Ghost Town Sherrif
"The Kiwi Farms is effectively an extension of my personality, and no facet of it exists without my approval." -Josh Moon
Early life
Zedkissed info drop: https://archive.ph/qHsPT
Josh talks about not being close with his family: https://archive.ph/ebCV7
Josh calls his Mother a slut and talks about how much he dislikes her choices and that he wants to kill her: https://archive.ph/2021.01.23-105501/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=22284.0
Josh talks about how disappointed his mother is of him: https://archive.ph/2021.01.23-105501/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=22284.0
blog post where Josh talks about growing up on the internet including encounters with pedophiles: https://archive.ph/djz0c
Josh claims to have used image boards since he was 14: https://archive.is/J1DpS
Josh talks about how he would have to say shocking things to get attention as a child: https://archive.ph/G3EH5
Josh talks about not being close with his family: https://archive.ph/ebCV7
Josh calls his Mother a slut and talks about how much he dislikes her choices and that he wants to kill her: https://archive.ph/2021.01.23-105501/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=22284.0
Josh talks about how disappointed his mother is of him: https://archive.ph/2021.01.23-105501/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=22284.0
blog post where Josh talks about growing up on the internet including encounters with pedophiles: https://archive.ph/djz0c
Josh claims to have used image boards since he was 14: https://archive.is/J1DpS
Josh talks about how he would have to say shocking things to get attention as a child: https://archive.ph/G3EH5
-Josh on his family
Josh was born in Florida in 1992. Although he has claimed to be born in 1990 it was revealed in the infodump Zedkissed posted shortly before being banned that Josh was born in 1992.
Josh claims his father left before he was born and that he had no contact with his father's family. Josh says that his grandfather on his Mother's side was his main male role model during these years. However this is contradicted by posts Josh made later claiming he was not close with any of his family and saw them at most once a year. This is just one of many inconsistencies in Josh’s story about himself.
Josh has an extremely turbulent relationship with his mother Candice whom he blames for much of his unpreparedness for life and inability to deal with the world. Some of this disdain is warranted due to his mother's apparent partying and questionable taste in men(to say the least). At one point on the Blockland forum Josh mentions his mother’s friend giving him weed and getting him high while underage. However Josh continues to use this as a crutch and excuse long past any point where anyone could sympathize.
Josh was allowed access to a computer and the internet unsupervised from a very young age. He claims he was studying HTML from 8 years old. This quickly became an obsession for Josh and he lost interest with most other things that weren't part of the internet very quickly. To illustrate this point Josh has told a story on MATI of a Christmas where he became so bored by his physical gifts from his relatives that he made them into an archway walking under it several times until asked to stop by his Mother. Josh says he didn't care about IRL gifts since everything he wanted was on the internet.
Curiously Josh’s “gay phase” seems to have started around the same time as Josh has admitted his mother took him to a gay pride parade when he was 9. Josh does not state any firm dates though in many posts more recently he talks about this being a “phase” that ended when he was around 15.
This obsession with the internet has shaped how Josh views and interacts with the world and is the main factor behind his increasing detachment from real life. It also means that his life can be split up into eras by the main website he was posting to or working on at the time as everything aside from website drama becomes almost incidental for Josh.
When Josh was 18-19 he moved out of his mother Candice’s house and into a trailer with his friend’s family. This lines up roughly with the time where Candice was dating Andrew Denton who is the man who would burn down her house. Josh posts on blockland of Andrew not treating his Mother well but feeling powerless to stop it. Though Josh maintains this was a way of almost forcing himself into adulthood by purposely putting himself in a bad situation one has to wonder if he left due to Andrew’s prescence in his mother’s home.
During this time Josh worked at Whataburger which is something that gives him great pride to this day being the only real job he has ever worked. He claims that during this time he got his first girlfriend. On MATI he has spoke about this and said she was Asian with an overprotective Father who would call regularly whenever they were on dates and even had Josh's phone number at the time. This doesn't exactly present a prime situation for whoopie making so Josh's claim that this is the girl he lost his V-card with is a little suspicious. I believe he was playing Halo Reach at the time.
