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  1. Vingle

    Bluesky, the Twitter clone for troons and wokies only

    They are literally this pic, and all the twansphobia is all an delusion.
  2. Vingle

    Bluesky, the Twitter clone for troons and wokies only

    The choice of using the word "transness" proves that this is a fetish. I want to write KYS faggot, but he will do it eventually anyway.
  3. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    I know what you mean. In all of humans history, it clearly shows that’s diverse society hasn't worked out. I hear from time to time that it's important to learn history, so we don't repeat the same mistakes made in the past. The part about not mixing other races into societies is something...
  4. Vingle

    OF vs KF

    OF. Even if I don't like Jocelyn, I'd still tune in to MATI and the game streams. Ken doesn't do shit and couldn't be funny even if he tried.
  5. Vingle

    Kiwi Farms Secret Santa

    From the recent coomer leaks, I'd imagine a lot of Bad Dragon dildos and fucksleeves.
  6. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Ken is really desperate to pedoshield Pedofails, to the point of straight up lying about me.
  7. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Yea, I don't think that EG really thinks. She was somewhat delusional before, but the malnutrition has rendered her brain mostly useless now. I don't think she can be saved if she suddenly decided to get healthy, and I imagine she would panic and get a bad case of death anxiety if she were to...
  8. Vingle

    OF General 1.0
  9. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Being accused of being straight, makes me look back a the time when the Eugenia Cooney A-logs accused me of jerking it to deathly thin women. Because I don't have a biiig hatred for her. Nektar goes full retard, and I find it suspicious how he knows of obscure CP.
  10. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    And somehow I'm in the wrong for trying my luck on someone that's confirmed 18. It's kind of weird how Pedofails have such a hateboner for me, it there anyone else he turns this feral about?
  11. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    The cropped pic actually creeps me the fuck out. I dunno what they have edited, but a wild guess. They have edited it to make her face look more chubby, like a kid. Otherwise, her face looks weird af. I dunno, I think he mentioned something about you being pro-wax. But I must admit I didn't...
  12. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Hurray, we got another one to convert because of Ken and Pedofails! Btw, I dunno what he did with the milf & loli comment, because I got concerned my KF account got hacked and logged in to check. Nothing I haven't written there, so photoshop?
  13. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Hoping he would have the decency to have proof to his claims, would be to disappoint yourself. Ouch, he's really desperate to get at me.
  14. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    He is absolutely seething. One clap-back from me and his new larp as calm and not retarded is cracked.
  15. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Are CF pedoshielding Pedofails too?
  16. Vingle

    KF moderators and Staff

    When I first joined KF, Pineapple Fox did negrate all my posts. I dunno what I did, but even then I understood she wanted me to go apeshit over reddit updoots.
  17. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    What is the memo though? But the irony of Kiwifails to speak up, as if he isn't just like Kan.
  18. Vingle

    The body parts of Daniel Lopez [Dan general discussion + Daniel's blog]

    I mean, treating a speech impediment as a cultural thing is hilarious. But niggers do think making funny noises are their culture too
  19. Vingle

    The body parts of Daniel Lopez [Dan general discussion + Daniel's blog]

    I always thought people from Texas using terms like ya'll and folk sounded retarded, even before the woketards began using it. Hopefully it will make the normal people stop using them, eventually. I pray for your healing.