• The world doesn't need another Josh, Ken.

Elaine Miller / Trollcow / Z3R0xxo

I guess we’re engaging in poop touching now. View attachment 1953
>Appealing to muh Kiwi Farms rules
The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be watered with the blood of British pedophiles

Caw Caw, pedo skank!
I’m pretty sure threatening to try to report cows on any website to the police is not the done thing but then again, what do I know?
It's not a threat, it's a thing I do every single time you call for violence against an American, regardless of it involves me.
You are a pedophile and any action taken against you is righteous.
I think you’re a cringe faggot
you don’t have a personality
Liar, you just said I'm a cringe faggot
any political stances to backup your massive ego
Why would my genuine political beliefs ever be a factor on an autism forum about an autism forum about an autism forum? Would you love me more or less if I talked about Siege kultur, Nazi space imperivm and O9A schizophrenia?
you have not a single redeeming quality
The jannies of Encyclopedia Dramatica say I have a nice penis and I must agree
Cow doesn’t use this site
When you want to stop associating with "ironic" pedoniggers, just know that I'm sorry and I want to be friends. I always did.
But you're stupid if you think you got me with a grabify link. Oh no, not Foot Wiki lol.
Come on lady. I'm a reliable narrator, muh bloggy posts are real. Only a clout chasing moron like you would go to Southern California right now.
Use your noodle, hun. And please fucking get better. You got 90 days or I'm cutting my legs to read "Trollcow is a pedowhore"
I think we'll both laugh at the absurdity, so I don't expect a change for my benefit. But fucking come on, Elaine. Why would you seek disrespect as you do? Fuck those Foodist queers and weird zoomer O9A fags.