Josh's known accounts on the Blockland forum
IbanZ (June 2008 - March 2009): https://archive.is/o/TypsN/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?action=profile;u=8125
IbanX (September 2007 - May 2011): https://archive.is/o/TypsN/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?action=profile;u=5001
Iban(February 2011 – December 2012): https://archive.is/o/TypsN/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?action=profile;u=36038
ichverbot (November 2011 – March 2017): https://archive.is/o/TypsN/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?action=profile;u=41525
CityRPG (January- March 2012): https://archive.is/o/TypsN/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?&action=profile;u=42526
Not Important (July 2015 – March 2016): https://archive.is/o/TypsN/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?action=profile;u=145247
IbanX (September 2007 - May 2011): https://archive.is/o/TypsN/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?action=profile;u=5001
Iban(February 2011 – December 2012): https://archive.is/o/TypsN/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?action=profile;u=36038
ichverbot (November 2011 – March 2017): https://archive.is/o/TypsN/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?action=profile;u=41525
CityRPG (January- March 2012): https://archive.is/o/TypsN/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?&action=profile;u=42526
Not Important (July 2015 – March 2016): https://archive.is/o/TypsN/https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?action=profile;u=145247
One off posts
Josh talks about him and his mother fighting(2ibanz)
Josh wishes a users child burns to death: https://web.archive.org/web/2022050.../index.php?topic=176251.msg4554278#msg4554278
Josh talks about Harry Potter Rule 34:
Josh talks about getting shit water everywhere and cleaning up his own shit:
Josh talks about stealing Neopets accounts(starfish):
Josh talks about making multiple accounts to talk to himself and how it made a girl think he was stalking her. Josh also talks about self harming by tearing skin off his feet and how he doesn’t bathe for weeks at a time. He also mentions how he is only turned on by rape:
Josh talks about Insomnia, depression and hints at alcohol abuse(cant sleep):
Josh says he doesn’t find any of the girls in his grade hot:
Josh talks about his first GF, job and how he is better than other users:
Josh posts a girl who looks like at guy in the Hot girls thread:
Josh says he has a thing for lesbians and tomboys:
Josh talks about him and his mother fighting(2ibanz)
Josh wishes a users child burns to death: https://web.archive.org/web/2022050.../index.php?topic=176251.msg4554278#msg4554278
Josh talks about Harry Potter Rule 34:
Josh talks about getting shit water everywhere and cleaning up his own shit:
Josh talks about stealing Neopets accounts(starfish):
Josh talks about making multiple accounts to talk to himself and how it made a girl think he was stalking her. Josh also talks about self harming by tearing skin off his feet and how he doesn’t bathe for weeks at a time. He also mentions how he is only turned on by rape:
Josh talks about Insomnia, depression and hints at alcohol abuse(cant sleep):
Josh says he doesn’t find any of the girls in his grade hot:
Josh talks about his first GF, job and how he is better than other users:
Josh posts a girl who looks like at guy in the Hot girls thread:
Josh says he has a thing for lesbians and tomboys:
Even at this time we can see Josh’s complete inability to control his emotions leading to many good natured jabs being taken literally and Josh’s tendency to make even minor problems extremely personal. Also we can see that prior to re-inventing himself as some sort of anti-degenerate Josh talks quite openly about his fetishes and sexuality and seemingly has no shame about it.
Josh makes numerous accounts to circumvent bans and defend himself during his time on the Blockland forum. This is something that continues even to this day with Josh’s obsession with Twitter/X. Through these many examples of Josh becoming too attached to the internet we can observe a deepening possessiveness which will come to define Josh’s interactions with cows and women.
Josh makes many posts complaining about his inability to relate and fit in to most groups he comes across. Despite this and a lack of any real accomplishment Josh celebrates his every “win” contrasting it with other posters he doesn’t like. Josh pats himself on the back for finally getting a girlfriend and job at the age of 20 feeling an overblown sense of satisfaction for two things most people had done years earlier. Josh seems to see no irony in returning to a forum for a children’s game as an adult game to flex on users with very basic life stuff.
Interestingly Josh was making accounts on the Blockland forum well into his twenties painting a very sad picture of a man still obsessed with the forum of a children’s game.
Josh's Blockland Drama
Dear Iban:


A user reveals an interesting private conversation he had with Josh where Josh talks about the depths of his fetishes and how depraved he has become. The other user is trying to joke but is clearly grossed out and ended up posting caps of the conversation before apparently quitting the forum.
I think I want to kill my mom
Josh vents his frustrations and talks about killing his mother but confusingly says he doesn’t want to make the thread about his problems lol.
Iban’s house burns down:
Iban's House Burns Down ~ RIP Scott the Cat
Iban's House Burns Down ~ RIP Scott the Cat
Andrew Denton
A thread is posted about Josh’s house being burned down by Andrew Denton and Josh’s immediate reaction where he spoke to people on steam about the events. Josh seems to spare little emotion with his cat Scott who perished in the fire and seems to instead feel that the insurance payout will be a major boon for him and his mother. He seems to be counting the money already.
Extremely long Iban Drama(Joshua Moon and Personal Agendas):
Users seem to have finally had enough of Josh and are now openly posting creepy, pathetic or funny things he has posted. Many female users reveal that Josh asked for their address sometimes multiple times as well as other creepy incidents. More broadly many users talk about Josh as a cancer to the community.
who is Iban and why is he ban on sight?
