
you were thinking about doing a hate crime against her?
i wasnt thinking about doing hate crimes against her i just disliked her because she was a company woman who refused to give any quarter on meaningless regulations
Trust me you're very stupid and very transparent so I know it doesn't last for long and not in any relationship with more depth than a working environment.
ok sure thats why ive been babysitting and catsitting for friends lately
The fact that both of you come to conclusions about your personal and sexual identity that are not approved by the heteronormative world?
Gender "identity" is not sexual orientation. Homosexual and bisexual people are mostly accepted in my experience. Gender dysphoric troons who identify as women (NOT transwomen) and pass as female had reasonable acceptance before the gender ideology people came along and hijacked the movement. These newcomers, representing 99% of all people who fly the tranny flag, almost all of which suffer no gender dysphoria whatsoever, are the cause of almost all transhate. Though many of these people are terrible and ugly, the people themselves aren't the reason I hate them. It's the dangerous ideology, the delusional thinking, the cult nature of the movement, and the targeting of vulnerable people, including children. There is no valid argument to be made in defense of these freaks.
I think it's great that for whatever genetic or environmental reason these people can have their lives improved through medical science,
The 99% of the troon cult decided that gender dysphoria was not a required element for trooning out. They say if you "identify" as a thing, you are that thing and you always were that thing and if anyone says otherwise, they're wrong and you're a victim. Most of them have autogynephilia, a number of them are pedophiles and narcissism has a very high representation among them. None of these freaks, nor their recruitment victims, are having their lives improved by trooning out. You can't fap to the thought of being female if you no longer have a cock. The social impact of inevitably cutting off all of your friends because they're not towing the tranny line is arguably almost as bad as the physical ramifications of trooning out, especially if you don't pass and let's be real, a majority of these people don't even come close to passing.

The other 1% are welcome to troon out as a treatment for legit gender dysphoria, and I think most reasonable people are okay with this regardless of how they feel about the other 99%. But if they're unlikely to pass, it might not be the best medical treatment for them. Schizophrenia drugs have been shown to treat gender dysphoria while remaining your birth gender in at least some people, but it seems this line of research is vastly overshadowed by the much more lucrative trooning out in the medical community.
and I think it's pretty sad that people who experience similar alienation can't sympathize with their experiences.
The alienation experienced by troons is completely different than the alienation experienced by gay men. You seem uneducated on what it's actually like to be gay, or trans for that matter.
i wasnt thinking about doing hate crimes against her i just disliked her because she was a company woman who refused to give any quarter on meaningless regulations
Which is why you went on a website that stalks, harasses, and swats transwomen to talk about how busted she is. Do you seriously think you look like the winner in these weird socially awkward arguments you initiate with me where I do nothing besides call you an insane pervert and talk about how you were named in a lawsuit with Joshua Moon?
Gender "identity" is not sexual orientation. Homosexual and bisexual people are mostly accepted in my experience. Gender dysphoric troons who identify as women (NOT transwomen) and pass as female had reasonable acceptance before the gender ideology people came along and hijacked the movement. These newcomers, representing 99% of all people who fly the tranny flag, almost all of which suffer no gender dysphoria whatsoever, are the cause of almost all transhate. Though many of these people are terrible and ugly, the people themselves aren't the reason I hate them. It's the dangerous ideology, the delusional thinking, the cult nature of the movement, and the targeting of vulnerable people, including children. There is no valid argument to be made in defense of these freaks.

The 99% of the troon cult decided that gender dysphoria was not a required element for trooning out. They say if you "identify" as a thing, you are that thing and you always were that thing and if anyone says otherwise, they're wrong and you're a victim. Most of them have autogynephilia, a number of them are pedophiles and narcissism has a very high representation among them. None of these freaks, nor their recruitment victims, are having their lives improved by trooning out. You can't fap to the thought of being female if you no longer have a cock. The social impact of inevitably cutting off all of your friends because they're not towing the tranny line is arguably almost as bad as the physical ramifications of trooning out, especially if you don't pass and let's be real, a majority of these people don't even come close to passing.

The other 1% are welcome to troon out as a treatment for legit gender dysphoria, and I think most reasonable people are okay with this regardless of how they feel about the other 99%. But if they're unlikely to pass, it might not be the best medical treatment for them. Schizophrenia drugs have been shown to treat gender dysphoria while remaining your birth gender in at least some people, but it seems this line of research is vastly overshadowed by the much more lucrative trooning out in the medical community.

