• Ken, your account has been approved.

What are you up to?

Update: I got banned from the same SoMe, for daring to vaguely propose the idea that trannies ruin everything for themselves. That people are beginning to get their eyes up, and Norway is as usual slow.

Lesson learned, do not ever talk to troons. Because I don't see a bannable offense, aside from the truth hurting his fee fees.

It takes about 1 minute to set up a new sock, but from how repetitive the place is. I'm going to take a break and hope there is something new when the time comes.
I was unhappy with how my legs are progressing, so I did 5 sets of 10 reps squats with a weight vest I keep at 66 lbs. I bought it when the gym was closed under Covid. I regret I stopped using it, and I got this feeling you have trouble walking straight because you hit the muscles so hard.

I was thinking about getting help from a PT, but I think I'm just going to shut up until I easily can do a 10 sets x 10 reps

And it was ass to grass, no sissy squats