A user asks about Iban and others talk about Josh’ checkered past with the community. Josh eventually shows up to talk shit and cry.
"Three days ago, January 23rd 2016, Joshua and I ate pizza and watched King of the Hill. He was talking about how he had gained weight and it was hard to find clothes for people his size here, so I showed him one of my favorite episodes — Husky Bobby, from Season 2." "We were waiting to go to Katipunan to pick up Modafinil — an alternative to Adderall, which was what he really wanted, and even went so far as to ask Ron in Japan how to acquire. The guy with it texted me, “sorry, I can’t get there until 7PM. Is that OK?” It wasn’t OK for Josh." "His apartment was full of empty two liters of Coke Zero, spilled coffee and other garbage, I offered to get him a professional cleaning service and I even had my personal assistant Mochi clean up after him multiple times when he refused because he didn’t want strange people around. When the donations stopped coming, I handed him a bag of cash, told him it was an anonymous Bitcoin donation but it was really me. When I was going to Japan on a trip planned way in advance, I didn’t want him to feel left out so I asked if he could come along. I helped him arrange two job offers in the small tech sector in a third world country — both of which paid more than I make — and he refused both." -Hotwheels on Null |

IRC logs. Hotwheels figures out Josh has been fucking witrh 8chan: https://web.archive.org/web/20160304183945/http://pastebin.com/e6fpv2Bj
Hotwheels talks about Josh: https://archive.is/8bpc6
Hunted by bikers. Josh is trolled into thinking a biker gang is after him: https://web.archive.org/web/20150505044427/http://pastebin.com/KVdNmr2W
Thread on KF about Infinity Next and its fundraiser: https://archive.ph/wip/1jRTA
Josh medium article on why he quit 8chan: https://archive.is/YNflW
8chan on CWC forums. Users are complaining about the no fun attitude and that Null already has users who defend his every move: https://web.archive.org/web/20150118180006/http://8ch.net/cow/res/1430.html#1430
8chan thread on CWCki: https://web.archive.org/web/20151020061253/http://8ch.net/cow/res/141083.html
8chan thread on Josh’s Infinity Next woes: https://web.archive.org/web/20160502121240/http://8ch.net/cow/res/196525.html
8chan threads on Josh:
Josh posts on 8chan: https://web.archive.org/web/20160502190145/http://8ch.net/next/res/3056.html
Wiki article on 8chan: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/8chan
Josh was brought aboard 8chan by Hotwheels aka Fredrick Brennan. Partially out of sympathy and partially out of Josh over promising on his coding abilities Josh along with Fredrick with the financial backing of Jim Watkins worked on 8chan from the Phillipines. Josh was initially tasked with producing Infinity Next for which he was given $12k. The results were terrible and Josh evidently threw a hissy fit and started doxing people involved when push came to shove. Hotwheels also says that as a way to get Josh out and about and make him more money he brought Josh with him to Japan for a business trip where Josh also took over nurse duties for Hotwheels. One shudders to think of the desperation of a man living in a foreign country forced to wipe a cripple’s ass.
Josh’s tenure with 8chan seems to have been universally reviled bringing nothing to the table and delivering none of what he promised. Josh also maliciously altered the source code which caused sluggish performance and a tenancy for posts not to show on the website. Josh however states that his reason for leaving is due to “backdoors” in 8chan and other suspicious things.
Josh’s creepy tendencies with women have continued and he is said to be spending most of his time chatting with supposed women and trying to get nude pics which he seems to have some success at. This is a continuing trend where Josh seems to do nearly anything for boob pics.
It seems during this time Josh also began abusing Modafinil and perhaps other drugs. Hotwheels not only tells of Josh’s inability to function without the drug but his increasing paranoia and hoarding which all seem to be a result of his drug abuse and mental illness. Perhaps because of this increase in paranoia Josh is trolled into thinking he is being hunted by bikers during this time. Later Josh also became extremely paranoid of Jim Watkins which seems to have ultimately led to him leaving the Philippines.
CWCki & CWCki Forums
Josh began hosting the CWCki in 2013 and it was later re-branded to Kiwi Farms in 2015. Josh did not start the CWCki however and only took over it’s ownership and operation. Josh originally became involved with the CWCki by helping to host it. The CWCki still exists to this day now separate from Kiwi Farms and Josh. The title CWCki Forums eventually giving rise to the name Kiwi Farms through misinterpretation.
Josh’s user page on the CWCki
Early CWCki drama of Josh quitting archived on a pastebin:
potrzebie Drama
potrzebie: which means she probably isn't in a good decision to be making romantic decisions like this
potrzebie: Okay, so if you take that at face value, she's doubting her sanity
Null: Her mom died in a drunk driving accident with a man that wasn't her father.
potrzebie: Oh god.
