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  1. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    Ash in her Nazi arc. Slay queen!
  2. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    Poor little sneks, being abused that way. Ken is actually pretty outspoken in disagreeing when he sees a non-politically correct opinion on his site. He just doesn't janny it, which is a positive thing about him. I think he's an old school progressive. Based SWERF.
  3. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    I like her bridge piercing and elf ears. At least he would consensually degrade her. She has an unfortunately larger nose and small lips. That can make you look more masculine.
  4. Refrigerated Embaby

    Are you a tankie?

    I agree with this. Do they really not outsource or exploit their labor though?
  5. Refrigerated Embaby

    Are you a tankie?

    Proud of you for admitting it, Miss Marxism.
  6. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    I think Vingle just didn't know loli meant sexualized drawings of kids because too many fags call anything with kids in anime "lolis". For example: Chibiusa from Sailor Moon and Kanna from Dragon Maid are called lolis even though their characters are completely non-sexual. Kiwi Farms is very...
  7. Refrigerated Embaby


    Hamas are still terrorists that I hate and anyone who ever voted for them should be kicked out of Western countries.
  8. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    Why should I be expected to be up to date with whoever Plodwinson is to read his posts? I don't even know who that is unless it's PPP.
  9. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    Nektar calls Rekieta Risotto for some reason. No wonder why his posts are so hard to read. It's not even just the Britishisms. He makes up random nicknames on the spot and just expects readers to know what he means.
  10. Refrigerated Embaby

    Are you a tankie?

    No, I am racial separatist market socialist. It's much better than @register's beliefs.
  11. Refrigerated Embaby

    You should join a socialist gun club. Just don't actually shoot anybody.

    You should join a socialist gun club. Just don't actually shoot anybody.
  12. Refrigerated Embaby


    Those are all right wing 4chin myths from places like Kiwi Farms. Borderline is a treatable condition with therapy and may not "go away" but can remit. It's not really like being a sociopath other than those are both under Cluster B disorders. Many people with borderline have childhood trauma...
  13. Refrigerated Embaby


    How are you progressive when you use BPD as an insult, call people a racial slur for Jewish, insult people for being fat despite being overweight yourself etc. You've probably called black people the n word too.
  14. Refrigerated Embaby


    What did she mean by this?
  15. Refrigerated Embaby


    Acne is a medical condition, it's not caused by poor hygiene.
  16. Refrigerated Embaby


    I think Ash should have her own thread maybe, this isn't even about Onion Farms anymore. Just Ashley's autism. I knew they could because of Jason Unruhe, although he's Canadian.
  17. Refrigerated Embaby


    You shouldn't call someone a hick coming from Tennessee y'all.
  18. Refrigerated Embaby


    That's true. I am aware of the existence of Palestinian Christians but they're only 3 percent of the population or less, depending on the area. They're an religious minority not representative of the average Palestinian. Look, there's decent Muslims I'm sure and I will be happy to appreciate...
  19. Refrigerated Embaby


    Because communism is secular. They don't like that. They're not going to care unless communists become a strong force on the world stage that they can ally with. Progressive in what sense? Jihad and progressiveness don't get along.