Ken was known to be as retarded in 2021 as he is now. Even pedophiles won't tolerate him long term.
He still doesn't know what a lolcow is.
There is absolutely no reason for a node name to be longer than 50 characters. The limit is there for good reason.
He thought he was famous on reddit 🤣...
As far as I can tell, it was Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt.
Here's an interesting exchange between Ken and Josh:
Josh, owner of harassment site Kiwi Farms, doesn't like being harassed 🤣
Today user Ryobi was banned from Onion Farms, seemingly for asking a simple question kiwifails should reasonably know the answer to:
(content, archive)
Ryobi wasn't asking why kiwifails hadn't completed the extremely simple task of adding a new sticker, he was merely asking why it hasn't been...
The Great Ashley Forum is a new forum dedicated to discussing the various Ashleys of the world. In other words, he's trying to create plausible deniability for when somebody questions him about Ashley and his harassment of her.
The Original Ashley Forum is the Ashley forum we all know so well...
Josh thinks he's not evil like CEOs:
Josh, who, as the sole person in charge at Lolcow LLC, does everything he thinks he can get away with to squeeze money out of his users, claims he'd do things differently if money was his goal.
HBIC kiwifails judging my brooming:
Has broom, still can't figure out how to follow Ken's rules.
Well known enemy of the lulz AHF will derail threads with his unfunny shit, whether you like it or not!
Here he's moralfagging about the long term health of his sworn enemy, on a lolcow site...
The Marine Corps comes to mind, but then I don't think he'd even survive that.
As for his most likely MOS I'm going with custodian, because he sure loves sucking up to janitors.
Trans Hathaway Fan officially hates gimmick accounts:
These guys hate everything, even fun stuff. How sad.
Is kiwifails trying to tell us he's secretly a tranny?
Also, she looks kinda young. And by that I mean really young.