Null: Look, please do not psychoanalyze the girl. I do not appreciate that.
potrzebie: Maybe she's just super confused.
potrzebie: I'm not, I apologise.
Null: You're telling me she's confused, not in a position to make decisions for herself
Null: These are analytics.
Null: You don't know her.
potrzebie: No
potrzebie: I said it was a possibility
potrzebie: I'm not presenting anything as fact
Null: Okay, you're still fucking doing it
Null: It may not be concrete
Null: But you're still fucking doing it
Null: Do you not understand?
potrzebie: I'm just offering alternative viewpoints that you're more than welcome to dismiss
Null: How does that not make sense?
potrzebie: without getting pissy
potrzebie: If I'm wrong, tell me I'm wrong
Null: See everyone thinks they understand the girl, they can summarize her or tell me what she's going through. She's the only person I've ever met that made me feel dumb.
Null: She's the only one I can honestly say is flat out smarter than I am.
potrzebie: I'm just trying to understand the situation, man. Not like I can have a full understanding in 5 minutes.
Null: Look, here's a tip for you. If you're going to offer yourself up as someone who can listen don't try to make assumptions.
potrzebie: I don't know what she's going through. I never even said that. All i meant to say was, give it time
potrzebie: things might work out
Null: It'll never earn you any friends.
potrzebie: that's what I was getting at
potrzebie: Then quit your fucking bitching you sperg
Null: See what I mean? You're a fucking douchebag.
Null: You try to offer yourself up as this NICE GUY BIG BROTHER FRIEND and then you start acting like a douche.
potrzebie: No, I try to understand the situation, you make stupid fucking assumptions about me
potrzebie: and what I meant
Null: Pick a fucking side you shit
Null: I'm not making assumptions about you retard, you're ACTUALLY SAYING THIS
Null: I can fucking QUOTE YOU trying to tell me what she's like
potrzebie: and it's like, if you aren't going to talk to me like a human being, I'm not gonna talk to you like one
Null: God you're insufferable. Goodbye
potrzebie:No, I didn't say that's what she was like, I offered it as a possibility based on limited knowledge of the situation
potrzebie: if I'm wrong, just say "Nah, that's not it"
potrzebie: not go on a big fucking rant
potrzebie: fuck you you loveshy fuck
Null: god what a prick
potrzebie: Okay, so if you take that at face value, she's doubting her sanity
Null: Her mom died in a drunk driving accident with a man that wasn't her father.
potrzebie: Oh god.
Null: Look, please do not psychoanalyze the girl. I do not appreciate that.
potrzebie: Maybe she's just super confused.
potrzebie: I'm not, I apologise.
Null: You're telling me she's confused, not in a position to make decisions for herself
Null: These are analytics.
Null: You don't know her.
potrzebie: No
potrzebie: I said it was a possibility
potrzebie: I'm not presenting anything as fact
Null: Okay, you're still fucking doing it
Null: It may not be concrete
Null: But you're still fucking doing it
Null: Do you not understand?
potrzebie: I'm just offering alternative viewpoints that you're more than welcome to dismiss
Null: How does that not make sense?
potrzebie: without getting pissy
potrzebie: If I'm wrong, tell me I'm wrong
Null: See everyone thinks they understand the girl, they can summarize her or tell me what she's going through. She's the only person I've ever met that made me feel dumb.
Null: She's the only one I can honestly say is flat out smarter than I am.
potrzebie: I'm just trying to understand the situation, man. Not like I can have a full understanding in 5 minutes.
Null: Look, here's a tip for you. If you're going to offer yourself up as someone who can listen don't try to make assumptions.
potrzebie: I don't know what she's going through. I never even said that. All i meant to say was, give it time
potrzebie: things might work out
Null: It'll never earn you any friends.
potrzebie: that's what I was getting at
potrzebie: Then quit your fucking bitching you sperg
Null: See what I mean? You're a fucking douchebag.
Null: You try to offer yourself up as this NICE GUY BIG BROTHER FRIEND and then you start acting like a douche.
potrzebie: No, I try to understand the situation, you make stupid fucking assumptions about me
potrzebie: and what I meant
Null: Pick a fucking side you shit
Null: I'm not making assumptions about you retard, you're ACTUALLY SAYING THIS
Null: I can fucking QUOTE YOU trying to tell me what she's like
potrzebie: and it's like, if you aren't going to talk to me like a human being, I'm not gonna talk to you like one
Null: God you're insufferable. Goodbye
potrzebie:No, I didn't say that's what she was like, I offered it as a possibility based on limited knowledge of the situation
potrzebie: if I'm wrong, just say "Nah, that's not it"
potrzebie: not go on a big fucking rant
potrzebie: fuck you you loveshy fuck
Null: god what a prick
Kiwi Farms
Kiwi Farms more than anything else sadly is Josh’s pride and joy. People that both like and hate Josh have pointed out that in pursuit of making Kiwi Farms his life’s work Josh has forgone anything even resembling a normal life. However it is debatable if this is even a sacrifice to Josh with his disdain and confusion with many things outside of his internet comfort zone.
