OF General 1.0

day in the life of mr moon.png
youthful shannel asks kiwifails if they're a bot.

"We gotta close the thread because uh, cuz uh buh duh uh buh Ashl-ley made i-it!"

youthful shannel asks kiwifails if they're a bot.
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Shannel describing Ralph being like 3 inches taller than that rather light-skinned Mexican woman as "towering over" really makes me question his visual sense, tbh.

Fails actually is ChatGPT half the time, though. Correct on that.
List of people who Onion Farms moderator kiwifails has officially declared as "losers", in case it's not completely clear. Ahem, here we go:
Myself (View)
@Refrigerated Embaby
View attachment 1805

Onion Farms is dead and kiwifails knows it. He's such a loser that all he can think to do is post a screenshot from yesterday that proves nothing but is meant to show us in a bad light. And apparently he's got "nothing better to do" on a Monday evening.

He didn't even thumbnail that huge image. Isn't that, like a rule or something? You'd think a staff member would know the rules and be capable of following them. Wasn't he called out on this not that long ago?
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kiwifails' attached screenshot:
View attachment 1803

Onion Farms pedo troons are mad or something.

>other people enjoy themselves
Nice attempt at an euphemism for your particular inclinations, btw.
>nothing better to do then watch other people
This sentence might hold some weight if OF didn't have 100s of pages sperging over KF.
List of people who Onion Farms moderator kiwifails has officially declared as "losers", in case it's not completely clear. Ahem, here we go:
Myself (View)
@Refrigerated Embaby
View attachment 1805
I'm ok with a repressed pedophile calling me a loser.
I'm kind of skeptical on the claims kiwifails is a pedo if the model was clothed or over 18. The picture itself is kind of sussy because of who it's probably marketed towards but I doubt kiwifails is actually a pedo. @Vingle is another I'm skeptical of being a pedophile, apparently the person who was sent the pictures was either 18 or claimed to be. Frankly, I think it was homophobia for Kiwis to so quickly make up a story that Vingle was a pedo. Catler is the last one I'm skeptical of being a pedophile, he's accused of grooming but these were mostly grown dudes that consensually ERPed and then regretted it when it got public and cried grooming. Am I wrong here?
I thought someone reverse searched one of those suspiciously young looking porn images kiwifails kept posting and the watermark or source of the image was traced back to a website that also explicitly advertised underage lewds. Material of sexualized children is technically, arguably "legal" in the USA if their genitals and chests are covered. That's why 8chan under Josh's supervision had areas for that material for ages and was never taken down.

Ken's excuse for not only not banning him after that was discovered but also making him a mod was that looking at the material (kids in sexualized poses in their underwear) won't get you arrested by itself. That was his entire defense. If that fat sperg isn't a pedophile he's vile anyway.
I'm kind of skeptical on the claims kiwifails is a pedo if the model was clothed or over 18. The picture itself is kind of sussy because of who it's probably marketed towards but I doubt kiwifails is actually a pedo. @Vingle is another I'm skeptical of being a pedophile, apparently the person who was sent the pictures was either 18 or claimed to be. Frankly, I think it was homophobia for Kiwis to so quickly make up a story that Vingle was a pedo. Catler is the last one I'm skeptical of being a pedophile, he's accused of grooming but these were mostly grown dudes that consensually ERPed and then regretted it when it got public and cried grooming. Am I wrong here?
I don't think @Vingle or Catler are pedos. I haven't seen evidence of it for either of them. People do like to make shit up and run with it when they don't like somebody and a lot of kiwis will blindly believe anything.

The Catler drama is two part. In the DM chains, Catler was doing something that could be seen as grooming, by exposing so many people to furry ERP, but then again, you can't really groom adults. It could also be seen as trolling people who don't like him, which is what he says he was doing. I'm going with this explination as the more likely possibility. There was no pedophilic content in those DM chains, and part of the reason I archived them was to prove that.

Catler also had been seen in an awkward position in the boykisser thread. Of course, Catler had lots of enemies who were more than willing to make shit up to get back at him, and a janny who apparently deleted a bunch of posts before anyone had the forethought to archive them. Evidence was lost, and I'm more inclined to take his word over theirs, although I was never able to get the entire story out of him. I personally think it's an unfortunate case of autism/ADHD working against him, and being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The @Vingle situation is one that I've only heard secondhand, and the "Vingle is a pedo" version I've only seen told by people who can't be trusted to tell the truth. I'm not sure how this is evidence of pedophilia. Someone claimed had exchanged DMs of a sexual nature with an individual on KF who is under 18, but I'm not exactly sure how he'd have known that, ot why it came into question? I do not believe I have the whole story here, however everybody on KF is supposed to be 18 or older. I'm not going to get into why it's a bad idea to send people your nudes on KF. People do dumb things all the time. I've seen the picture of him covering up his cock and balls with a stuffed animal, one of the cartoon character in his avatar. Plenty of adults like cartoons, and some cartoons are made for adults specifically. I'm not familiar with the cartoon in question so I won't comment on it specifically. But it's important to also remember that @Vingle is a furry, and furries tend to like stuffed animals in addition to anthro cartoon characters. In other words, this is most likely normal shit being blown out of proportion by people who don't like him. It should be noted that kiwifails is one of those people falsely calling @Vingle a pedo.

