Documenting and reviewing screenshots from the Kiwi Farms' Elon Reeve Musk "Lolcow" thread.
Reddit Farms is heckin' based, redpilled, and anti-troon. Except in political "lolcow" threads, where suddenly they're hard left Onion Farms-tier Kamala-supporting closet Democrats. They'll even respect trans pronouns. Figure that one out. Is it contrarianism, is it autism, is it stupidity or is it hypocrisy; or is it all four?
Vivian is Elon Musk's trans ex-son, who made an ABSOLUTE POWER MOVE by roasting his dad on Threads and Twitter! Empowered! Kiwi Farms says trans rights!
Oh yeah and Elon Musk is apparently a secret leftist plant working against MAGA and Trump, by the way. In case you're not tired of mental gymnastics yet.
"shut the fuck up." Heckin' based, LolcowTM funneh commentary btw. Totally not mad, totally not cringe A-Logging like 90% of the other posts on this website. It's just a funny joke gais. I gotta say though; these posters are a bit funny, in the "laughing at them, not with them" sense. Maybe the real lolcows were the friends you made along the way.
(Big shoutout to Google Recaptcha for making hell to use. If you know what I'm talking about, then you know.)