Josh has run KF for over a decade now overseeing it’s start as a forum solely about Chris-Chan to a more generalized lolcow and drama forum with large Off Topic sections. The wide variety and eccentric content of KF has attracted a large and sometimes wild userbase.
Josh’s motivations and feelings aside he has undoubtedly sunk a lot of time into KF not only in the maintenance of the website but as it’s ceaseless promoter and PR agent on his podcasts and stream appearances. For someone who dislikes direct conversation and prefers typing on a forum this could not have been an easy feat. However it is hard to give him too much credit as his wild emotions and love of being needlessly offensive do as much harm as his occasional ability to tell people what they want to hear.
Kiwi Farms as Null says has always been an extension of his personality. However in recent years it has been harder to avoid his influence on the forum. Apropos of nothing Josh will often show up in a thread to give a poorly researched take with his orbiters in tow. When thread regulars give any kind of push back to Dear Feeder’s takes Josh’s wrath and orbiter simps are sure to follow quickly shitting up any thread they come across. The unspoken message is clear to the average user being that Lord Josh is not to be disagreed with and any users bold enough to continue challenging the status quo are quickly banned and therefor no longer a problem.
Null also plays out a similar trap by asking questions he really doesn’t want the answer to. This is Josh’s version of venting where he doesn’t really want a solution he just wants to be heard and fawned over. Often users offering good natured solutions will be screamed at or banned as the break up the flow of Null’s pity parties.
Many of the more unique and humorous individuals have been banned in this way leaving much of the remaining userbase as boring, untalented people repeating the same five approved lines for the threads they post in. Thread writing and research have also suffered massively because of this. The website that once doxed Ethan Ralph’s AirBnb from a picture of a sailboat now can’t even archive a Facebook page or write an OP more than 100 words.
The shadowy nature of Josh’s past and his refusal to allow a thread on himself can give new users or listeners of MATI a false impression of Josh’s true demeanor. Users are often completely shocked as the goofy guy talking about "Le heccin lolcows" from MATI quickly turns into a raging dick over an issue no one even knew upset him. Josh’s hatred of explaining anything leaves many new users in the dark only to stumble over one of the many things that will upset him.
This appears to be a worsening issue Josh has with control that is not limited to normal users as mods will also be demoded and/or banned without notice over issues beyond their control. The DSP forum and the Metokur thread seem to get the brunt of this treatment though others are not exempt especially if the thread is featured.
Recently Josh seems to want some kind of endgame for KF as it is clearly not giving him the fame and fortune he desires. Along with many other schemes Josh has recently introduced the idea of an all ages female-only forum app which would require users to dox their IDs to Josh.
Revolving culture of Kiwi Farms
As Josh says Kiwi Farms is an extension of himself and thus it’s culture must also change to suit him. This culture shift appears to work on a 3-4 year cycle. Josh has been known to play users and groups within his site against each other for his own purposes sometimes to disastrous effect. Josh does not seem to ultimately believe in any of the things these groups have to say and will toss them out like his last pizza box as they stop being useful to him.
The initial culture of KF was fairly socially liberal much like younger Josh. A much more permissive attitude can be seen on early KF if you peruse the early pages of old threads. While there are a few different origins of the beef with the OG users the main conflict with this original group seems to have arisen when Josh wanted to start going all out on troons. The pushback from some users and accusations of Josh trying to use KF like his personal army began to rub Null the wrong way and this led in part to the first major schism in KF membership.
Josh now resentful of his userbase advertised his site to MAGA fans and other right-wingers by jumping in with both feet on the free speech grift. An influx of users from quickly dwindling right wing spaces eagerly gathered to Kiwi Farms thinking it would be a new haven for right wing thought. The influx of new users with a totally different board culture and interest in politics which was never a main focus of KF was an understandably big shock to many users. This goes double when Null refused to moderate properly to cater to his new free speech milieu.
Though maybe these users should have just learned to banter it would also be disheartening to see your board change so quickly and many left or sperged out including former mod Anominous who lost his broom in the scuffle.
Obvious as it is that Josh just uses this as a method of control it still invites a massive amount of conflict to the forum that many would find a hard time justifying. However Josh can’t curate his hugbox forum while retaining his "freeze peach warrior" image without these gayops.
