Search results

  1. Gargamel

    Are you a boy or a girl?

    In American English there is a double standard. Especially among non-gay men, girls are any age, but boys are usually (not always) young. I think it's retarded and partly due to gays and pedophilia being wrongly associated.
  2. Gargamel

    "I Didn't Know She Will Die" Wife Set Ablaze For Alleged Infidelity

    That's really sad. I hope they get this guy.
  3. Gargamel

    Are you a boy or a girl?

    boy and girl to me mean male and female.
  4. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0 Little w white people and big B black people, seriously? Either colors are proper nouns, or they're not. Pick one. The right answer, of course, is that they're not proper. Can't wait to check back next week...
  5. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    The Featured section has been replaced with an external link: Where does it go? of course! Wait what? That's not the Elk Arte Simple Machines forum nobody cares about! It's a wiki, and not just any wiki, but a Dokuwiki, the worst kind of wiki. All the links, of course, lead...
  6. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    I know I'm late to the party here, but why don't you shut the fuck up, Ken? The best thing you can do when dealing with crazy people is to avoid them at all costs. By responding, you're making trouble for yourself. You are perpetuating the problem. There are better ways to deal with this kind...
  7. Gargamel

    Are you a boy or a girl?

    Sometimes I struggle to work it out from context and it gets confusing.
  8. Gargamel


    Sounds counterproductive to give your dox to a data broker for the purposes of removing your dox from data broker databases.
  9. Gargamel

    Elaine Miller / Trollcow / Z3R0xxo

    Can you please explain this for people who aren't in the know on toilet pedo shit?
  10. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    Those are all scams though.
  11. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    On a site with Jewish ownership, no less!
  12. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    Besides furries.
  13. Gargamel

    Random Funny Pictures

    The world's first ever anal birth, as it were.
  14. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    Catgirls outside of anime.
  15. Gargamel

    favor to noodle instant?

    I don't eat ramen noodles because they make my tummy hurt.
  16. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    Most likely stolen valor.
  17. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    On the topic of furries and catgirls: (content, archive) The fursuiters in the top picture aren't doing anything sexual. There is nothing inherently sexual about fursuits. The catgirls in the bottom picture are 100% meant to elicit sexual feelings. They are the closest you can legally get to...
  18. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    Only the desperate pay for sex.