take pot-shots with an m80 because they made you mad online a lot. which one of our supposed targets are worse people

yeah I made Melinda super buttmad. that was kind of the point. why did you say I'd never interacted with her tho


* scientists are still pondering this question
Does your SO know your handle appeared in a lawsuit with joshua connor moon? Because when you search his name a bunch of shit about causing suicides and the cp sections of 8chan come up. If you tell them about that and they don't immediately leave then they are dysfunctional past the point of help and you're going to end up with your ass beat or part of a murder-suicide. Good. Go find a dick and spin on it psycho bitch.
Does your SO know your handle appeared in a lawsuit with joshua connor moon? Because when you search his name a bunch of shit about causing suicides and the cp sections of 8chan come up. If you tell them about that and they don't immediately leave then they are dysfunctional past the point of help and you're going to end up with your ass beat or part of a murder-suicide. Good. Go find a dick and spin on it psycho bitch.
why did you say I'd never talked directly to Melinda when my autistic slapfights with her were half the reason the thread ballooned
why did you say I'd never talked directly to Melinda when my autistic slapfights with her were half the reason the thread ballooned
You had never met her or her family and your knowledge of her was limited to you and the other mentally ills digging up obituaries and legal documents. You wouldn't have known her if she hadn't sued the fat pedophile at the center of kiwi farms. Is this question to distract from answering whether your SO knows you appear on a lawsuit directed at Joshua Moon? Because I don't think it's that difficult to parse "it's insane to invade the privacy of a total stranger that hasn't done anything to you personally to this extent". Maybe you're being genuine about not knowing what I meant, a lot of freaks from that shithole have either a learning disability or a substance abuse problem and I doubt you're any different.

It's interesting you're now taking full responsibility for what happened though.
Let me ask again, does your SO know that you appear on a lawsuit directed at Joshua Moon? Does he or she know that Josh has been blamed for multiple suicides or that he was proud of being in an administrator position of a notorious child porn website, which he has defended before as "free speech"?
Maybe you're being genuine about not knowing what I meant
a big sign of schizophrenia is believing you're speaking in simple English while the words you're actually producing are incoherent meaningless slop. just food for thought. might just be that you're a bad and autistic writer
It's interesting you're now taking full responsibility for what happened though.
yes, I take full responsibility for being retarded about Melinda. she ended up fine tho so I don't feel guilty about it
from answering whether your SO knows you appear
we've been busy bingewatching venture bros together sorry
we've been busy bingewatching venture bros together sorry
So your SO doesn't know that you appear in a lawsuit with the guy who ran this website?

for liking venture bros or dating someone who also does
You know what? I agree. I'm sure your suspiciously indifferent attitude towards child porn, associating with a child porn supplier so much that you bullied a person suing him to the point of suicide, will come up in one way or another. Then you get to know if he's also into little kids sexually and it goes from there.
Fuckface Wifebeater McGee wasn't suing him and his departure from humanity was a net positive, aside from the typically masculine way he did it wherein he had to make his not-wife and kids suffer
It's so fucking funny you're still at this after being like "yeah I was mentioned in a lawsuit with a notorious child pornographer so what" hahah

Josh is so notorious his wikipedia article TALKS ABOUT IT

How Null made his money was about a million times worse than whatever Marshall did. Marshall never made a safe space for child rapists to discuss their fantasies because he was too fat and stupid and evil to work a real job. Yet you never had a single nasty thing to say to Josh and in fact were deeply nice to him and respected the rules on his shitty forum. Whatever the reason for this discrepancy in your behavior is, it's sick and disgusting.

You and the other degenerates had one single police report that had happened 5 years prior about an altercation you were not there for. Melinda blamed you for the suicide and her kids missed him. You don't know anything about any of them, you had interactions with her on a forum, in text. You are a PSYCHO.
Hey you child lusting bitch retard show this to your boyfriend and get back with me. What does he say about it. I'm done with you until then.
see you tomorrow babycakes
Your boyfriend doesn't exist because you can't stop bragging about doing things that mentally normal people find either totally morally abhorrent or else neurotic. Nobody wants to be friends with the shit on kiwi farms but you did, because you are lonely, morally warped, pathetic and probably sexually criminal. I was fine with not interacting with you for the better part of the year and had basically assumed you were either living on the streets again or in prison for something. Beyond coaxing you to say insane, incriminating things you are one of the most boring and stupid humans I've ever come across and there's no reason to keep this going.
there's no reason to keep this going.
and yet you will continue to write fanfic about me, insistent that it somehow hurts me despite the fact that i keep coming back and obviously not taking you seriously. we're like a really big planet with toe fungus and its moon
and yet you will continue to write fanfic about me, insistent that it somehow hurts me despite the fact that i keep coming back and obviously not taking you seriously. we're like a really big planet with toe fungus and its moon
I've repeatedly told you that I don't think you have human emotions and therefore can't feel "bad" about your decisions or what you do to others, stupid. The best anyone can do is make you anxious about your future or ability to trick others. If your boyfriend exists and he isn't a complete nutcase like you he would leave if he knew the details of your interactions with Melinda's family or why you did it. Your relationship rests on either how insane he is or how long you can continue to make him think you aren't a cruel, hollow bitch who downplays the severity of things like child abuse.