Christchurch Shooting Video
Takedown requests thread: https://archive.is/wip/zcs9F
IP requests thread: https://archive.ph/wip/rYMWf
IP requests thread: https://archive.ph/wip/rYMWf
2019 Hack
Thread on the hack: https://archive.is/zFohf
2022 Hack
Troon obsession and sexuality
Why does Null hate gay people so much? A user suggests Null is a self hating gay/troon: https://archive.ph/fiEJD
Josh has become increasingly obsessed with Trannies to the point where it sometimes takes over most of the content that is featured on Kiwi Farms and his show MATI. Josh seems to regard this as his last stand and cross to bear and has thus made it also the problem of his users.
Josh often talks about Ted Kaczynski (aka The Unabomber) and has much admiration for him and his writing. More recently Josh has revealed that he idolizes Ted because he avoided becoming a troon despite having strong urges to transition. Fighting with these feelings was one of the driving factors behind his bombing campaign. Josh clearly struggles with some of these feelings himself which explains his idolization of a monster like Kaczynski without any reservations.
Byuu/Near Suicide and Coverup
Hector Martin announces Byuu’s suicide and links a google doc: https://archive.md/5rmP5
Google Doc: https://archive.md/KxNGG
Josh Response: https://archive.is/wip/DTgVR
Byuu thread: https://archive.is/MfUhq
Byuu Post 1: https://archive.vn/FJw0B
Byuu Post 2: https://archive.vn/u0bPj
Byuu on twitter to Josh: https://archive.ph/wip/WsOQF
Google Doc: https://archive.md/KxNGG
Josh Response: https://archive.is/wip/DTgVR
Byuu thread: https://archive.is/MfUhq
Byuu Post 1: https://archive.vn/FJw0B
Byuu Post 2: https://archive.vn/u0bPj
Byuu on twitter to Josh: https://archive.ph/wip/WsOQF
The connection of this to KF is somewhat tenuous as it seems like Byuu had other problems and his thread was very small and unused. What was interesting however was Null’s reaction to this.
Null and his simps went on an all out PR campaign to highlight the “positive” things KF has done such as supposedly getting zoosadists and other freaks arrested. They also at all times downplayed the situation and for a full year denied that Byuu was dead at all citing lack of records. As it turned out however death records of foreign nationals were delayed in release due to Covid-19 meaning Byuu’s death was not made fully public by the authorities until much later. By this time most people had forgotten about this story and for the most part Josh has let it pass many Kiwis no doubt believing that Byuu is still alive somewhere. This story illustrates just how effectively Josh is able to control his hugbox and the narratives therein.
VICE: inside Keffals battle to bring down Kiwi Farms
Cloudflare drops Kiwi Farms
Cloudflare drops Kiwi Farms
Spearheaded by trans streamer Keffals in the wake of Byuu’s suicide, Drop Kiwi Farms was an effort to get internet services to stop dealing with Josh and Kiwi Farms. This campaign though ultimately a failure was met with moderate success at first and is to this day one of the toughest fights Kiwi Farms has had. This is evident in the raw animus Josh has for Keffals even long after #DKF stopped.
Fighting with users
Josh is angry with the DSP thread for making fun of him.
Telegram Trannies
Josh talks about his war with the trannies he let run his telegram for over 6 months. He says they were posting pics of themselves constantly and engaging in some kind of humiliation fetish. Josh let these people do their thing for half a year before stepping in.
Cheese Thread
Null tries to make a "le epic bait thread" but only baits himself into closing the thread in a rage. Null insists that Americans can’t get real cheese and do not know what it is. This is followed by dozens of members posting pics of the artisanal cheese selections in their local stores. Proven wrong, Josh becomes more and more angry as he loses control of the narrative and becomes the one being baited. The cheese kerfuffle somehow turned into a major blow up and is still a sore spot with Null to this day.
George Cuckzunian and The Simpspiracy
Josh intimidates a user called George Cuckzunian for making fun of Dick Masterson. Josh threatens the user with dox and calls them by their first name. During this time Josh also hid Dick Masterson’s thread and changed the thread subject to be about beans in order to troll shield Dick who he was at the time friends with. Josh would become so obsessed with defending Dick that he got into a huge argument with his users over whether Dick's house was a mansion or not Josh would eventually turn on Dick in part due to pressure from his users on Dick’s trajectory to lolcowdom.
"Kill Yourself"
Josh has told his users to kill themselves hundreds of times. Above is seven pages of Josh saying “Kill yourself”. Josh has explained he uses this phrase when he is really upset because he finds that it makes people stop talking to him lol.
It's time for you to go NOW, Joshua Conner Moon.
Guest user OBAMEWHEELS criticizes Josh for his lolcow behavior of sperging out on KF and 8chan and simping for various female users and Dynastia while ignoring the valuable members of the community. [Note: In an earlier time people were able to post anonymously or under guest accounts on Kiwi Farms.]
