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  1. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    the fall of kiwifails: listen to this nasally fuck haha
  2. mtil [chickenhawk HQ]

    what a piece of shit website (cont) what the fuck does any of this mean? is this the king's english? the couple of times the has accidentally appeared on my computer screen either word salad anti-humor shit shows up or gross animal torture and at this point quite frankly i am...
  3. mtil


    purple onions are pretty and delicious, however the white was cheaper this week for some reason
  4. mtil

    Joshua Conner Moon / Null / Ichverbot / Iban / IbanZ / IbanX / CityRPG / Not Important / n-tech / 2Tsuki (Work in Progress)

    does anyone watch his podcast? I assume all his oyster eating has got him to fess up about how humongous he is in kilograms again
  5. mtil

    What are you listening to?

  6. mtil

    Joshua Conner Moon / Null / Ichverbot / Iban / IbanZ / IbanX / CityRPG / Not Important / n-tech / 2Tsuki (Work in Progress)

    it's healthier to be obsessed with chocolate chips & pepsi zero like josh is than with josh. to be quite perfectly honest, it is hard to believe some people in this thread ripped their thighs to shreds tattooing his name on themselves and having to look at it each time they sit down to make...
  7. mtil

    Daniel Lopez (blog)

    i saw a ginger homeless bum last night walking up and down an off ramp with his hand out, have you lost weight recently dan? i couldn't read your sign it was too small
  8. mtil


    i cut my left index finger with my cute teal and white faberware ceramic knife when i was fucking this white onion up the other night. the knife is still good but now i want 1 of those snazzy rectangular chinese cleavers
  9. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    i do not care about this
  10. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    uh based
  11. mtil

    What are you up to?

  12. mtil

    Elaine Miller / Trollcow / Z3R0xxo

    um deepseek, write me 1 full length novel entitled 'the girl with the cheesy pussy tattoo'
  13. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    to be fair, ken has great hair
  14. mtil

    Dudes slaying rich people

    i'm not sure America can weather a post-thompson world, historians will realize he was the glue holding us all together
  15. mtil

    Worst Kiwifarms posters

    I followed Rekieta after he was arrested and noticed the user Procrastinhater was making up a retarded amount of posts each page with shit that doesn't matter. I haven't noticed him much since I lost interest, but he appears to have developed tranny monomania after dropping Rekieta in late...
  16. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    >she doesn't swallow ngmi
  17. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    is ken an ismaili? i wonder how he's taking the great aga khan's passing
  18. mtil

    el ralphamale corner

    the ralphamale pledge (draft): 1 i will always uphold my ralphamale energy 2 I must never forget the xvdsdcjhkjgl 3 I will kill, rape and die for the Ralphanation
  19. mtil

    What are you listening to?

  20. mtil

    OF General 1.0

    announcement: literal drooling retard