Lounge 96 political survey


Well-known member
Since there has been so much political talk lately, on both Kiwi Farms and its splinters; or "politisperging", as some people *cough leftist communists cough* like to call it. I suggest doing a sort of political survey. It might be informative and interesting, and help put things in context.

You can use a political quiz, such as:
I suggest the first one (Political Compass), only because it will place your current position conveniently on the well-known square map. But the other ones might be slightly more accurate and specific. It's really up to your preference.

If you want to do one of the other ones besides the political compass, I would suggest 8values or the short version of 9axes. Prism is technically the most up to date one, but is quite complex.

I'll start with my result:
Political Compass.webp
I want to say that I think the way the political compass survey works is a bit fucked. I honestly did not expect to be marked that close to a centrist. Also the way they placed dots for both Trump and Kamala near the top far right in their election map is frankly idiotic.

Or maybe I just don't understand the 5D alternate universe that these people (liberals and SJWs) live in, and its logic.
Political Compass says I'm a conservative libertardian :unsure:
Most libertarians don't believe in things like hard borders or tariffs, or restrictions on trade or immigration in general, so that makes sense.

I don't really see a problem with slapping tariffs on a hostile country, tbh. That's less severe than what the left does, of completely embargoing trade with "sanctions". Just slap a 1000% tariff on imports from Russia instead of banning them completely, imo. Then you can take that revenue and lower domestic taxes slightly.

In fact in the 1800s, tariffs were the main way the US government generated revenue before the income tax was allegedly "legalized".

Do I think tariffs should be used other than punitively? No, not really. Granted that there aren't many people going to want to buy much from Russia with extremely high tariffs, but that's kind of the point.
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