Joshua Conner Moon / Null / Ichverbot / Iban / IbanZ / IbanX / CityRPG / Not Important / n-tech / 2Tsuki (Work in Progress)

They think he's psychic or something.
it's healthier to be obsessed with chocolate chips & pepsi zero like josh is than with josh. to be quite perfectly honest, it is hard to believe some people in this thread ripped their thighs to shreds tattooing his name on themselves and having to look at it each time they sit down to make water etc
does anyone watch his podcast? I assume all his oyster eating has got him to fess up about how humongous he is in kilograms again
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null mocks styxenhammer for suicide-baiting on twitter.
I don't believe people that actually would off themselves, would post about it. Sure, he is depressed and wants help. Suicide baiting is simply begging for that.
Anyway, mentally ill people have control over their life too. And Jocelyn does talk about getting out of depression by sheer will power, so it's understandable how he has this distaste over people who act so weak. I kinda see myself in just powering through it, and sooo many problems in the world would be solved. If we lived more after survival of the fittest