The alienation experienced by troons is completely different than the alienation experienced by gay men. You seem uneducated on what it's actually like to be gay, or trans for that matter.
Do you know many gay people who believe this? This is just what insane rightwingers say about you.
Do you know many gay people who believe this? This is just what insane rightwingers say about you.
A few libshit gays disagree. They are completely blind to the dark side of trannydom and they view the issue essentially the same as how they view the illegal alien problem. Everybody must get everything always, regardless of law, logic, entitlement, or public consequence.

A majority of gay guys I know are politically neutral and agree with me.

The very few conservatarded gay men I have known reject troons altogether, without considering the nuance of gender dysphoria vs gender ideology. They struggle to make coherent arguments though, so I don't really know why they hate 100% of troons.
Do you seriously think you look like the winner in these weird socially awkward arguments you initiate with me
i dont care if i look like the winner to this nonexistent audience that agrees with you. the winning comes from me provoking yet another post out of you where you make up fanfic about me, and baby, im going on a years long streak
i dont care if i look like the winner to this nonexistent audience that agrees with you. the winning comes from me provoking yet another post out of you where you make up fanfic about me, and baby, im going on a years long streak
lol I never said I had an audience dumbfuck you seem to be the one who thinks everyone sympathizes with and loves your "awesome trolling skills" when you're just acknowkedging that you were part of a lawsuit with a pedophile and loved being on a forum that committed hate crimes against transwomen. I have a life and a husband and people who like my presence unlike you, I can practically hear your bitter wheezing and tryhard angry muttering that my hubbeh iz ghey. I know which of us is going to have someone giving a shit about them in old age and it ain't you.
A few libshit gays disagree. They are completely blind to the dark side of trannydom and they view the issue essentially the same as how they view the illegal alien problem. Everybody must get everything always, regardless of law, logic, entitlement, or public consequence.

A majority of gay guys I know are politically neutral and agree with me.

The very few conservatarded gay men I have known reject troons altogether, without considering the nuance of gender dysphoria vs gender ideology. They struggle to make coherent arguments though, so I don't really know why they hate 100% of troons.
Not really!
you seem to be the one who thinks everyone sympathizes with and loves your "awesome trolling skills"
ashley how many times do i have to say 'i don't care about anything except getting you riled up because of dumb internet slapfighting'. who is this 'everyone' i'm supposed to care about, the other 5 people on this forum? the only reason i'm here is because you're here and fat and angry. and also retarded
I have a life and a husband and people who like my presence unlike you
the more you say this the more it sounds like copium tbh
When the bpd demon starts with this the crushing reality and consequences of her unfixable personality problems and anti-social treatment of others is starting to crack her cool snarky bitch affect and she's starting to see the pathetic stupid future she's set up for herself. I'm glad you're worried and mad and I hope it hurts that I'll never be one of your victims :^)
When the bpd demon starts with this the crushing reality and consequences of her unfixable personality problems and anti-social treatment of others is starting to crack her cool snarky bitch affect and she's starting to see the pathetic stupid future she's set up for herself.
can I get a comma? for $500 can I get a comma
I'm glad you're worried and mad
I am mad tbh. Themself is off working on a mf Tuesday night when this was supposed to be our fourth night of cartoon binge. you got me. my secret is exposed
is there any real proof @register is now, as she claims, not overweight (fat)? if so, i will retract my previous fat jokes posthaste and recite 3 nicene creeds if necessary
No. There's no proof whatsoever. Kiwi farms trash has this collective delusion they're entitled to every detail of everyones' personal life for purposes of abuse. I assume you are way past the age where your tween insecurities should be pushing you into these protracted bullying campaigns so that signals something has gone horribly wrong in your life and you should take care of it before you end up like a josh and/or a ken.
If you really lost weight I think you'd post it to debunk people's fat jokes.
Show me when I've ever indicated that specifically bothered me. I've denied it maybe twice. What bothers me is that these are omega losers who have fixated on me and my personal life for years. I would be glad they aren't attracted to me because they're disgusting shutin nerds, but the opposite seems to be true since they can't stop thinking about me or talking about me. The fattest ugliest psycho that's the cherry on top is literally a 65 year old man who couldn't get his dick touched without a cash transaction.

Why do you fixate so much on what loser men think of physical attractiveness and why do you buzz around guys who are like this? Are you a "bpd blimp" in their nomenclature who thinks her personality and interior intellectual life aren't enough? Because I respect myself, thanks.
The only reason I'm even checking up on that sideshow is how fascinating it is that they don't understand they're a collective joke when their ogre-like ringleader has openly bragged that he pays for sex. Then another one bragged his dad paid for hookers. I mean lmao what do you even say to that. There's no coming back from that piggies, grunt and squeal in my thread as much as you want I know what you are.
Show me when I've ever indicated that specifically bothered me.
that's why he thinks you're still fat