Well-known member
Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt is the 64 year old lolcow admin of Onion Farms &, Ken and his frankenstein forum seek to emulate Null and Onion Farms has existed in many forms over the years when Kiwi Farms was forced to use a .ms domain Ken followed suit.

Kenneth also known as Kengel went by OnionNull on his site [ARCHIVE], Null covered Kengel on one of his MATI streams for someone who seems to want nools attention this must've been a big deal for Ken Stream here with Timestamp [ARCHIVE].
Null drew a comparison between Kengel and the Pokemon Ditto here on MATI, Null and KF at large took issue with Ken interacting with so many different lolcows, Ken switching from a whiteknight to failtroll is what got Ken a page on the CWCki [A].

When Kenneth wasn't lusting after Chris-Chan he was trying to copy and troll Chris poorly. Kenneth's continued efforts to mimic, monetize, and make friends with lolcows haven't gone unnoticed his early antics gained him a couple threads on /cwc/, this earned Kenneth his first ban on the cwckiforums, Kenneth was later banned by admin Champthon in an act of mercy. regardless Kenneth persisted he wrote plea after plea to be unbanned. Page [ARCHIVE]

Once the cwckiforums changed hands from Champ to Null and was renamed to KiwiFarms Kengel was unbanned, therefore he Remained a persistent thorn in the side of the new admin Null until Null sanctioned a Halal thread on Kengel, a thread a long time in the making due to Ken's lackluster CWC trolling tactics. [THREAD ARCHIVE]

Kenneth was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a child, this helps to explain Sonichen and Rosechen [A] [A] Similar toCWC Sonichen and Rosechen were discussed on SomethingAwful [ARCHIVE]
Introduction to the Planet Gaus [A] [A]
Not only was Kenneth an oddity on KiwiFarms thread [A], but the regulars on the also enjoy Kenneth's antics and attempts at relevance.
thread [A]

Forum [A]
Kenneth made a response to Nulls MATI stream on his yt channel where he describes what he wants to do with his forum.]
Ken also made 2 test streams around the same time which gave us these 2 videos and pictures, around this same time Kengle was banned from Kiwi Farms after @ing Null in his thread [A]. Since getting banned Kengle has not changed day in and day out Ken continues to poorly maintain his site where he makes mindless choices with said site if you want to read more about Onion Farms there's a thread here on this site.

Two years after Kengles ban by null Kengles dad died Obituary [Archived].

Ken's socials
Deviantart [1] [A] [A] [A] [A]
WrongPlanet [account] [A [A]
Twitter accounts [1] [A] [2] [A]
Facebook accounts [1] [A] [2] [A] current [3] [A] [A]
Flickr [1] [A]
Disqus [1] [A]
Gab [1] [A]
Myspace [1] [A]
Instagram [1] [A] [A]
Yt [1] [A] [A] [A]
Steam [1] [A]
Linkedin [1] [A]
Voting info [1] [A] [A] [1]

1 A

Ken's house [] []

Kenneth also known as Kengel went by OnionNull on his site [ARCHIVE], Null covered Kengel on one of his MATI streams for someone who seems to want nools attention this must've been a big deal for Ken Stream here with Timestamp [ARCHIVE].
Null drew a comparison between Kengel and the Pokemon Ditto here on MATI, Null and KF at large took issue with Ken interacting with so many different lolcows, Ken switching from a whiteknight to failtroll is what got Ken a page on the CWCki [A].

When Kenneth wasn't lusting after Chris-Chan he was trying to copy and troll Chris poorly. Kenneth's continued efforts to mimic, monetize, and make friends with lolcows haven't gone unnoticed his early antics gained him a couple threads on /cwc/, this earned Kenneth his first ban on the cwckiforums, Kenneth was later banned by admin Champthon in an act of mercy. regardless Kenneth persisted he wrote plea after plea to be unbanned. Page [ARCHIVE]

Once the cwckiforums changed hands from Champ to Null and was renamed to KiwiFarms Kengel was unbanned, therefore he Remained a persistent thorn in the side of the new admin Null until Null sanctioned a Halal thread on Kengel, a thread a long time in the making due to Ken's lackluster CWC trolling tactics. [THREAD ARCHIVE]

