Null's Simping Levels Are Over 9000

So apparently he now wants to create an entire safespace for wimmins that can't deal with their feefees being hurt.

Some screenshots of this horseshit:







From some retarded public DM but funny. I love this Finnish named poster:

Back to topic at hand:












Me and some other women are like what in the everloving fuck is this shit? We never asked and we wonder if this is literally the marking of his public troon arc.

Never forget!!

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So apparently he now wants to create an entire safespace for wimmins that can't deal with their feefees being hurt.

Some screenshots of this horseshit:

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From some retarded public DM but funny. I love this Finnish named poster:
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Back to topic at hand:

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Me and some other women are like what in the everloving fuck is this shit? We never asked and we wonder if this is literally the marking of his public troon arc.

Never forget!!

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Welcome aboard queen
Thanks for the hearty laugh at Jocelyn's expense
His biological clock is ticking I guess, can you have a midlife crisis at 32?
Suppose if you have a fantasy of living some trad sigma lifestyle with a wife and 8032832 babies, but at the same time can't get hard for a woman and are so porn sick you only want to fuck yourself.

Null, all your problems are self-created. You are a drama whore and you love it. Just embrace you are a lolcow and get over it. I mean even PPP is like I am a fatfuck who probably shouldn't have shown my asshole to everyone. You have no ability to admit you are wrong even when it is in your best interest.
Suppose if you have a fantasy of living some trad sigma lifestyle with a wife and 8032832 babies, but at the same time can't get hard for a woman and are so porn sick you only want to fuck yourself.

Null, all your problems are self-created. You are a drama whore and you love it. Just embrace you are a lolcow and get over it. I mean even PPP is like I am a fatfuck who probably shouldn't have shown my asshole to everyone. You have no ability to admit you are wrong even when it is in your best interest.
I'm amazed he can't seem to get over the fact that: SPENT MOST OF LIFE ON INTERNET ≠ Trad
Or let's say OK, you lived like this your whole life, fine, but what TANGIBLE steps are you taking to prove this is a life you are leaving behind?
Good point, most people can become what they set for themselves, null just cries online all day about people fighting on a forum notorious for mocking people online
I just wan to make this abundantly clear since I think some people missed it but Null intends for the site to have "age gated" areas meaning he wants underaged posters on the site. What a trainwreck waiting to happen.
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In a year where he has already removed 2 key features of his site and altered many more, this might be the dumbest thing possible.
He really wants that sharty audience to offset the amount of users he is hemorrhaging from bans and infighting.
I remember posting a ton in KF's technology forum. There wasn't a day that went by without somebody posting something foul or inappropriate. And that was probably the cleanest forum on the whole site. It's also just how I liked it. I don't want to post in a sanitized community and neither does any other kiwi.

For that reason alone, Kiwi Farms will never be appropriate for people under 18. Never mind all the other problems, such as the pedophile infestation.
In a year where he has already removed 2 key features of his site and altered many more,
Site sucks major ass now because of that shit. I want my fucking sticker notifications, you lazy fat fuck.
I remember posting a ton in KF's technology forum. There wasn't a day that went by without somebody posting something foul or inappropriate. And that was probably the cleanest forum on the whole site. It's also just how I liked it. I don't want to post in a sanitized community and neither does any other kiwi.

For that reason alone, Kiwi Farms will never be appropriate for people under 18. Never mind all the other problems, such as the pedophile infestation.

Site sucks major ass now because of that shit. I want my fucking sticker notifications, you lazy fat fuck.
I always had notifications off, but I am still confused why this became a thing. Like just tell whiny users to eat shit if they don't like it or can't turn off notifications. He'll ban people over nothing, but at the same time bend the knee to this dumb shit.
I always had notifications off, but I am still confused why this became a thing. Like just tell whiny users to eat shit if they don't like it or can't turn off notifications. He'll ban people over nothing, but at the same time bend the knee to this dumb shit.
He could turn off notifications for the bitch user, and if they still bitch, he can lock them off.

This is yet another case of Josh knows better than the rest of us.
The only ones 100% onboard with this are the TERFs and even some of them expressed reservations.

I dunno this isn't motralfagging cause don't really care but I feel like I'm going to see a news report in the next six months of Null busted for trafficking 15 year old autistic girls with Justa Whoria as his BPD Ghislaine Maxwell.

This is neither here nor there so take it as you will but I'm just realizing that this is coming right off the heels of Josh's favorite encrypted messenger service becoming moderated.
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