
I still maintain you're just jealous I apparently have suicide ray skills in your mental delusion of me
No you and sociopath hick Karl actually told her underemployed and mentally unwell husband that he had killed one of his kids that had died of SIDS, that he was sexually abusing his kids with no proof at all, and other queasy deeply personal things only a BPD bloodsucker like you would get its claws into and dig around. You definitely had a role in his suicide.

You didn't know this woman and from what I can tell that all came about because she wanted fatty pedo Josh to remove her personal info from the site. No other reason beyond your boredom and mental issues.

Hope your totally real boyfriend or girlfriend knows about your little online hobbies before it's too late for them sweetie pie :3
Oh I also forgot your stinky bitch habit of calling her kids "piglets". Dehumanizing children that have no role in their parents behavior is such champion stuff, you've got so much enviable stuff going on in your life chica.
underemployed and mentally unwell husband that he had killed one of his kids that had died of SIDS, that he was sexually abusing his kids with no proof at all, and other queasy deeply personal things
which would've been entirely in character for a rural underemployed mentally unwell wife beater and you darn well know it
You definitely had a role in his suicide.
yeah that's why he killed himself what, two years after his last post on the forums? that totally makes sense. definitely.
Oh I also forgot your stinky bitch habit of calling her kids "piglets". Dehumanizing children that have no role in their parents behavior is such champion stuff, you've got so much enviable stuff going on in your life chica.
piglets are cute though
yeah that's why he killed himself what, two years after his last post on the forums? that totally makes sense. definitely.
You psychos were telling him he was unable to hold a job for years because during the pandemic you were too stupid and uncreative and emotionally needy to seek any activities that aren't tearing people down in rancidly personal ways and he shot himself after he lost a job and had a breakdown. So yeah, definitely. Yeah you definitely put the voice in his head that he was an interminable loser and nothing would get better for him or anyone around him.

I really hope you've abandoned your crazy parents' retard jews for jesus nonsense, if I were you I wouldn't want to believe in any afterlife.
which would've been entirely in character for a rural underemployed mentally unwell wife beater and you darn well know it
Lol you told a complete stranger that he was molesting his kids with zero evidence, made it the first google search result for his name, and you feel no guilt about doing it because in your batshit BPD mind "he was a rural man who had a single arrest history for getting into a single fight with his wife".

You believe you are completely justified in ruining a person's life and calling them a child molester because one of your descriptors is "rural". You had never met these people and only knew anything about them because they asked fat pedo Joshua Moon to do something he didn't want to do.

You are an insane fucking cunt and in any functioning society you would have been locked up a long time ago.
Yeah you definitely put the voice in his head that he was an interminable loser
if he was enough of a pussy that 2 years after the fact he'd kill himself because someone said something mean on the internet his kids are probably better off without that shit anyways
and you feel no guilt about doing it
no, because he crowed about slapping around women on the forum repeatedly like it was hahaha oh so funny
"he was a rural man who had a single arrest history for getting into a single fight with his wife".
you dumb cow, do you really think police encounters are the be all end all of domestic violence? the average DV victim goes back seven times before they finally break free. the "abused girlfriend who covers for her bf bc she's scared of him" trope is legendary because it's true. the fact that he only had one arrest doesn't mean he wasn't an abuser, it means he was too retarded to hide it one time
if he was enough of a pussy that 2 years after the fact he'd kill himself because someone said something mean on the internet his kids are probably better off without that shit anyways

no, because he crowed about slapping around women on the forum repeatedly like it was hahaha oh so funny

you dumb cow, do you really think police encounters are the be all end all of domestic violence? the average DV victim goes back seven times before they finally break free. the "abused girlfriend who covers for her bf bc she's scared of him" trope is legendary because it's true. the fact that he only had one arrest doesn't mean he wasn't an abuser, it means he was too retarded to hide it one time
Lol at pretending you did all that for some grand noble reason to protect his wife and kids and not just because you're an insane bitch with no job or life and a fat incel who started your forum because hawking lurid photos of children didn't pay off gave you another messianic weirdo to harass to the point of pursuing legal action against you.

I really envy the kiwi farms hog ability to construct loop after 80 IQ delusional loop of fake righteousness for something that's quite easily explained by anyone looking at you for 5 minutes (you have all been BANNED from every host and platform you slime onto) - you're a vicious loser with a stinky pussy who has family annihilator vibes and you love anyone to pick apart including children. You are so hard up to feel superiority you will eat pig slops and scraps a pedophile gives you from his fat hand and love it.

Mentally normal people do not negatively engage with someone like Melinda for 2 fucking years let alone make up lies about her husband fucking their kids "because he just seems like he'd do it" you disgusting crazy cunt.
When normal people genuinely think there's child abuse or spousal abuse happening within a family they don't drag it out onto a public forum to make fun of it or make fun of the spouse he's supposedly beating. But because you are a malignant, socially malformed cunt who loved being Joshua's stinky little circus dog you loved publishing all these lies about these people. That guy made it to 35 without ever killing himself but somehow 2 years after encountering you and Karl the alcoholic that was birthed from satan's ass he blew his brains out. Somehow had nothing to do with you tho!
Lol at pretending you did all that for some grand noble reason
nah I'm not doing that, it was retarded and I shouldn't have taken it so seriously back then
Mentally normal people do not negatively engage with someone like Melinda for 2 fucking years let alone make up lies
yet you've been engaging with online autists and making up insane lies about them for, eh, 10 years now?
That guy made it to 35 without ever killing himself but somehow 2 years after encountering you and Karl the alcoholic that was birthed from satan's ass he blew his brains out.
should've happened sooner tbh Melinda seems waaaay happier without him from what I've seen
nah I'm not doing that, it was retarded and I shouldn't have taken it so seriously back then

yet you've been engaging with online autists and making up insane lies about them for, eh, 10 years now?

