Null's Simping Levels Are Over 9000

If you read Null's post in his high pitched squeaky homo voice it all makes sense: he's a faggot desperate to find an underage girl with no boobs and hips so he can pretend she's catboy. It's the only way his dick will work (just barely he probably has diabetes erectile dysfunction anyway).
pedo fag.png
Such cope. Way to tell us about your trooning out fantasy.

I bet the vast majority of trannies have never even written a single line of HTML. Besides, it's not even required with the advent of site builders and fully managed webhosting. You can even get a turnkey XenForo site with 24/7 tech support. All it takes is money.

Mumsnet was started by a woman. I don't see why a female-only hugbox couldn't be, or why girls would want to join a female-only hugbox run by a (male) incel.

Also, this is highly mysoginistic of Josh to say that women need a man to administer their hugbox. Everything I've done to put up this site (100% installed, configured, and maintained solely by me) could be done by a woman.
I know the rumor is Null and Lidl are one and the same, but shit like this is why I think Lidl is nulls girlfriend and she's got him by the shriveled vestigial balls. His abrupt Male Feminist arc reminds me of all the dudes who become their girlfriends and vice versa
I know the rumor is Null and Lidl are one and the same, but shit like this is why I think Lidl is nulls girlfriend and she's got him by the shriveled vestigial balls. His abrupt Male Feminist arc reminds me of all the dudes who become their girlfriends and vice versa
I can see it she's the type to want a weak male to bully around. And Josh is practically a unich.
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I just wan to make this abundantly clear since I think some people missed it but Null intends for the site to have "age gated" areas meaning he wants underaged posters on the site. What a trainwreck waiting to happen.
View attachment 328
So much wrong can happen from this. Kiwi's are busted for being a pedo at regular basis already. BPGoonerGate were about raping young boys. So much actual grooming and child sex crimes are awaiting if this happens.
So much wrong can happen from this. Kiwi's are busted for being a pedo at regular basis already. BPGoonerGate were about raping young boys. So much actual grooming and child sex crimes are awaiting if this happens.
This is only going to be compounded further because Josh also wants to make a female only safe space. Where he uses third-party software to identify their biological sex apparently. By scanning their IDs.
I just wan to make this abundantly clear since I think some people missed it but Null intends for the site to have "age gated" areas meaning he wants underaged posters on the site. What a trainwreck waiting to happen.
View attachment 328
She never is not insane, why she continues to lash-out at her fanbase is beyond me, like Jewshlyn all you have to do is take their advice