Defence of pedophilia and subsequent disavowal
Josh talks to I believe Dispatch and some other guy about his reasons for allowing pedo content on 16chan. In more recent days Josh has done a total 180 on this stance and does not allow even open pedos to post on his site. The motivations for this are clearly that Josh himself started talking flak for this opinion as he doesn’t offer any solid reasons why his opinion is changed. When talking to Dick Masterson about pedo jokes and why they aren’t a good idea (in their breakup video also in this thread) Josh only explains the potential blow back being a bad thing. Josh doesn’t seem to care about any harm or offense only that such jokes could make him look bad.
Josh's defense of Shadman
Josh and Dynastia(appearing as HG 400) are defending Shadman from accusations of pedophilia and lolcowdom. Josh admits he knows about Shadman drawing real kids but he is reticent to call him and cow and this thread is sent to spergatory. Josh has mentioned that he looked up to Shadman as some sort of free speech warrior in his younger days but this seems like cope.
"Josh Conner Moon is a paedophile"
User Oliver D Smith makes some accusations against Josh some of which are true.
Mad At The Internet Podcast (MATI)
Josh began his podcast Mad At The Internet in 2018 with the intention of bringing more eyes to his forum. However due to Josh’s involvement with different ecelebs a large portion of MATI viewers are not actually from Kiwi Farms but the YouTube dramasphere, ex-Internet bloodsports fans, Metokur fans and others who generally stick to the more accessible areas of the internet.
This has allowed Josh to take on a somewhat different tone to his hostile and oppositional forum persona. While Josh is often angry, petulant and cringy the podcasts ability to let him bloviate for hours at a time about his chosen subjects which does seem to put him in a better mood as perhaps his only brief respite from managing the forum. Occasionally however his rage is unrestrained and he is unable to contain his rage at whatever is bothering him that week.
“Titties in the e-mail”
Apologizing to Danny Brown
Josh apologizes to rapper Danny Brown who heard Josh call him a nigger on MATI and is sad about it due to being a fan of Kiwi Farms. Josh’s reputation as a nigger-saying edgelord is somewhat tarnished as he squirms pathetically while being confronted by the effects of his unwarranted vitriol.
"You lost boy like Rufio" -Sir Daniel Brown on Josh probably
Channing Creager Incident
MATI: The Channing Creager Interview, Explained re: Sam Hyde (Dec 12, 2023) | PreserveTube
Rumble/madattheinternet original stream <a href="https://rumble.com/v40wrv2-mad-at-the-internet-december-12th-2023.html">rumble.com/v40wrv2-mad-at-the-internet-december-12…</a> <a href="/channel/UCKYlm8qznxY5b3LOUS2w6ng">@matiarchive404</a> YouTube archive <a href="/watch?v=Qd9sP8x8suM&t=0">...
An interview was quickly planned and despite some strange behavior from Channing in private messages Josh decided to go ahead with the interview anyway. Also it was revealed that Channing sent him a pretty thirst-trappy picture which no doubt contributed to his decision to ignore the red flags.
The day of the interview came and Josh went live with a special emergency episode of MATI. Things quickly went south however as it became clear that Channing was either drunk or under the influence of drugs. As Josh’s temper rose he desperately tried to make something out of the unfolding mess but to no avail. Josh ends the stream by sperging out that no one will believe the 100% solid evidence that Sam Hyde is a pedo rapist now. Many people refer to this as Josh’s Idubbz moment.
In an effort to tout his website and it’s virtues Josh has gone on many internet streams and shows. Here we look at some friendly appearances of Josh when not on MATI.
Killstream FC Festival: Josh Moon Talks to Ralph - Fuentes, The Farms, & The Internet's Future | PreserveTube
Uploading now as it has been 3 days since this was uploaded and 480p is still the best Rumble is giving me. If a better version becomes available I'll reupload. Null joins Ethan Ralph aka The Gunt for a talk about America First, the future of the Internet, and other topics. Subscribe to Ethan...
I interview Kiwi Farm's Josh Moon regarding body cam footage and Rekieta arrest warrant | PreserveTube
This is part one of my interview with Jersh. We talk about his requests for everything to do with the Rekieta case. Plus how he believes Nick will use the warrant.
Josh joins - Potentially Criminal | PreserveTube
Josh joins the stream to talk Rekieta, his legal ventures, and Vito/Dick. Clip taken from: Quest v. Rekieta - Oral Arguments LIVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7iPYtclfNU
Wars with e-celebs
Josh has had many fights with other e-celebs. In the past Josh was much more willing to argue this out in front of an audience. However it quickly became apparent that Josh has a talent for making himself extremely unlikable and bad at debate. I can’t think of a single encounter where Josh comes out looking better than his opponent though his checkered past certainly contributes to this.