Jew edit: @Vingle apparently is not a furry, My bad.

The case for kiwifails is much stronger than the other two because he showed us what he likes, ie. girls who look like they're 14, by posting an image in the porn thread right here on Lounge 96 (immediately deleted). I feel like you'd have to be into underaged girls if you're fapping to that image, or the other image of the same girl that was posted to Onion Farms (also deleted). Both of these images had the watermark of a pretty shady looking porn site. Itcould be a front for something, or it could just be legitimate site that is poorly developed. Anyone can post a "all models are 18 or older" message on their site, and I'm not giving shekels to find out if their sales/subscription offering is actually functional or not. As well, anyone can slap a porn site watermark on some image to give it some visual legitimacy. He claims he actually didn't buy these images, though, and I was not able to locate that particular girl on the site's list of models. I'll go with the assumption that the girl is actually 18 though, because my argument is that she looks much younger, not that she actually is. But if you want to make the argument that the girl is actually underage, my argument still holds water. I suppose since we're talking about an alleged adult who looks like a minor teen, it'd be more accurate to accuse kiwifails of being a hebephile, as opposed to a pedophile. Hebephiles are sexually attracted to post-puberty minors (say, 13+), whereas pedophiles are sexually attracted to prepubescent minors. But a lot of people define pedophile as simply a person who is sexually attracted to people below the age of consent (18 in the US, Romeo & Juliet laws not withstanding) and don't make further distinctions.

kiwifails also went out of his way to make the argument that vtuber anime avatars are intentionally designed to look young and sexually suggestive to illicit a certain response from a specific audience. I pointed out the fact that this has exactly the same intent as the image of the girl he posted. He vehemently denies this to be the case, of course, but makes no good argument as to why I'm wrong. He even got jannies to delete the post where I made the comparison.

There was another image he posted that had come from a site that allegedly was shut down for hosting CP. He also has made some really retarded excuses as to how he came across the images (all of them) including a claim that he had found them by searching on Google Images. He is extremely defensive about all three of these images, and the best defense he could come up with for the two porn site images is "she's 18 so it's legal" which doesn't address the fact that the girl is clearly intended to look younger than 18. The people behind the vtuber anime avatars are also 18 or older, but for some reason kiwifails thinks they and their viewership are pedophiles because said avatars look younger. You know, like the girl he faps to.

Bonus: Ken, after making (or allowing Naught to make) a forum for lolicon, commented that he's (paraphrasing) "a little bit into loli", Now, I'm not going to make an argument that he is or isn't. Rather, I'm going to question whether or not the burger boiler has the mental capacity to know. The comment gives me strong vibes of Pamperchu calling himself a pedophile despite demonstrating that he most likely doesn't actually know what that means or the weight it carries. That time Pamperchu got on a call with a bonafide pedophile, when the pedo started talking about pedo shit Pamperchu got extremely uncomfortable and ultimately got off the call, that was the tell for me that Pamperchu has a different definition of pedophile than most people, and that he's most likely not a pedophile. How does this relate to Ken? I don't think Ken understands what pedophiles are, either, despite all the obvious pedoshielding he does. Actually, to me, the pedoshielding is indicitive of Ken feeling bad for these people, and wanting to ensure they aren't left out in the cold (unlike a certain Jew, and some other people he doesn't care about).

In short, Vingle is not a pedo. Catler is not a pedo. Ken most likely lacks the mental capacity to know what pedos are. kiwifails has the strongest evidence, and even then it's knowledge of what he faps to, an attack on vtubers that didn't age well, and the terrible job he's done defending himself. Do with that what you will.

kiwifails' fap girl:
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Ken's been married (and divorced) and he's posted porn images on his forum, he's much less childlike and naive than some people want to think. His autism and schizophrenia probably give him an unrealistic lens for certain events but at his core he's always come across as dirty and creepy, and tyrannically angry if you mess with any of his projects that he treats like a hoarder house.

It's not so much that he doesn't know what child molestation is, it's that he doesn't care about it because it's not related to him or his obsessions. That or it's a fetish he shares with some of the more questionable members of his forum that have come and gone.
Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 21-29-36 Petition Kenneth to add kiwi farms stickers Page 2 Onionfarms.png

Actually, I went out of my way to only copy the generic ones such as Like and Agree, because I'm fairly certain they are either public domain, or at the very least Josh stole them and therefore holds no copyright. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've seen those before outside of KF. Nevertheless, I am considering drawing up some replacements of my own design and I'm only concerned that it'll be too different for some people's autism.

I did not copy the ones that were obviously made for KF, in part because fatso might have a copyright on them, and in part because I wanted the remainder of the stickers to be organic, community driven, and unique to Lounge 96. One of the few things OF has going for it is that the artwork for their stickers are unique to OF, and not copied. Go ahead guys, steal Josh's paypig stickers. Become a kiwicopy. It'll surely attract the very best stickerfags.

Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 21-29-42 Petition Kenneth to add kiwi farms stickers Page 2 Onionfarms.png

At this point I'm all but convinced that Gays is trolling Ken on the nonexistent "site doesn't work" issue.