OF General 1.0

Kengle has learned nothing from Nools many failures to monetize KF, All it takes is one dedicated sperg to ruin it.
Don't be a reportfag, that's lame. Unless there is literal animal abuse like on KF.
Nah fuck him and fuck your KF-knock off "rules" of "no cow touching". Cringe as hell.

>literal animal abuse
I'm sure Crimson posted it somewhere. Or he said he posted baby gore before. Humans = a type of animal = "animal abuse", there you go. Found a report reason.
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Nah fuck him and fuck your KF-knock off "rules" of "no cow touching". Cringe as hell.

>literal animal abuse
I'm sure Crimson posted it somewhere. Or he said he posted baby gore before. Humans = a type of animal = "animal abuse", there you go. Found a report reason.
I'm pretty sure reportfagging as a concept comes from chan sites so older than KF. I think porn, spam, child and animal abuse should be reported but that's about it. null should be reported for his real crimes like zoosadist content hosting, not to silence him and his site.
I'm pretty sure reportfagging as a concept comes from chan sites so older than KF. I think porn, spam, child and animal abuse should be reported but that's about it. null should be reported for his real crimes like zoosadist content hosting, not to silence him and his site.
4chan has a rule against publicly announcing reports. Being against reports in general are Null's and One's personal form of faggotry/autism, that they inherited from being 8chan (aka FBIchan) admins.
With how hard Ken is pedoshielding, there's no doubt he is at least someone that sympathise with pedos. Even if he does not directly harm children, his viewpoint does indirectly harm them. In my opinion, it is just as bad as being a pedo itself.

I'm not going to do anything myself, but I will look the other way if somebody does anything towards him.
I report anything that looks like a personal vendetta. I'm sure the jannies are thrilled, but that's Kenneth's problem and not mine.
Well, we were talking about Null. But Ken seems to try to copy him in terms of being a dickhead, so they might as well be the same person.
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He's at it again. This time talking about implementing a caste system, with the "general public" as the Brahmins, and the "lolcows" (current Onion Farms regulars) as the Untouchables.

I mean, 4chan pulled off something like this, for a few years anyway. The difference though, is that 4chan has a good mix of very dirty and less dirty content, and that users of the less dirty parts of the site didn't mind being associated with the more dirty parts. The site split was also about as seamless as you could ever hope for, with the same software being used on both sides and the minimum in segregation between the two. Also, there were not tiers of users enforced by 4chan admins, only content.

Of course, we already know how this would go for Onion Farms, because he's already tried it with the Onionfarms.online forum, a site nobody cares about. But let's consider why this is doomed to failure:
  • Onion Farms is almost entirely dirty content. There's nothing of value to split off into a clean site, so the clean site will struggle due to a lack of worthwile content. Celebrities do not count and neither does Nigeria.
  • Onion Farms users don't want to post on an SFW site. They didn't come to Kiwi Farms only to be told they can't say nigger any more.
  • Onion Farms users largely do not want to register for another site. Most of those wiling to do so are already on Lounge 96, Skibidi Farms, EDF, VH, TVA, or they socked back onto KF.
  • It will always be two seperate sites, because while enough time and money could probably marry two XenForo sites in a somewhat seamless way, Ken is too cheap to buy a second XenForo license. Before you ask, no, a union of XenForo + SMF will never happen. That would be like a chink marrying a fire hydrant.
  • Hiding the dirty site from public view (something Ken has suggested before) will not change the usage metrics of the clean site at all, but it might actually hurt the dirty site.
  • Onion Farms users will not take kindly to being treated like untouchables.
  • It doesn't address the #1 problem with Onion Farms, which is Ken himself.
Now let's look at some ways in which he could fail a bit less:
  • Make a new site with zero connection to Onion Farms, KF, lolcows, boiled burgers, or the name Kenneth Erwin Engelhartdt, all of which are tainted. The problem with this approach is finding an audience despite being a completely unknown site.
  • Take Onion Farms in a sideward direction to find a void to fill, like TVA did (I think?).
  • Stop being retarded, and make Onion Farms the best kiwisplinter it can be. Unfortunately this will never happen because you can't fix stupid. Also, there's already a better kiwisplinter out there. It's called Lounge 96, and it continues to siphon traffic away from Ken's Onion empire.
  • Merge with Skibidi Farms. Probably not the best for longevity, but they are more amenible to his views on pedophilia.
  • Simply give up, log off the Internet, and enjoy life as a senior citizen.
Personally, I understand both sides of the sticker issue.

