Josh defends RMS


New member
This began circulating around Monday. I'll transcribe this and expand on it a bit.


Rough Transcription:

On October 19th, Null featured a thread about an individual who Null made the dubious claim was libelling Richard M. Stallman:

"Featured on Oct 19, 2024 at 1:25 PM: An open letter libeling Richard Stallman as a pedophile was probably written by Drew DeVault, a progressive open-source developer who has 10 years of history posting lolicon on reddit."

Who is Richard Stallman? There is an article about it on Null's own forum about RMS:

"RMS is a disgusting, barely un-homeless man who has a long history of writing awful shit about pedophilia and bestiality. He's also a dick to woman. The man is walking cringe. But what really makes him a lolcow is that he's instrumental in the process of generating drama forceful enough to tear apart the Free Software Foundation, one of the most (historically, at least) influential organizations in technology.

Anyways, here's the list of charges:
- pedophile and bestiality defender
- awful personal hygiene
- Join us now and share the software; You'll be free, hackers, you'll be free.
- credibly accused of being a HUGE creep"

Null's Response is also in the link above which was:

"RMS is a hero."

These are the words of Stallman himself, which he wrote on his website over the years. This is a Null hero:

This is only a small part of the collective writings of RMS himself. RMS has also been accused of sexually harassing women while studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I remind you that in the past, NULL has said that he is a "feminist" and wants to give women their personal space so that they can stay away from men like this.

Some defenders of Stallman claim he has retracted these statements, and this is only slightly true. According to a mastodon post, Stallman has only retracted 7 of his 302 statements regarding a plethora of charges. From Esther Payne on

Stallman also allegedly wrote in the first edition of his book "Free as at Liberty" about sexual harassment of a woman, which was deleted in the second edition. The source is not available and unverified, if someone has the book, please post it. It may be floating around on mastodon.

Closing Remarks: Null claims to be against Zoozadits and pedophiles. However, when the accused is a friend of Null or one of his idols, Null will defend exactly the person he is opposing.