Deranged Femoids of the KF Posting Archive and Discussion

Good God I weep for the English Language she defiled then murdered in that post. She seems to be pissing off a lot of older users, which doesn't surprise me. Bitch acts like she owns the place because she's tight with Didl. About the only thing about her that is tight tbh.
I didn't pay a lot of attention to her before I got banned, but when I did, I told her holy shit stop slaughtering our language.
It seems like a lot of them are alcoholics on top of whatever else they have going on.

You've got all these older women on KF now making allusions to their own child abuse and I just don't know why that is the kind of person you would want to post on your site?

Nothing gets me in the mood to post like hearing about these welfare losers resenting and neglecting their own children.
It seems like a lot of them are alcoholics on top of whatever else they have going on.

You've got all these older women on KF now making allusions to their own child abuse and I just don't know why that is the kind of person you would want to post on your site?

Nothing gets me in the mood to post like hearing about these welfare losers resenting and neglecting their own children.
Well that and they are like are the men in my life losers?? It can't be due to MY poor decision making. All men just must suck. I need a hugbox Null to protect me from all these awful scrotes. And Null being such a hodenlos sack of shit says 'Yes, m'lady'.
Well that and they are like are the men in my life losers?? It can't be due to MY poor decision making. All men just must suck. I need a hugbox Null to protect me from all these awful scrotes. And Null being such a hodenlos sack of shit says 'Yes, m'lady'.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, accountability is an essential part of adulthood. If you don't employ it you end up like them, complaining about everything and changing nothing