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  1. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    What a retard. @Gargamel is right, Trump did lose and that's what every piece of evidence showed. Of course he would be some MAGAtard who calls me a Nazi for being against miscegenation, even though I don't hate Jews or believe in racial supremacy. Even some Jews and Natives are against...
  2. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    Literally vordrak.
  3. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    I feel like Nektar himself is actually turning on others a bit more lately. First kiwifails which was pretty funny because he said they got a broom wedged up their ass or something lol and now thefrogninja. Frogninja is a good poster imo. Nektar turned on me before for saying I'm Pagan and "must...
  4. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    Nektar Geist just criticized thefrogninja and now frogninja is "archiving his retardation".
  5. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    This knowledge is a curse.
  6. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    I'm kind of skeptical on the claims kiwifails is a pedo if the model was clothed or over 18. The picture itself is kind of sussy because of who it's probably marketed towards but I doubt kiwifails is actually a pedo. @Vingle is another I'm skeptical of being a pedophile, apparently the person...
  7. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    youthful shannel asks kiwifails if they're a bot.
  8. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0
  9. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    I always thought he was less censorious than null.
  10. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    You wouldn't know it with how he encourages reports on his site now.
  11. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    I'm pretty sure reportfagging as a concept comes from chan sites so older than KF. I think porn, spam, child and animal abuse should be reported but that's about it. null should be reported for his real crimes like zoosadist content hosting, not to silence him and his site.
  12. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    Don't be a reportfag, that's lame. Unless there is literal animal abuse like on KF.
  13. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    You just got rated: POONING OUT!
  14. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    Be a winner - like Trump.
  15. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    Boobie Bomb can't stop winning!
  16. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    WN but I don't believe other races are inferior, just that we should be separate.
  17. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    I don't think being against miscegenation is inherently Nazism. Many communities, including some Jewish and Native American communities take that stance.
  18. Refrigerated Embaby

    OF General 1.0

    He lets me post stuff against miscegenation.
  19. Refrigerated Embaby

    Did you get completely banned from OF?

    Did you get completely banned from OF?