should've happened sooner tbh Melinda seems waaaay happier without him from what I've seen
Golly god you are a stupid, child abusing freak. Maybe time to commune with the one old boy's ghost and get the recipe to also die alone in your room on booze and pills. Died doing what he loved, screaming barely coherent shit about other races and women into a pathetic void. Remember that's the kind of guy you love, hope this current bf is living up to those high standards.
Golly god you are a stupid, child abusing freak. Maybe time to commune with the one old boy's ghost and get the recipe to also die alone in your room on booze and pills. Died doing what he loved, screaming barely coherent shit about other races and women into a pathetic void. Remember that's the kind of guy you love, hope this current bf is living up to those high standards.
this is kind of funny bc I literally babysat all weekend and not only did the kids not die one of them cried when I told them I had to go home
this is kind of funny bc I literally babysat all weekend and not only did the kids not die one of them cried when I told them I had to go home
Yeah people get unfit caretakers for their kids all the time unfortunately.

You should show this to the parents, I'd have a lot of questions about why you're downplaying a website that convinced a woman to light herself on fire and posts the addresses of people with intent to harm them as a "uwu lil forum of qt harmless autistics". You aren't harmless autistics trolling and "slap fighting", you're hate-filled stalker rejects who pose a threat to people around you and you directly convinced a guy to kill himself with a gun in front of his kids. You are a sick fuck that engages in games with strangers emotions and personal lives with nothing actually positive to offer the world and I hope you kill yourself before you drown a kid or something equally awful.
hey, that was his bright idea to traumatize his kids, and thankfully the last selfish decision he ever made regarding them tbh
But you were always so friendly to Null knowing that he ran 8chan, a child lewds board populated by pedophiles. Do you actually believe you're tricking anyone into believing you give a fuck about the welfare of kids?
really friendly considering we directly talked maybe three times, practically best buds you might say

yes, I'm "tricking" irl people who aren't you by being my normal self
Melinda and her husband never directly talked to you and it's extremely easy to discern from reading the first few pages of that thread you only started digging into or attacking their personal lives because josh the fat pedo who wants trans witch hunts was angry at her for suing him after she repeatedly asked for her name to be removed from the site and he refused.

You are kiwifarms shit and always will be, everyone knows you're ruined mentally ill trash, whether you get sexual pleasure from being an attack dog for racist nerds or just because you're that sad and lonely is really the only question here. You gleefully causing a suicide or having a dangerous personality disorder isn't. The internet and the world know what you are and have for years.
Melinda and her husband never directly talked to you
Melinda's gay ass woman beating loser suicidal dead husband never talked to me, but I pissed off Melinda so bad she printed out multiple posts from me and included them in her losing retard suit against Null. Are you blind or what
The internet and the world know what you are and have for years.
ahhhh man here we go again with the 'the WHOLE WORLD knows you're a MURDERING KIKE' nonsense. delusions of grandeur much
Melinda's gay ass woman beating loser suicidal dead husband never talked to me, but I pissed off Melinda so bad she printed out multiple posts from me and included them in her losing retard suit against Null. Are you blind or what

ahhhh man here we go again with the 'the WHOLE WORLD knows you're a MURDERING KIKE' nonsense. delusions of grandeur much
It took me probably 3 years to read the entirety of the Melinda thread because I hate how you fucks talk and your little shibboleths and your arrogance but it truly is just the most pathetic loser shit of all time and it just goes on and on and on. Joshua Moon who is probably 500 lbs at this point and has never gotten laid and mostly known for directing a child porn hub and making rape threats to women on a roblox forum for children at age 20 really did assemble you sorry pieces of shit as his personal army in retaliation for that lawsuit. Every page is dripping with so much smugness and sad lawyer roleplay, all because you were circling the wagons for some fetal alcohol incel who thinks child porn should be protected free speech.

Towards the ass-end of the thread a guy who was one of the virulently angry, prolific obsessives about this woman and her family and her finances and her past just up and accidentally kills himself. How beautifully comical is that? This raging slur-screaming little nothing was so stupid he took the wrong combo and it was over. His entire life was a total waste of submental sexism and racism directed at this lady who lives in a shack, preserved on the internet forever. And your response? "Oh he was funny, too bad." Hahahahahahahahahah!!!

It's so palpable you got off on causing a suicide, Melinda and her husband were a whipping post for every gross thought you've ever had about your own poverty or familial religious wingnuttery. I bet when Marshall shot himself you felt orgasmic glee like you did when your dad died, it's that starkly about you.

I'm delighted to know that so many guys who've ever fucked with my otherwise happy life is a literal basement creature that parents warn their kids about. Don't go up to that fat guy with the weird hair and the hollow eyes, Susie. Things that cannot touch any woman without paying money. I was right about all of them and then some and I'm excited to see how much you surpass all my assumptions and predictions.
I have never fucking seen someone this smug over killing a guy for a fat autistic pedophile. And not only that but you've convinced yourself you're superior to me for doing it. Bitch you are fucking CRAAAAAAZYYYY.