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  • Refrigerated Embaby
    Refrigerated Embaby reacted to fnaarf's post in the thread Ashley with Think Think.
    I still maintain you're just jealous I apparently have suicide ray skills in your mental delusion of me
  • R
    register replied to the thread Ashley.
    Lol you told a complete stranger that he was molesting his kids with zero evidence, made it the first google search result for his name...
  • R
    register replied to the thread Ashley.
    You psychos were telling him he was unable to hold a job for years because during the pandemic you were too stupid and uncreative and...
  • No fish
    No fish replied to the thread el ralphamale corner.
    2 I must never forget the xvdsdcjhkjgl
  • No fish
    No fish reacted to mtil's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Haha Haha.
    is ken an ismaili? i wonder how he's taking the great aga khan's passing
  • No fish
    No fish reacted to mtil's post in the thread What are you listening to? with Like Like.
  • R
    register replied to the thread Ashley.
    Oh I also forgot your stinky bitch habit of calling her kids "piglets". Dehumanizing children that have no role in their parents...
  • R
    register replied to the thread Ashley.
    No you and sociopath hick Karl actually told her underemployed and mentally unwell husband that he had killed one of his kids that had...
  • Vingle
    Vingle reacted to Artemis's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Feels Feels.
    I’m tired of Onion Farmers thinking they’re any better than Kiwis. They’re all scum and burning in hell because my content is better 😂‼️☝️
  • Artemis
    Artemis replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    I’m tired of Onion Farmers thinking they’re any better than Kiwis. They’re all scum and burning in hell because my content is better 😂‼️☝️
  • Refrigerated Embaby
    Refrigerated Embaby reacted to mtil's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Feels Feels.
    is ken an ismaili? i wonder how he's taking the great aga khan's passing
  • Vingle
    Vingle reacted to mtil's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Think Think.
    is ken an ismaili? i wonder how he's taking the great aga khan's passing
  • Vingle
    Vingle reacted to register's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Like Like.
    Guys under 35 who were raised on the chan boards love using avatars of little anime girls and other infantilizing feminine symbols like...
  • Vingle
    Vingle reacted to Gargamel's post in the thread OF General 1.0 with Haha Haha.
    Ken is once again showing us how much he wants to be (a cheap knockoff of) Josh: Null -> Onion Null Ooperator -> Booperator WikiHow...
  • mtil
    mtil replied to the thread OF General 1.0.
    is ken an ismaili? i wonder how he's taking the great aga khan's passing