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  1. Kanabō

    Some of the Worst Video Game's you've ever played?

    I used to like metal gear in highschool and at one point my brain got fed up with the awful writing and the stupid idea of giving the player tons of weapons they end up never using because the tranq gun is almost always the superior option. 4 completely killed any interest I had in that series...
  2. Kanabō

    Null's Simping Levels Are Over 9000

    I know the rumor is Null and Lidl are one and the same, but shit like this is why I think Lidl is nulls girlfriend and she's got him by the shriveled vestigial balls. His abrupt Male Feminist arc reminds me of all the dudes who become their girlfriends and vice versa
  3. Kanabō


    What is ABDL?
  4. Kanabō


    I'm cool with spoilering nudity, I get not everyone is cool with seeing random body parts and I'd rather put in a little extra work to spoiler than drive away potential new users. I'll pop back in and read the rest in a couple hours and give any thoughts I might have. Bang up work Gargamel and...
  5. Kanabō

    What do you think of short hair on women?

    Yeah shaved heads on women rarely look good, it's kind of the line in the sand for shortness
  6. Kanabō

    Deranged Femoids of the KF Posting Archive and Discussion

    Good God I weep for the English Language she defiled then murdered in that post. She seems to be pissing off a lot of older users, which doesn't surprise me. Bitch acts like she owns the place because she's tight with Didl. About the only thing about her that is tight tbh.
  7. Kanabō

    Null's Simping Levels Are Over 9000

    In a year where he has already removed 2 key features of his site and altered many more, this might be the dumbest thing possible. He really wants that sharty audience to offset the amount of users he is hemorrhaging from bans and infighting.
  8. Kanabō

    Null's Simping Levels Are Over 9000

    Good point, most people can become what they set for themselves, null just cries online all day about people fighting on a forum notorious for mocking people online
  9. Kanabō

    Null's Simping Levels Are Over 9000

    I'm amazed he can't seem to get over the fact that: SPENT MOST OF LIFE ON INTERNET ≠ Trad
  10. Kanabō

    What do you think of short hair on women?

    I'm a big fan myself. I think it's because it was popular with women when I was a little club
  11. Kanabō

    What makes this the best forum ever?

    Oh my god... can we get a friendly merchant Gargamel sticker? That would be the best thing to post whenever he mods
  12. Kanabō

    Null's Simping Levels Are Over 9000

    His biological clock is ticking I guess, can you have a midlife crisis at 32?
  13. Kanabō

    Null's Simping Levels Are Over 9000

    Welcome aboard queen Thanks for the hearty laugh at Jocelyn's expense
  14. Kanabō

    What makes this the best forum ever?

    Uh oh I drew the attention of @Jimmy Potter boys and girls we've got our Resident sticker sperg. James no one here gives a fuck about our scores, Gargs could make mine 911 to remind me of that tragedy forever or 6,000,000 so I would never forget and I still would forget I had a score to begin with.
  15. Kanabō

    The name of my child

    Jokes on you I'm employed full time. Ha Gottem.
  16. Kanabō

    NSFW Megathread

    To Christen this thread of massive mammary excellence have some more of one of our saints: Natasha Legeyda @Catbert this one's for you homie
  17. Kanabō

    What makes this the best forum ever?

    What no love for Uncle Kanabō's boobie thread? oh! now that's a thread title....
  18. Kanabō

    I've tried to make something unique and put a bit of polish on it

    Hey Gargs feel free to delete any of my dumbass threads that hang around as a ghost town for too long, it probably better to remove clutter and I won't take it personally at all.
  19. Kanabō

    Meowsolini's avatar is the cutest thing

    I can't believe we fought back those Krauts for this modern era. Makes my stomach turn
  20. Kanabō

    Some of the Worst Video Game's you've ever played?

    That sounds fucking miserable. Also whenever I see "would you like to play with Gyroscope controls?" My primal instinct is "would you like to gargle my balls?"