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  1. Kanabō

    Not much just pissin away the holiday sup with you?

    Not much just pissin away the holiday sup with you?
  2. Kanabō

    Post some of your Interests!

    List some of your interests so users can start making threads with ideas from this thread. I'll start since I made the damn thread. Some of my interests are: Old Muscle Cars and vehicle maintenance and customization Firearms Dogs and Animals Boobs* Already made a thread Quality tools Exercise...
  3. Kanabō

    Whatever the fuck this thing is

    Shieeet I need to get me some cock armor then
  4. Kanabō

    NSFW Megathread

    That's a different instinct. Finding something cute is more tied to the nurturing instinct. Finding something attractive is tied to procreation. We are complex animals it's our curse and our gift
  5. Kanabō


    Lemurs and gorillas are pretty cool. Chimps are evil rapists, much like a similar group of hominids
  6. Kanabō

    Whatever the fuck this thing is

    The fuck kind of cocks are you looking at homie? They offering armor plating as a body mod in your neck of the woods?
  7. Kanabō

    NSFW Megathread

    Only if improperly used!
  8. Kanabō

    NSFW Megathread

    If they are attractive it's hard to deny animal instinct unfortunately
  9. Kanabō

    NSFW Megathread

    You are welcome to make a penis-centric thread. Just make sure you make it clear what it's about
  10. Kanabō

    Some of the Worst Video Game's you've ever played?

    I got a year of Gamefly as a Christmas gift one year and played a lot of dog shit. Some I've buried in deep memory storage and some I can remember what the box art looks like to this day. Blades of Time was one of those games It was a shitty God of War/Devil May Cry ripoff with a bizzare...
  11. Kanabō

    Some of the Worst Video Game's you've ever played?

    Would you be surprised if I told you that game was slapped together under a tight deadline after the original project went over budget and kept being delayed?
  12. Kanabō

    Some of the Worst Video Game's you've ever played?

    That's definitely a better game. I'd never say spinball is good I just have nostalgia for it. Another Genesis game that sucks but I have good memories of is Pacman 2: The New Adventures. Whoever thought a point and click game where you don't control the Playable Character was a good idea needs...
  13. Kanabō

    NSFW Megathread

    No idea, that girl looks a little too young though that might have been it? I'd ask the mods
  14. Kanabō

    Some of the Worst Video Game's you've ever played?

    As sad as it is I have bizarre nostalgia towards Sonic Spinball. It was the only Sonic game on Genesis we owned and the pickings in our library were slim at best
  15. Kanabō


  16. Kanabō

    Whatever the fuck this thing is

    That's probably wise, I know they eat them in Mexico, which is fucked... Think I'd rather eat Alligator than Armadillo
  17. Kanabō

    Some of the Worst Video Game's you've ever played?

    What's some of the worst video games you've ever played? It could be due to subjective or objective reasons, sometimes you just hate something regardless of its quality. But let us all hear about it here! For me I gotta go with Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z It's fuck ugly, the gameplay sucks, the...
  18. Kanabō


    something I noticed with Kiwi and Onion was if you are browsing on mobile the sticker tab disappears before you can select an option. Not sure if you can do anything about it but I wanted to give you a heads up
  19. Kanabō

    Whatever the fuck this thing is

    @Gargamel have you never seen an Armadillo before? Or am I missing a meme? I live in the southwest so I take some of the weird animals here for granted.