Here's a few of my thoughts regarding the lack of uptake of Lounge 96:
Stiction: People don't want to change. They don't want to make the jump from OF because it's more effort than simply staying on OF.
Shit lovers: They like OF and will defend Kengle and his antics to the bitter end. These people also exist on KF.
Boredom: There's not a lot going on here, so why bother/keep coming back? Actually, there are a lot of people lurking here as guests and most registered users pop in at least every once in a while. I can understand why this place isn't appealing though.
Lack of audience: The active userbase isn't yet big and diverse enough to support intelligent conversation of non-lolcow topics, unlike KF. OF also suffers from this problem, which is why the majority of posts are either infighting, or centered around KF and Josh.
Problematic people are banned: There are a few users who represent a significant part of OF's forum activity, and without them OF might be even more dead then we are. They make it look lively in the same way that leaving a television turned on in your house while you're on vacation makes it look like somebody is home. I see these problematic people as cencer and detrimental to the forum's wellbeing. But by banning them we might have suffered some reputational damage due to them running back to OF, telling a bunch of lies and successfully playing the victim.
This isn't a hugbox: Some people don't want to be here because I won't block huge swaths of potential users just because these snowflakes don't like them, and some of these same people are very alarmist about problems that don't yet exist and may very well never exist.
Retards talk shit about us: There are a few butthurt individuals who will say things about this forum that aren't true, or that are designed to get people to pass us up. A lot of people aren't going to take the time to see if the retards are telling the truth or not.
We are unknown: If people don't know this forum exists, they'll obviously not come here. I don't really have a good way of bringing this to more peoples' attention. I personally don't have it in me to sock up and effortpost on KF long enough to get out of probation, and I've noticed that a lot of the better kiwis, at least the ones I remember from about a year ago, aren't there anymore or have moved on.
Lolcows are old news: We're well past peak lolcow, but this site doesn't really offer something else of interest. I've seen a few different sites that supposedly grew out of KF (maybe I got this wrong), that focus on their own thing, like anime, vtubers, or specific lolcows like DSP.
I'm a Jew: Some people don't want to use a forum run by a Jew, a homosexual, a (former) furry, somebody who disagrees with them, whatever. I can't please everybody.
The Onion hasn't yet been sunset: If OF ceased to exist, we'd become the new OF overnight. However I'm not convinced it would impact our numbers significantly because the spammers who are largely responsible for OF's daily post count aren't welcome here because they're problematic retards.
Josh is well-supported: A lot of people are brainwashed into thinking that Josh is the lord and savior of the Internet, that he can do no wrong, and that KF is the only place they can safely freeze their peaches. Certainly if KF went away we'd be in a good position to fill the void, assuming enough people knew we existed. However some of these people would have their heads so far up their ass that they'd never accept anybody other than Josh as their leader.