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  1. Vingle

    The body parts of Daniel Lopez [Dan general discussion + Daniel's blog]

    I completely believe the alogs are the sole reason for his downfall. He even had a job, and the social aspect of that is important as fuck to keep you normal. As the workplace is unfortunately the most important area for regular socialising nowadays.
  2. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Pretty sure porn and gore is posted on OF.
  3. Vingle

    The body parts of Daniel Lopez [Dan general discussion + Daniel's blog]

    It's the predditors that fuck with Cobes and not KF or OF or us. KF makes fun of preddiors that treat him like worse than Satan himself. He's a harmless retard that's mildly amusing at best.
  4. Vingle

    AI Slop

    People that give a big emphasis on how little they care, do in fact care. If they didn't care, they wouldn't even write anything in the first place. Just say you’re sorry, even if you don't mean it. You will probably get some friends after that.
  5. Vingle

    Kamala Harris went on a murder spree and ate 17 babies

    If all of those are all niggers, why not? It might help with the ghettos.
  6. Vingle

    Feature requests, suggestions, and shit like this

    How are these meant to be used?
  7. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    I don't know wtf he's talking about, if he even had a small chance at being right. This really isn't proof of any sort.
  8. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    It just means that he won't be friends with you, not that he's leaving. I'm sure you're sad, but there's no need to be dramatic about it.
  9. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    About Pedofails accussing me of liking lolicon, because I watch Rev says desu for news. He is essentially admitting to that he thinks people can't be around children (and lolicon), without feeling a sexual desire aka himself. People in daycare aren't pedophiles, even some are. But far from the...
  10. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Ah, the good ol' challenging their views. The fact that he says he won't janny a forum that wants him, does say a lot about him as a person. He probably meant it ironic, but comes off as more self-revealing.
  11. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    What do Nektar have against Gargamel?
  12. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Let's say the girl in the pic is actually 18, it doesn't make it okay. Because it's appealing to pedos. It's the whole "But senpai, she's a 1000 year old dragon" when it comes to loli-defenders. He's cooming to something that's trying to look like a child, and it's gross. Even without the...
  13. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    It's okay, I didn't mean to be aggressive about it. It were just so shocking. Edit to @mtil: I know you want me to flip out because of you "trolling" me, but it honestly just sounds like you want to see my ass. I got conflicted feelings about this.
  14. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    WTF @Gargamel, I'm not a furry. Pedofails is lying about that. I did send pics to the Russian twink yes, but that's after the fact it was revealed he was 18. And he literally asked for it, it is even proof of that in the leaked DM pics. I like my plushies because they are cute/creepy. It really...
  15. Vingle

    What are you watching?

  16. Vingle

    What are you up to?

    Came home from working out, ended up pissing off an elderly faggot sexpest on a local SoMe for fags. Sleazy retards that think it's fun to hit on me, really don't like it when I don't tolerate that shit. He even blamed me for literally asking for it. God, I love trolling fags.
  17. Vingle

    Uncle Betelgeuse's meme-porium

  18. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    With how hard Ken is pedoshielding, there's no doubt he is at least someone that sympathise with pedos. Even if he does not directly harm children, his viewpoint does indirectly harm them. In my opinion, it is just as bad as being a pedo itself. I'm not going to do anything myself, but I will...
  19. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Imagine the crusty keyboard, the keys you have to push with extra force and it probably smells too.
  20. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Literally all of the qualities he claims is bad, is something he has done and continue to do. It's actually shocking how little self reflection Pedofails has.