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  1. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    They now think @Unyuns is @BigFanOfTheKillstream: Being a Global Moderator on Onion Farms is apparently very taxing, even with the work split six ways. Not to mention all the backseat sweeping that happens over there. Imagine how much harder it'd be for pedofails if he had to do it all by...
  2. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    He's previously admitted an interest in lolicon.
  3. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    Was it really a flip? Why didn't he import a Nigerian?
  4. Gargamel

    Art Suggestions

    Gargamel doesn't do that though. How about a Rabbi spray painting a swastika, and then Azrael killing said Rabbi. Dead Rabbi in a pool of blood with cat paw prints leading away.
  5. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    We now have a first class forum on Onion Farms:
  6. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    It was no joke. AHF really thought you were me in disguise. AHF doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. Even pedofails and the Ashley a-log didn't believe. Just look at those reactions. AHF also loves to drive wedges for no reason: He (xe?) can safely be ignored.
  7. Gargamel

    Daniel Lopez (blog)

    Is that piss?
  8. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    That's because they're stupid and they hate me.
  9. Gargamel

    Daniel Lopez (blog)

    Say hi to Josh for me.
  10. Gargamel

    Daniel Lopez (blog)

    Louisiana is about to get buried in snow.
  11. Gargamel


  12. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    It's funny how Ken posts this shit always thinking he found the smoking gun. Is he still butthurt about getting banned from Kiwi Farms? It could also be a mailbox at a mail forwarder. Escapees RV Club is the most popular provider in that space and is geared towards people living on the road...
  13. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    Ken paid for sex in 1979: He edited this post to add the last line, where he calls himself "schizophrenic or bipolar" 🤔 does this mean Ken is also bipolar?
  14. Gargamel [chickenhawk HQ]

    Guy, you're missing the point of WikiNull. The reason I put the site up is literally to 1up Ken and his dozen plus attempts at an "onionpedia". Being that it serves it's main purpose as-is, and that my userbase is completely uninterested, I find it difficult to justify the time and effort into...
  15. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    :story: Putting a feeler out at 1am on a Saturday, complaining of a cold response two hours later, and completely giving up by 7am. The fuck? Also, when does he sleep, exactly? Sure thing, SPED.
  16. Gargamel

    What are you watching?

  17. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    The two Ashley forum solution has been abandoned, and the two Ashley forums appear to be merged into one Great Ashley Forum. As if we needed any more proof that Kengle can't follow through with anything. The transparency report has been updated. Ryobi, apparently having been officially ruled...
  18. Gargamel

    L96 Original Sticker Assets
