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  1. Vingle

    Trump, H1B, and zoomers

    Don't worry, I do recognise Russians. Plenty of zoomers I deem not worthy.
  2. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    This is getting weird, and I'm wondering if he has an episode of psychosis. With how he denies the reality of Pedofails being denied a broom on Lounge96 and like. You are the admin here, you definitely have chances to broom it here. If this is a troll, it's a bad one. Because I get the feeling...
  3. Vingle

    Trump, H1B, and zoomers

    They wanted this, zoomers are shunning Trump because he doesn't let immigrants wreak havoc. This is a case of "Fuck around and find out", seriously fuck zoomers.
  4. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    If I cared for Fucktard Geist, I would be worried about his mental state. Because, who in their right mind looks at Ken and think he's such a perfect citizen worthy of being jealous of?
  5. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    High functioning autists often go their whole life undiagnosed. In most cases, they find it out when their kid have it. It's for the best that he does not have a kid and treat OF like his spouse and kid.
  6. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    It is actually a good thing that Pedofails is getting more power over OF, because he will destroy it faster. Normally it would be stupid to warn someone about this, but he's completely self unaware and is the IRL example of this meme
  7. Vingle

    What are you watching?

  8. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    And it happened right after it was commented on here. This is too funny to be true, but here we are:ROFLMAO:
  9. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    I mean, it is immediately disproven that people disappear here. Cause Pedofails is the only one who people actually want to disappear. Retard can't fathom that people need a reason for why people want to dox and make someone disappear. It is getting boring, he only try to lie about something we...
  10. Vingle

    What are you watching?

  11. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Apparently it's such a mind blowing concept, that not everyone has the time or desire to post on a forum that doesn't affect your IRL life in the slightest.
  12. Vingle

    What are you watching?

  13. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    At least be a man about it, and not give us this cryptic shit. Pedofails even risk actually getting some interaction with it. But since nobody cares and he still tardrages about it, like som tard speaking about their passion about trains to someone that do not care. I guess this is his downfall...
  14. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Reminds me of this, don't remember if it was stated in the video. But Mormons can't have any caffeine.
  15. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    The best thing with these pics is to not say anything at all, because I haven't seen this pic before. Because I and including other not-weirdos, simply do not care to look it up.
  16. Vingle

    my last will & testament

    What's happening this week though? Is it because of rumours of Nintendo Switch 2 being announced?
  17. Vingle

    Ashley Stankowski

    Why don't you move in with Cobes? You need shelter, he needs a friend that aren't out to get his ass and he gets lots of free food delivered to him.
  18. Vingle

    OF General 1.0

    Literally this, it drives me nuts that people are unable to see the differences between niggers and whites. There are plenty of differences between them. I said it before, but a nigger is a nigger even if you copy & paste white skin on them. Holy hell, there exist niggers that are albino, but...
  19. Vingle

    KF General

    I don't know what to feel about this. As I'm of the opinion that reddit karma is complete BS, and people reacting negative to it are just addicts to brain-chemicals that makes you "happy".