On the one hand, you have those who give out neg-rates, and then they don't contribute in any real discussion. They believe as if the sticker should be the signifier of their opinions and viewpoints and nothing more. They don't feel the need to add to the discussion to make it more autistic or to get validation for their opinion. Their sticker speaks for itself and they move on with their day. Or sometimes, they add the sticker because "lol ur (this sticker)". After all, that's what they're there for. That's their purpose. To be a representation of your approval or disapproval or just your reaction.
But then you have those who get those negrates and are desperate in wanting someone to come at them with a rebuttal to their viewpoints or whatnot. But they grow increasingly dissatisfied with the idea that LOL IT'S JUST STICKERS. Well obviously, the person using those ratings rated the person's response with the sticker, the sticker being the thing that represents their beliefs on a situation. The person rated with that sticker wants to hear more from that person beyond the sticker shitposting to see if their arguments have weight. So if you don't give any sort of rebuttal and just leave it at a sticker, the person becomes increasingly angry at you or whatnot, irrationally. This is what led to that utterly hilarious thread with @crocodilian sperging out about @snailslime and @zedkissed60. After all, it's a forum where we can say whatever the fuck we want almost as long as it doesn't inconvenience Our Dear Leader.
There's an interesting grasp of psychology to it all. To the way we use the internet, the way we communicate, interactions, and whatnot. How the stickers are so specific in their purpose in response to other people's posts. How one can become obsessed with people's opinions and perspectives and what they meant by just one sticker. They are quite an interesting weapon.
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It's called "stop being retarded" and "stop pedoshielding". Not exactly rocket science, Ken.

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You heard him, guys!
After a brief hiatus, the DEI message has returned to the top of the front page!
Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 09-51-47 Onionfarms.png

Personally, I understand both sides of the sticker issue.

On the one hand, you have those who give out neg-rates, and then they don't contribute in any real discussion. They believe as if the sticker should be the signifier of their opinions and viewpoints and nothing more. They don't feel the need to add to the discussion to make it more autistic or to get validation for their opinion. Their sticker speaks for itself and they move on with their day. Or sometimes, they add the sticker because "lol ur (this sticker)". After all, that's what they're there for. That's their purpose. To be a representation of your approval or disapproval or just your reaction.
But then you have those who get those negrates and are desperate in wanting someone to come at them with a rebuttal to their viewpoints or whatnot. But they grow increasingly dissatisfied with the idea that LOL IT'S JUST STICKERS. Well obviously, the person using those ratings rated the person's response with the sticker, the sticker being the thing that represents their beliefs on a situation. The person rated with that sticker wants to hear more from that person beyond the sticker shitposting to see if their arguments have weight. So if you don't give any sort of rebuttal and just leave it at a sticker, the person becomes increasingly angry at you or whatnot, irrationally. This is what led to that utterly hilarious thread with @crocodilian sperging out about @snailslime and @zedkissed60. After all, it's a forum where we can say whatever the fuck we want almost as long as it doesn't inconvenience Our Dear Leader.
There's an interesting grasp of psychology to it all. To the way we use the internet, the way we communicate, interactions, and whatnot. How the stickers are so specific in their purpose in response to other people's posts. How one can become obsessed with people's opinions and perspectives and what they meant by just one sticker. They are quite an interesting weapon.
And then there are the retards who get butthurt over your very existence and spam stickers so much the stickers lose their meaning. Example:
Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 19-42-24 Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms - Joshua Moon Megathread.png.webp