Guys, while I don't condone violence, I really struggle with the idea that America is going to come out ahead without massive bloodshed. A lot of people are pissed off at just a few people, and I have a feeling that Brian Thompson is merely the first to go.
The thing about politics, and being rich, is that you're not supposed to be so open about how you're screwing the commoners. They're not supposed to know, you see, because if they knew, and I mean really knew and understood the truth, the people responsible become essentially dead men walking. No, rich fucks and polititroons, you're supposed to keep it under wraps so only the crazy among them suspect a thing. But you couldn't help yourselves in bragging about exactly how you're destroying America, and I strongly suspect that will be your undoing. The people know, and they're not happy. Even some of the maggots are waking up to this reality, a well and true loss for the Republican Party indeed. And those maggots tend to have big guns, little inhibition to pulling the trigger, and wingnuts for brains. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
Luigi allegedly did America and it's people a favor, and many view this alleged murderer as a hero. To me, Luigi and people like him are karma personified.
The thing about politics, and being rich, is that you're not supposed to be so open about how you're screwing the commoners. They're not supposed to know, you see, because if they knew, and I mean really knew and understood the truth, the people responsible become essentially dead men walking. No, rich fucks and polititroons, you're supposed to keep it under wraps so only the crazy among them suspect a thing. But you couldn't help yourselves in bragging about exactly how you're destroying America, and I strongly suspect that will be your undoing. The people know, and they're not happy. Even some of the maggots are waking up to this reality, a well and true loss for the Republican Party indeed. And those maggots tend to have big guns, little inhibition to pulling the trigger, and wingnuts for brains. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
Luigi allegedly did America and it's people a favor, and many view this alleged murderer as a hero. To me, Luigi and people like him are karma personified.