It's all your fault, Gargamel!

Janny Bar and Trash Compactor are both broken because I haven't figured out XenForo groups and permissions yet.
Do you know how other XenForo sites do this? I'm sure there is an addon that will do it, but I don't know which one.
I suppose after I get done being in a sandwich induced coma I can look into it my old lady knows a bit about this
Please explain.
unyuns struggler get for them. delay. not showering. Click page, all showering or no at all. Log in. No home page notificationering first time. Click around it website new pages. All happen once time random all from different time come once. Do unyuns fix click notification openering whole page?
unyuns wondererering if to unyuns browser problemings or for to forum problemings
Do you know how other XenForo sites do this? I'm sure there is an addon that will do it, but I don't know which one.
Yeah, I had CSO do it for Kengle.
Using ImageMagick will allow banner gifs, avatar gifs and make the gifs play when inserted as a thumbnail instead of having to insert full sized
Yeah, I had CSO do it for Kengle.
Using ImageMagick will allow banner gifs, avatar gifs and make the gifs play when inserted as a thumbnail instead of having to insert full sized
Try it now.
giphy (4).gif
giphy (4).gif

Gif thumbnail is working so I'll assume the avatars are too but it's giving me a server error when trying to change pfp