Brian Thompson memorial page


Well-known member
This thread is dedicated to patriot Brian Thompson
brian thompson.jpg

You are missed 🙏🏼

>I've commented on the Lolicon and Porn thread here that Anti-Porn is a glowie psyop
Totally normal poster btw, not completely mentally deranged. /s

His post goes on for about ten more pages, but I'm not including the rest of it. Didn't read.
Got another hot take from this retard:

>Brian Thompson and UnitedHealthcare are shit but the only people that seem to be praising him are progressives and groypers that already adopt some extreme violent rhetoric.
Em excuse me, but how does you being pro-lolicon porn make you any different from or better than "groypers" or "progressives"? I'm not defending the shooter here, btw
TheCIAGlowsInTheDark (The Gays From LA) said:

Get a load of these hot takes, people.
The government already does that, though.
The government pays a Ted Kazynski-admirer "right-wing extremist" 100 bucks to go shoot a healthcare company CEO and then spend life in prison? You're gonna have to be more specific about what you mean.
The government pays a Ted Kazynski-admirer "right-wing extremist" 100 bucks to go shoot a healthcare company CEO and then spend life in prison? You're gonna have to be more specific about what you mean.
No, not what I meant.

The government already monitors it's citizens. It didn't need a high profile psychopath to be assassinated in order to justify doing this. 9/11 was plenty.
It didn't need a high profile psychopath to be assassinated in order to justify doing this. 9/11 was plenty.
I've never even heard of this guy before. I find it funny everyone calling him a "psychopath" and "he deserved to die" just for being the CEO of an insurance company, tbh. Seems a bit idk, much.
I've never even heard of this guy before. I find it funny everyone calling him a "psychopath" and "he deserved to die" just for being the CEO of an insurance company, tbh. Seems a bit idk, much.
I've never heard of the guy either, but I have heard of UnitedHealthcare and I know them to be a shit tier company even compared to other health insurance companies.

As the CEO, he called the shots at this shit tier health insurance company. He chose to run the company the way he did. As far as I'm concerned, he's responsible for all of it's evil.
Hey, I have an idea actually. If y'all hate insurance companies so much, how about we just not have them and you can go without insurance. I think it's a great idea.


I've never heard of the guy either, but I have heard of UnitedHealthcare and I know them to be a shit tier company even compared to other health insurance companies.

As the CEO, he called the shots at this shit tier health insurance company. He chose to run the company the way he did. As far as I'm concerned, he's responsible for all of it's evil.
Meh. Who pays for insurance, anyway? But okay.

These are profit-making corporations, guys. These aren't the Church.
Hey, I have an idea actually. If y'all hate insurance companies so much, how about we just not have them and you can go without insurance. I think it's a great idea.
A lot of Americans do.
Meh. Who pays for insurance, anyway? But okay.

These are profit-making corporations, guys. These aren't the Church.
Most pay through payroll deductions. It's considered a benefit of employment, if you can believe that.

A lot of people need insurance in order to afford medically necessary treatment. Not everyone in America is young and healthy, and anyone can, through no fault of their own, be run over by an uninsured, judgement-proof motorist and survive only to be completely fucked over by the very real cost of healthcare,
I mean I get that if someone is paying out the nose for insurance and the company then refuses to cover them, they have a right to be pissed. I have insurance atm but I don't pay a dime for it, personally. I'm not going to bitch about something I don't even pay for.
TheCIAGlowsInTheDark (The Gays From LA) said:
View attachment 1653

Get a load of these hot takes, people.
At this point I must consneed that CIA is Gays From LA.

Also, I greatly enjoy that Kacynzski's memes have found some staying power in the collective consciousness. It's too bad Ted targeted mostly innocent parties but the fandom seems to have figured things out.
Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights - KF General 2.0 Page 363 Onionfarms.webp

From Onion Farms' KF General thread:

>kiwifails: "he thought wearing a mask would hide his face, despite the fact that the police and the FBI have military-grade AI that could identify people's faces and unmask them."
>Chrysler Building: "They released tons of security footage of the guy but a simple mask and some jacket changes defeated the AI."
>Chrysler Building: "His ski mask completely defeated the AI."

What the fuck are they even talking about?

>kiwifails: "It didn't completely defeat the AI as far as I know they didn't use facial recognition software because they had enough of his face to not bother with it. As they already had photos that they were able to use composites of"
>It didn't completely defeat the AI because uh AI wasn't used

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kiwifails really thinks "military-grade AI" can "unmask" someone? I mean I knew he was dumb, but really?

Do these morons not know that murderers were routinely caught prior to the advent of face recognition software?
KF General thread conversation continued:

>Who says I just don't like the far-right? I hate the far-left too.
For informational and educational purposes, here is the true name of the evil ideology that this person, Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt, The Gays From LA, the Democratic Party and not legally elected "President" Joseph R. Biden subscribe to:
polcompball Wiki_State Liberalism.webp
State Liberalism, also known as Progressive Authoritarian Capitalism.

I'm getting beyond bored of this loser who shot some healthcare CEO, and seeing him be treated like a hero by libtards. Get some new news to talk about. Or preferably go to Canada and ask their government to help you kill yourself, I don't care. Whichever of the two choices is your preference. The world would be better off either way.

Weird how Biden was just casually announcing that he renamed himself to George W. Bush a few days ago. I've not heard a peep from any of these pieces of dogshit about that.
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