[chickenhawk HQ]


Well-known member
what a piece of shit website,

please pute your body over the edge of cliff you satanic homosexual

Who? Or is their website down again? I haven't been able to access it anyway because I can't get past Cloudflare on a proxy.
Chickenhawk is such a great word, And ever more relevant.
Yeah, most of them are liberals militarily supporting Ukraine or the Syrian, uh, "rebels" right now.

I guess we'll see if Trump invades Iran or not, and if the neocons make a comeback.

Who? Or is their website down again? I haven't been able to access it anyway because I can't get past Cloudflare on a proxy.
Earlier today, somebody came here and spammed their URL.

Their site works fine for me on Tor.
Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 07-47-55 Ugly Nigger - Lounge 96 Wiki Skibidi Farms.png

It is quite hard, relative to clicking "Install" in CPanel, which is what Ken did (6 times).

I also made sure to do it in the best way possible, instead of half-assing it. You get what you pay for, and I paid in effort.
Guy, you're missing the point of WikiNull. The reason I put the site up is literally to 1up Ken and his dozen plus attempts at an "onionpedia". Being that it serves it's main purpose as-is, and that my userbase is completely uninterested, I find it difficult to justify the time and effort into building it out.
Screenshot 2025-01-18 at 20-18-17 Ugly Nigger - Lounge 96 Wiki Skibidi Farms.png.webp

Maybe on a rainy day I'll make it into something more than a completely virgin MediaWiki site. But as far as I'm concerned, as it stands it's still 1000% better than any wiki or Wordpress Ken has ever shat out.
Skibidi Farms is down:
Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 02-41-35 522 Connection timed out.png.webp

User nihility has registered on Lounge 96:
Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 09-02-56 nihility.webp

This user has added this link to their profile:
Which is an image depicting screenshots from nihility's Skibidi Farms user profile and @Dogisaga-fag's Lounge 96 user profile, suggesting a link between the two. The screenshot was archived from, an imageboard. It appears to have come from this thread where they try to make the case that nihility and @Dogisaga-fag are one and the same and that they are socks of another user goblinsaga.

I am not sure what to make of this 🤔
Skibidis are so back:
Screenshot 2025-01-25 at 13-01-57 Skibidi Farms.png.webp

The toilet has flushed a week worth of data. Oof.

This, coming from from the guy who apparently thinks I'm too stupid to set up a MediaWiki :rolleyes:

They need your help to restore their content, sorta like ED and their thousands of missing images:

It's mostly gone forever, much like the original KF General on Onion Farms.