Ashley Stankowski

decline into a cobra state
Didn't read the rest of that but you're going to back off my boy. He's had a tough enough run of it, be as shitty as you want towards me but please, unironically, don't use him as a bludgeon.
Cobes is a chill ass dude and he knows his Spitter Spies are almost exclusively KF peeps.
Find a new attack vector so this shit talk session between two alcoholic southern retards doesn't become a whole escalated thing
Didn't read the rest of that but you're going to back off my boy. He's had a tough enough run of it, be as shitty as you want towards me but please, unironically, don't use him as a bludgeon.
Cobes is a chill ass dude and he knows his Spitter Spies are almost exclusively KF peeps.
Why don't you move in with Cobes? You need shelter, he needs a friend that aren't out to get his ass and he gets lots of free food delivered to him.
Why don't you move in with Cobes? You need shelter, he needs a friend that aren't out to get his ass and he gets lots of free food delivered to him.
What an awful idea lol. I made the conscious decision to become a hobo loco mofo because I was severely bored of living in a shitty apartment in a shitty place, so Casper would be a very lateral move in that regard but the misadventures would be funny if Josh were still up for such things. I offered to run down to the store and make us some badass steaks but Cobes was content to eat his dank pizza hack that had been sitting out for days. That should give you an idea of how dissimilar our way of thinking and motivations are.
The dick pic is from the final struggle session with Whiteglove (Crimson) on KF. Some weirdo going by something like iwanttowatchyoupee sent that to a female going by Muskie Hunter, which she forwarded to me. I was posting as UWUthanize Me at the time, pretty sure you can still find the exchange.
That's not actually my dingus but Moontroon was definitely my account
Wow that's entirely incomprehensible but sounds really pathetic for all of you. Good thing when all of you can't actually win anything doing this for years on end there's still the bottle.
Good thing when all of you can't actually win anything doing this for years on end there's still the bottle.
We all win by having fun on the Online while you can do nothing but drunkenly seethe about shit you did to yourself.
As we all know substance abuse is rooted in filling a hole in one's life, what are you lacking that you need to down 5 liters of shitty wine to endure the day? Is your very clearly soy common-law "husband" still able to get it up by closing his eyes and thinking of anyone else or is it something more intangible than his ED?
We all win by having fun on the Online while you can do nothing but drunkenly seethe about shit you did to yourself.
As we all know substance abuse is rooted in filling a hole in one's life, what are you lacking that you need to down 5 liters of shitty wine to endure the day? Is your very clearly soy common-law "husband" still able to get it up by closing his eyes and thinking of anyone else or is it something more intangible than his ED?
Lol how are you "having fun online"? These freaks insult you constantly, you and some other guy from there with a substance abuse problem and personality disorder are trying to dox each other and send revenge porn back and forth.
Why do people drink?
For normies I'm sure it's a tasty social thing to occasionally do. In my case I started partying as a teen before understanding the implications of generational alcoholism and have gone through spells of dependence for most of my life. My biggest triggers for drinking are boredom and a general lack of fulfillment with life, so those are factors as well.
Lol how are you "having fun online"? These freaks insult you constantly, you and some other guy from there with a substance abuse problem and personality disorder are trying to dox each other and send revenge porn back and forth.
Because I enjoy arguing and can take shit talking as well as I offer it while also being quick to forgive perceived internet "enemies". I've heard the voice message you left for @fnaarf and are obviously choking back seething tears any time you start a-logging, so I can understand why it'd be hard for you to understand that I don't have PTSD from mean words on a screen.
Given, I've had my feelings wounded by Trans Hathaway Fag suddenly acting like a snake because he couldn't get over the suspicion I was one of his trolls from OnA, so it's not like I'm totally stoic but as a general rule I enjoy all this nonsense.
Also lol, you sure dodged that question about your common-law soysband being unable to pretend to want to fuck you anymore. Adding it to the canon
Wait do you actually think these people like you and are just pretending to have a visceral hate of you and this is some kind of friendly game to them lol
It doesn't ultimately matter how anyone truthfully feels about me as it's all a game to me either way. Some days I win, some days I lose but I always find a reason to laugh and do it again the next day. Your humorless attitude is why you've done nothing but lose every day for 7 years straight.
That sounds really miserable. Are you just resigned to never having friends who like and respect you so weird mutually assured destruction threats with people who forget you the second your posts leave their field of vision is the next best thing?
That sounds really miserable. Are you just resigned to never having friends who like and respect you so weird mutually assured destruction threats with people who forget you the second your posts leave their field of vision is the next best thing?
Not really, as I said I enjoy the bantz rain or shine. I'm sure the natural differences between men and women make me more prone to enjoying combat.
I have IRL friends, I just don't talk about them in detail since I have people who would actually try to harm me watching. Unlike you, who would try life ruining anyone who's ever laughed at your angy tard behavior
Yeah it's a natural difference between men and women that all men love being called slurs and sent incriminating porn by a guy who would set your car on fire if you had a car and he could leave his mom's spare room. It isn't just that you both had really unfortunate childhoods and can't feel the correct emotions about anything.
all men love being called slurs and sent incriminating porn by a guy
I think well adjusted people are unmoved by the same name calling middle schoolers employ. It's not incriminating because it's not real but having acknowledged it it's now troll canon. Thankfully those who have seen my actual dingus agree about its nobility
can't feel the correct emotions about anything.
I assume you believe your behavior has been the "correct" response to being bantzed? Hm, I hadn't considered going down a nearly decade long cycle of embarrassing myself and seething. Don't think I'll try but if enjoying the stupid prizes for my stupid games doesn't continue to work out I'll keep it in mind
I assume you believe your behavior has been the "correct" response to being bantzed?
Please show me one person doing this who isn't a friendless personality disorder having creep whose life is more wrecked and stupid from their own attitude and actions than anything I could aspire to in a million lifetimes. You are one of my biggest and most dedicated haters, you know more about me and share it unsolicited than you probably know about your own mom or dad and you are literally homeless and go in and out of detox routinely. Let's admit it's not so much that I'm "embarrassing" but that I represent something to you and to the others which is the reason you don't go off quite as hard at other pervert losers that hate you you encounter on KF or its many sad and deformed child forums.

These people have never had anything concretely horrible because I don't abuse or screw over people so like you they resort to porn-brained "you're fat and I wouldn't fuck you" forever and ever and posting personal information. It makes me sound like a nerd to call this jealousy but what else is it.
The main forum this "bantz" is on literally has a pedophile hanging out on it, oh no these people hate me how very embarrassing that the jailbait guy thinks I'm fat
You're a drunk, middle aged, pseudo Commie cunt with as much self control as the niggers you so heartily fellate. It's not that deep lady.
You are fat and even your pretend husband wouldn't fuck you. Lose weight, femcel
Lol look how dripping with self-hatred this is. You just got out of detox Dan. You wrote a big smug essay about it like you regard yourself as a Bukowski with none of the literary ability or interesting stories, remember? And you can't name a single non-loser who's obsessed with me.