Search results

  1. Kanabō

    Games so nice you've played them more than twice!

    This is a thread for posting some of your favorite games and recommending them to others! Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne One of the few JRPGs I've ever completed, put the game on hard and enjoy a punishing battle system that doesn't rely on unfair tricks to win. Great story and really cool...
  2. Kanabō

    Firearms: the thread!

    Discuss firearms here. Do try to keep identifying powerleveling to a minimum as the ATF/FBI/CIA are a bunch of massive nigger faggots. Got a few Glocks a couple months ago but I've been so busy I haven't been able to go out and practice more than once. I know people aren't huge fans of Glock...
  3. Kanabō

    What do you think of short hair on women?

    I'm a big fan myself. I think it's because it was popular with women when I was a little club
  4. Kanabō

    I'm the only one online right now

    I think I'll throw a party while the mods are out... Don't tell em
  5. Kanabō

    Concord? Concorde? Choncord?

    DOA hero shooter with some of the ugliest most unlikeable character designs I've ever seen. Basically a DEI obsessed dollar store Guardians of the Galaxy. Anyone here have the misfortune to watch any of this garbages' trailers?
  6. Kanabō

    Post some of your Interests!

    List some of your interests so users can start making threads with ideas from this thread. I'll start since I made the damn thread. Some of my interests are: Old Muscle Cars and vehicle maintenance and customization Firearms Dogs and Animals Boobs* Already made a thread Quality tools Exercise...
  7. Kanabō

    Some of the Worst Video Game's you've ever played?

    What's some of the worst video games you've ever played? It could be due to subjective or objective reasons, sometimes you just hate something regardless of its quality. But let us all hear about it here! For me I gotta go with Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z It's fuck ugly, the gameplay sucks, the...
  8. Kanabō

    NSFW Megathread

    You love em I love em so post the most perfect things in existence. Boobs! Spoiler any full nippled images for the boys and girls stupid enough to scroll this thread at work.
  9. Kanabō

    Pictures that make you titter

    Post pictures that make you laugh
  10. Kanabō

    What has Gargy done with your Foreskin?

    I heard he traded mine in for a couple shekels...