
I'm sorry the people you chose to associate with are like you all shut-in retards with mental problems and that you're pathologically unable to find anything comical in the insane retarded things they do and say constantly.
no, the thing is i just dont wanna fuck karl as bad as you so i dont hang on every single word he says. i do in fact keep a ledger of the dumbass things the friends and coworkers in my life say, as they do of my dumbass things, we over here in normal people land call that "inside jokes". it's a lot different than whatever's going on in your brain
Yeah that would take having an IQ above 80.
Slur Tourette's means you have an iq above 80?
I believe the order would be Marxist-Leninist-Maoist because it's chronological.
She doesn't know what NATO is either so that was a treat during the ukraine war. She's a hilariously low functioning shitlib that wants to loudly announce all the things in the world she finds agreeable or doesn't (ukraine gud, 300,000 dead palestinians bad) but knowing why anything is happening or wanting to destroy the system that caused any of those things is so far beyond her imagination or intellect level that it's either "autistic" or scary and needs to be barked at. It reminds me of her retarded Trump voting friends believing if they yell how there's only two genders loud enough all the clinics and doctors and research that say otherwise will burst into flame.

Her never abandoning this gay argument with me and following me around to embarrass herself is made funnier by the fact one of us has a poli sci degree.
She doesn't know what NATO is either so that was a treat during the ukraine war. She's a hilariously low functioning shitlib that wants to loudly announce all the things in the world she finds agreeable or doesn't (ukraine gud, 300,000 dead palestinians bad) but knowing why anything is happening or wanting to destroy the system that caused any of those things is so far beyond her imagination or intellect level that it's either "autistic" or scary and needs to be barked at. It reminds me of her retarded Trump voting friends believing if they yell how there's only two genders loud enough all the clinics and doctors and research that say otherwise will burst into flame.

Her never abandoning this gay argument with me and following me around to embarrass herself is made funnier by the fact one of us has a poli sci degree.
the poli sci degree would be interesting if you'd managed to actually use it tbh. at this point it weighs about as much as gender studies from Phoenix University
the poli sci degree would be interesting if you'd managed to actually use it tbh. at this point it weighs about as much as gender studies from Phoenix University
That's nice. In the what, 5 years you've been doing this you still don't have any sort of education, still no significant other, you seem to have no interest in anything besides stagnating and being an annoying bit of white noise on the computer.

Tbh marxism and revolutionary movements are just something I like talking about with smarter people for fun, the reason I bring it up so much with you and your racist moron friends is because it triggers you.
In the what, 5 years you've been doing this you still don't have any sort of education
yeah I don't have crippling student loans to worry about, you got me
still no significant other
Tbh marxism and revolutionary movements are just something I like talking about with smarter people for fun
ah, you looked at yourself from the outside and realized it was cringe to be a Marxist, didn't you
ah, you looked at yourself from the outside and realized it was cringe to be a Marxist, didn't you
No I'm very much a marxist because it mostly just means knowing enough about capitalism to know it always overextends itself and behaves as if resources and exploitable labor are infinite, inevitably encounters a massive crisis and then shits the bed and horrible things happen. It happened last century in Europe and it will happen again, and will continue to happen on a loop until everyone dies in a huge war or class society is abolished. You have been at this 5 years and I've told you this before and you're still too hopelessly stupid to understand a basic definition. Even if you paid for college your brain is so fried from years of hanging out with racist lunatics and huffing duster while jilling off to marvel characters you wouldn't be able to retain anything.
Vaids can you name any reasons why Canada shouldn't trade you for a Nigerian doctor? Or maybe even just some Mexican guy who's good at skilled labor? It seems like a lot of non-white people have way more to offer society than you do. Can you justify your value to a white country, as a libertarian segregationist or whatever?
remember that one time you tried to tell me you were POC-adjacent because you're black Dutch descendant
Yeah that's accurate, my grandma got picked on using antiquated racist terms that aren't in use anymore. A lot of people in my family are darker because we're a melungeon type of race mixture, my dads family was just german though. No clue why you remembered this or brought it up but as I've established you're very stupid and don't have any other events to worry about in your life.
Yeah that's accurate, my grandma got picked on using antiquated racist terms that aren't in use anymore. A lot of people in my family are darker because we're a melungeon type of race mixture, my dads family was just german though. No clue why you remembered this or brought it up but as I've established you're very stupid and don't have any other events to worry about in your life.
sorry about your grandma but i dont think she wouldve really approved of your white ass using her suffering as a gotcha point on a niche autism forum. maybe she was based like that idk
Vaids can you name any reasons why Canada shouldn't trade you for a Nigerian doctor? Or maybe even just some Mexican guy who's good at skilled labor? It seems like a lot of non-white people have way more to offer society than you do. Can you justify your value to a white country, as a libertarian segregationist or whatever?
Because immigration is bad for the underclass of society, whether they be white, black or native. It's not just white "racists" who know this.
remember that one time you tried to tell me you were POC-adjacent because you're black Dutch descendant
I guess I'm native then because I have like 3 percent native blood.
that was pretty basic English. I can't dumb it down any more without talking to you in goo goo ga ga baby speak
I'm glad you're hinting that you have a partner, the poor naive idiot now has all the fun of figuring out you're a sucking black hole of petty guiltless cruelty who did things like camp on an infamous stalking website and harassed a mentally ill woman and insulted her children until her husband literally shot himself in the head.

And that's just part of the stuff I know about you.
I'm glad you're hinting that you have a partner, the poor naive idiot now has all the fun of figuring out you're a sucking black hole of petty guiltless cruelty who did things like camp on an infamous stalking website and harassed a mentally ill woman and insulted her children until her husband literally shot himself in the head.

And that's just part of the stuff I know about you.
I still maintain you're just jealous I apparently have suicide ray skills in your mental delusion of me