Worst Kiwifarms posters


New member
Inspired by this thread on the onion site.

I'll name a few of my own.
As a well known schizo on Kiwi, Glowie is a disabled Finnish asexual who dedicated his life to political sperging on kiwifarms because he can’t get it up.

He earned himself a pink triangle for misbehaving and his inflammatory arguing on the public subforums outside the thunderdome.

He probably also earned it for accusing people witout any proof or basing his information entirely on copypastas posted by soyjaks.
He claimed I was Puerto Rican or something like that for example and he would later accuse anybody new posting to the thread of a brony lolcow known as Timmy or Dansburst of being a sock. For example claiming somebody called dansbursttruth who's been gathering info on dansburst is in reality fosteryou or FGAT or dansburst himself, again without any proof.
He just throws shit at the wall and hopes it sticks.

Unreliable narrator and incomprehensible, that's all he is.

He owns or used to own the Telegram group “furries exposed” and he has a now-banned Telegram account @TemperatorBot (ID: 624111754)

He's also active on X where he argues with other users on the platform. His username is SafestSpacer - https://archive.ph/wip/oyOSH

As of recently, glowie got a user called "i frot the law" banned by crying out to the moderators all because he was trolling him relaying information posted to onionfarms. For all his talk of emotional intelligence in relation to autism, Glowie must be the user with the single lowest emotional intelligence of the bunch.

Some screenshots.




I first thought he was Glowie's sock account, but after doing more research, he's from switzerand, glowie is from finland. Kiwi & Cow is almost exactly like glowie in how he behaves and even comes to his defense all the time usually by dropping good reactions on glowie and bad reactions on whoever he's arguing with.

Like glowie he is loud and outspoken to an obsessive degree and will not shut up when he doesn't like something. He got told to calm down by other users on his profile who were tired of his behavior.

Like Glowie he passionately hates furries, but not just furries he hates the Rust programming language and the Linux community. Takng pleasure in shitposting on threads just to piss them off or insulting everybody.

Like Glowie he used to spent all his time arguing politics. Surprisingly he isn't as awful as the rest of the community, often supporting gay people in light of homophobes congregating in those places.

Like Glowie (I feel like I'd sound like a broken record) his english is not the best which could be contributed to him being cognitively retarded (allegedly) or him being from switzerland and not speaking it as a first language. Although whenever he writes in french or german which are languages you normally learn in middle school in that country I think he makes very short comments that feel forced to be short to try to get the point across in a little text as possible and writes rarely in either language. I feel like he actually knows english better than those 2 languages, but that's not saying much. Kiwi & cow is still more intelligible than glowie.

He is a soyjak poster and got caught posting to soyjak.party planning a troll campaign with other soyjak posters to mass report tamers12345.
I'm including him because he's part of this now trio of douchebags who are loud, annoying and only hate furries to look cool.

The only thing that makes him different from these 2 other folks is he is almost never directly involved with glowie's and kiwi & cow's shenanigans. He just does his own thing. What he does have in common with these guys is his activity in the thunderdome subforum and vehemently arguing politics with other posters.

We got a very nice individual right there.

He successfully got banned from kiwifarms, his username won't autocomplete when I use their search engine which is often indicative of a banned account. Usually folks notice and start talking about whoever gets banned, but no one seems to have noticed him being gone.

I don't know what got him banned.

Dishonorable mentions​

Lidl Drip, an incel man-hating terf
Soyjak posters who write gibberish and piss off everybody on the forum, nobody likes them. most of them have since moved to skibidifarms since their main site of operation soyjak.party got taken down.
Lurker, a neurotic and snarky old user who joined back in 2013 and another terf
Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Captain Mati, frankly absurd style of debating and namecalling, neither of them are very intelligent and they argue against each other everyday for entire pages!
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Slav Power, a Josh cocksucker who got butthurt and quit because it turns out Josh doesn't like him.
Grub, but I can't remember why
Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt, for obvious reasons

his username won't autocomplete when I use their search engine which is often indicative of a banned account.
Usually being banned is the cause, but a user can also put their account into an invalid state by changing their email and not confirming it, with an almost identical outward appearance.

Over at Onion Troons, they figured out how to make a user group with the Never permission set on everything, so they can effectively ban people without putting the account in an invalid state. Some banned usernames will autocomplete and they can claim these people aren't banned, but they are.
I followed Rekieta after he was arrested and noticed the user Procrastinhater was making up a retarded amount of posts each page with shit that doesn't matter. I haven't noticed him much since I lost interest, but he appears to have developed tranny monomania after dropping Rekieta in late December. Maybe Rekieta was just a distraction from his real passion.
Glowie is a weird little cripple.
Lidl Drip is based and nice pilled.
DerpHerp2 is literally Crimson Fucker, idiots.

Personally, I find WelperHelper99 to be the fucking worst. He's a weird little "puritanical" Mormon amphetamine addict with a deep fascination surrounding anal sex, he's a massive Jewsh sycophant, his takes on anything are either some regurgitated shit from Null's podcast or some dope fiend misinterpretation of the stupidest sci-fi fanfic ever written (Book of Mormon).
Welper is a weird little faggot that has it coming
Personally, I find WelperHelper99 to be the fucking worst. He's a weird little "puritanical" Mormon amphetamine addict with a deep fascination surrounding anal sex, he's a massive Jewsh sycophant, his takes on anything are either some regurgitated shit from Null's podcast or some dope fiend misinterpretation of the stupidest sci-fi fanfic ever written (Book of Mormon).
Welper is a weird little faggot that has it coming
Being both a weaboo and a Mormon must fuck up your brain more than any drug on this earth.
I followed Rekieta after he was arrested and noticed the user Procrastinhater was making up a retarded amount of posts each page with shit that doesn't matter. I haven't noticed him much since I lost interest, but he appears to have developed tranny monomania after dropping Rekieta in late December. Maybe Rekieta was just a distraction from his real passion.
It's so funny that you have mentioned him, when I used Kiwifasrms he was one of my favorite posters, now I only occasionally stalk the Nick Thread and Procrastinhater is deranged in it.
It's so funny that you have mentioned him, when I used Kiwifasrms he was one of my favorite posters, now I only occasionally stalk the Nick Thread and Procrastinhater is deranged in it.
That dude rocks IMO. He's always been super chill towards my alts, which softens my retarded heart. I take his nuttier posts with a grain of salt since I have a feeling a lot of it is hyperbole
Lidl Drip, an incel man-hating terf
Soyjak posters who write gibberish and piss off everybody on the forum, nobody likes them. most of them have since moved to skibidifarms since their main site of operation soyjak.party got taken down.
Lurker, a neurotic and snarky old user who joined back in 2013 and another terf
Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Captain Mati, frankly absurd style of debating and namecalling, neither of them are very intelligent and they argue against each other everyday for entire pages!
These people are all uninspiring, Low IQ & mid. Worst posters are:
- AnOminous
- Sketchy Minecraft Mod
- StrawberryDouche