In particular Josh has had a years long battle with Ethan Ralph and Dick Masterson though he has also been in a major recent feud with Nick Rekieta. As Nick’s life spirals out of control Josh has lost perhaps his last remaining internet father figure and has become extremely resentful over it.
In a classic Josh move despite the underhanded tactics of his enemies he has only come out looking worse for his tussles with them. This is not to mention that many of the people he feuds with online were former friends who he streamed or made videos with.
Josh vs Zoom on Cognitive Thought: Josh and Zoom, Cog and another British guy over the content of 16chan
Josh versus Godspeed (2019): Josh argues with Zoom again over the content hosted on 16chan
Josh vs Zoom on Cognitive Thought 2-27-19 | PreserveTube
This video is satire. This video advocates no harassment and simply serves as information and entertainment. It is fully compliant with YouTube's content policy. All information collected and presented on individuals featured in this video has been obtained through public sources.
Josh versus Godspeed (2019): Josh argues with Zoom again over the content hosted on 16chan
Josh Vs Ralph: Josh and Ralph fight over Ralph’s thread and the corn joke on Dick Masterson’s show.
Ralph reacts to confirmation of Byuu’s suicide
Josh Demands Ralph’s Son's Dox
Josh tells his users to dox and have a thread on Ralph’s son as soon as he is born to get back at Ralph. In reality a thread would be made as soon as the baby’s name was known.
Ralph reacts to confirmation of Byuu’s suicide
Josh Demands Ralph’s Son's Dox
Josh tells his users to dox and have a thread on Ralph’s son as soon as he is born to get back at Ralph. In reality a thread would be made as soon as the baby’s name was known.
Dick Masterson Vs. Null: Null and dick fight over Null’s perceived treatment by Masterson employee Riley.
Dick Masterson and Vito read Josh’s tweet about his life’s work coming to nothing
Dick Masterson and Vito read Josh’s tweet about his life’s work coming to nothing
Josh's screed - Biggest Problem in the Universe (June 14, 2024) | PreserveTube
Josh appears to not be taking the twitter ban well. Clip taken from: Biggest Problem #144 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xb7TC8KpA8
Josh talks about his dislike for Mr. Metokur and his fans
Early instance of Josh crying about Mr. Metokur
Early instance of Josh crying about Mr. Metokur
Turkey Tom calmly responds to Null having a meltdown over how he feels he deserves more credit
Josh “breaks up” with father figure Nick Rekieta
Nick Rekieta compares Josh to a retard
Drexel, Nick Rekieta’s friend makes fun of Josh
Nick Rekieta compares Josh to a retard
Drexel, Nick Rekieta’s friend makes fun of Josh
Ghost of True Capitalist Radio dabs on Josh
Ghost has had it with Josh - True Capitalist Radio | PreserveTube
Ghost says Josh doesn't sound like a man and claims Josh was buggered. Big if true.
Xenforo Fundraiser: https://archive.is/svkqR#selection-1389.0-1419.135
Silver coin fundraiser: https://archive.is/scTV9
Litigation Fund thread: https://archive.ph/fET5a
Silver coin fundraiser: https://archive.is/scTV9
Litigation Fund thread: https://archive.ph/fET5a
Josh’s history with money has been strange to say the least. His efforts to make his site profitable range from laughable to genuinely unhinged and there are a number of extremely suspicious instances of Josh hiding the true amount he makes from all his income streams. Josh’s latest legal fundraising especially seems to have been a scam with no money being used for it’s original purposes. This is especially weird given that Josh maintains that his lawyer James Hardin works for practically nothing.
The Kiwi Silver Catastrophe: Josh has fucked up his silver coin order
The Kiwi Coin Catastrophe - Mat At The Internet | PreserveTube
TLDR: The American Company Josh hired to disrubite the rape coins was very incompetant so rape coins will be delivered to people who have returned it or have since changed their addresses and Josh may have to pay out of pocket to cover some things. Video taken from: Mad at the Internet...
Matthew Hardin: Kiwi Farms LOLyer and KF legal troubles
When Josh and Hardin started working together isn’t exactly clear however he has apparently represented Josh against Melinda Scott so the relationship isn’t exactly a new one. Interestingly Hardin was nearly the prosecutor during the Chris Chan case which leads to some interesting questions as to how he and Josh became acquainted in the first place. Josh has repeatedly said that Hardin works for very little payment making his association and work for Josh even the more strange.
Josh admits Hardin has acted unprofessionally while representing him in the Melinda Scott case
Josh copes about his disaster court case against Russel Greer
Supplemental Posts
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
Josh's Whereabouts
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