OF General 1.0

Storker Child often has the only sane takes on a situation
Lidl is pretty chill and is 100% not Josh. I will not elaborate
The two Ashley forum solution has been abandoned, and the two Ashley forums appear to be merged into one Great Ashley Forum.

As if we needed any more proof that Kengle can't follow through with anything.

The transparency report has been updated. Ryobi, apparently having been officially ruled not-a-Daniel-sock, has supposedly been unbanned, though his avatar is missing and the screenshot shows his name struck through. Some other users have been accused of being Dan and banned accordingly. Of course, being a kiwifails post, it's chock full of huge images and duplicates.
Screenshot 2025-01-17 at 99-99-2 Announcement - Transparency report Onionfarms.png.webp
Remember guys, everybody is Dan. Your boss is Dan. God is Dan. Your mom is Dan with a sawed-off cock. Your cat is Dan. kiwifails' avatar is Dan. There is no escape :poonion:
I was curious whether that rumor about Ken importing a destitute asian woman for sex and companionship was real or a believeable lie cooked up by stunted kiwifarmers. I feel like that's less interesting than the fact he told autistic corral website wrongplanet that he lost his virginity "to a hooker" (his words) when he was 19.

What's the story Ken? A birthday present from your dad hoping it would fix you? The dehumanizing way you shared this makes it sound like you didn't like her or the services.

I'm starting to think this guy isn't the kind inclusive lib he wants people to think he is.
Ken banned me immediately. Ken did she give you a handy and complain about the smell? You don't seem to recall it too fondly.

Ken you really let it hang on this board, buddy. You've gotten careful and aloof enough that you kinda trick people into not thinking you're a stinky little evil pig with black hate roiling under your skin. Not me, though. Good luck on getting anyone to join your forum knowing this stuff you disgusting rapist John slob.
You've gotten careful and aloof enough that you kinda trick people into not thinking you're a stinky little evil pig with black hate roiling under your skin
Seeing how he acted with his AvonBird35 sock was honestly disgusting. I liked him better when I thought he was just a retarded robot