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  1. Gargamel


    How do you feel about purple onions?
  2. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    He's your stalker, if you want him to have his very own thread feel free to make one. That whole site is boring as.
  3. Gargamel

    What are you up to?

    Lounge 96 is built on a solid foundation. It's insides are nothing like Ken's abortion. They celebrated in the streets on live television on the morning of 9/11, so I can't give a shit about their current situation. The fascist Zionist ethnostate can also get fucked. Hemp had a promising...
  4. Gargamel

    What are you up to?

    I got injured. I'm a big boy, so I continue to refuse the Percocet prescriptions doctors keep offering me. Probably no effortposting for a while though.
  5. Gargamel

    What are you up to?

    I'm in a lot of pain so I'm not really feeling up to posting lately.
  6. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    I think it's a woman, personally. It is very bitchy at times and some of the tales it tells reek of "wife overheard her husband talking about something, parrots what she heard as if she knows what shes talking about but gets it all wrong". It's particular brand of narcissism also feels feminine...
  7. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    Ken admits that his second XenForo license is officially revoked: Here he's conflating the two different XenForo licenses he has bought, both of which are revoked. He doesn't want you to remember that time I tricked him into buying a new XenForo license under someone else's name...
  8. Gargamel


    Guys, apparently my lived experiences aren't real. They don't fit the politically correct rainbow mafia narrative, so they can't possibly be real :rolleyes:
  9. Gargamel


    A few libshit gays disagree. They are completely blind to the dark side of trannydom and they view the issue essentially the same as how they view the illegal alien problem. Everybody must get everything always, regardless of law, logic, entitlement, or public consequence. A majority of gay...
  10. Gargamel


    Gender "identity" is not sexual orientation. Homosexual and bisexual people are mostly accepted in my experience. Gender dysphoric troons who identify as women (NOT transwomen) and pass as female had reasonable acceptance before the gender ideology people came along and hijacked the movement...
  11. Gargamel


    What does being critical of trannies have to do with being gay?
  12. Gargamel


    Defending troons lol. Why, just why? They're 99% Clusterfuck-B freaks of nature who fantasize about cutting their cocks off and becoming girls having fake tits and vaginas installed, who recruit vulnerable people including kids into their cult, and vehemently demonize anyone who doesn't give...
  13. Gargamel


    I personally don't think it's feasible. Possible, maybe. It's like getting Ken to do something smart. Every once in a billion tries you get lucky, and even then he finds a way to self-sabotage. It's a few more than that. It sure looks like a slapfight to me.
  14. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    400lb Daddy is not pleased! Ken and flip, sitting in a tree, F-A-P-P-I-N-G. First comes green card, then comes divorce. Then comes Onion in a baby carriage. Daddy can't comprehend a simple question: Even pedofails appears to understand the request, though he's too stupid to make it happen.
  15. Gargamel

    Here are some Sand rats, pick your favorite. [ATTACH]

    Here are some Sand rats, pick your favorite.
  16. Gargamel

    Daniel Lopez (blog)

    Technically, yes he could sue the city (I assume it was a city transit bus) who's bus driver apparently stole his right-of-way, if he had it to begin with. Almost all city buses have cameras all over them so this isn't very hard to prove if he got the police involved. The city, their insurance...
  17. Gargamel

    OF General 1.0

    Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt is a verified member of Onion Farms: He's also your daddy, apparently. @UWUthanize You The cellar goblin is calling you fat 🤣
  18. Gargamel

    What are you watching?

  19. Gargamel

    Daniel Lopez (blog)

    Been super quiet. I wonder if he picked up a new habit at the hospital?