Kenneth was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a child, this helps to explain Sonichen and Rosechen [A] [A] Similar toCWC Sonichen and Rosechen were discussed on SomethingAwful [ARCHIVE]
Introduction to the Planet Gaus [A] [A]
The Planet Gaus occupies a unique status in the Milky Way Galaxy. It is approximately the same size as Earth with similar temperatures and atmospheres. It's environment gave it a unique setting for a lot of the vegetation and animal life found on earth to grow and thrive on Gaus. While there are several landmasses, there are two large landmasses which stand out in particular. Named the Jurassic and Aibara continents respectively, these two landmasses are separated by the Eastern Sea which is one of the largest bodies of water on the planet. Various countries with their cities, their people, and their capitals are located on both the Jurassic and Ibara Continents.
Known as the misfit planet, Gaus is populated by various misfits and mutants who chose to immigrate or who were cast off here. These mutants who call Gaus home live not only among the general population in the various countries, but also occupy the uninhabited areas. Among the various creatures who called Gaus home were banished descendents of Sonichu and Rosechu, mutant clones of MLP who had been thrown out of Ponyland, Yettichus, and even rumors of a transgendered Santa Claus that lived....somewhere.
There are several portals on Gaus that not only connect to the planet earth but also connect to several other planets as well. Notable among these are the Planet Bollywoggles and the Planet Scarasia Blue. The countries located on the Jurassic Continent on the western side of the Eastern Sea include: Kingdom of Typge - Capital:Siluria, Kingdom of Nadus - Capital:Mutrak, State of Furad - Capital:Juba, Rose Croix Republic - Capital:Toulouse, Kingdom of Malkuth - Capital: Yesod, Chickish Republic - Capital:Chickish City and the Kingdom of Turkey - Capital:Arakna.
The countries located on the Aibara Continent on the eastern side of the Eastern sea include: State of Hindustan - Capital:Isanarav, State of Christian Rosenkruez - Capital:Greenville, State of Learsi - Capital:Port Abraham, Republic of Christiansburg - Capital:Corinth, Kingdom of Aibara Iduas - Capital:Haydir, and the State of Africanople - Capital:Naitsirhc City.
Gaus and indeed the entire universe is influenced by a series of unique series elements known as the Transgabriel elements. They are as follows: Berithium, DiLenthium (N Series), Satanium, Andromalinite, Naberium, Orobasium, Gabrielium, Jesumium, Mohemdenium, Abramite, Jehannium.
The Trans-Gabriel series of elements were created at the time of the famous rebellion in heaven. In one final act of spite while Lucifier was being cast out of heaven, he reached out with his outstretched arm to try and drag everything that was created by God down with him into hell. What he succeeded in dragging down with him was perverted. One of the angels disgusted at what he saw reached out with his arm and tried stopping this. He was partially successful. These unique elements are exciting to work with but in the wrong hands, they are potentially very dangerous.
There are four major world sites on Gaus. The DiLenthium Portal in Christiansburg, God's Convergence in Aibara Iduas, the Gausian Repository in Learsi, and the Chaos Ruby in Christian Rosenkruez. They are described as follows.
The Dilenthium Portal in Christiansburg is a portal of entry that leads underground to some of the Transgabriel elements. God's Convergence in Aibara Iduas is a religious place of pilgrimage and the convergence of the bands of planetary energy on Gaus. The Gausian Repository in Learsi is the storehouse of knowledge (i.e. the great library of all Gaus).
The Chaos Ruby in Christian Rosenkruez is a relic of one of the original crystals as old as Gaus. It is reported that there are other mystical crystals and relics.
Sitting on the western border of Nadus, the city of Aff sprawled over an area of about 30 square miles with a population of about 85,000 The central business district was about 3 miles from the border with most of the city running to the south and east of the Nadus border. Aff is the only major city in western Nadus. In addition to being Sonichen's hometown, it was the hometown of the old mutant and JeeJee the Romulan.
Aff is located in the Kingdom of Nadus which is located south of Typge and borders the countries of Rose-Croix Republic and Furad. Mutrak with a population of 250,000 and an area of 50 square miles serves as the capital and is located just south of the beginning of the southern leg of Nadus. Mutrak is almost the same distance from the Rose-Croix and Furad borders.
The largest city by far is Port Nadus which has about 500,000 people covers an area of 75 square miles. Another mutant by the name of Frankenchu was originally from Port Nadus. The mutant race of Yettichus (who were rather weary of strange places and people) lived in the wilderness area to the west outside of Nadus. Occasionally they would venture into Aff, but they never ventured into Mutrak or Port Nadus. Some of them lived near the Ice Mountains. Yettichus were reportedly a race of Sonichu mutants.
Semi-autonomous areas of Nadus include the Pony Corridor and the Rhinerchu Corridor. These areas were set aside as a refuge for the Mutant Ponies and Rhinerchus. The Pony Corridor lies north of Aff and north and west of the urban area and is home to all the mutant horses of Gaus. The Pony Corridor contained the only portal that connected to Ponyland of MLP. Caught in the crossfire of a demon it was permanently sealed shut. The Rhinerchu Corrider lies directly north of the Pony Corridor.It is a long narrow corridor that starts at the northeast border of the Pony Corridor and extends almost to the border of Typge. The Rhinerchus were placid herbavores.
Known as the misfit planet, Gaus is populated by various misfits and mutants who chose to immigrate or who were cast off here. These mutants who call Gaus home live not only among the general population in the various countries, but also occupy the uninhabited areas. Among the various creatures who called Gaus home were banished descendents of Sonichu and Rosechu, mutant clones of MLP who had been thrown out of Ponyland, Yettichus, and even rumors of a transgendered Santa Claus that lived....somewhere.
There are several portals on Gaus that not only connect to the planet earth but also connect to several other planets as well. Notable among these are the Planet Bollywoggles and the Planet Scarasia Blue. The countries located on the Jurassic Continent on the western side of the Eastern Sea include: Kingdom of Typge - Capital:Siluria, Kingdom of Nadus - Capital:Mutrak, State of Furad - Capital:Juba, Rose Croix Republic - Capital:Toulouse, Kingdom of Malkuth - Capital: Yesod, Chickish Republic - Capital:Chickish City and the Kingdom of Turkey - Capital:Arakna.
The countries located on the Aibara Continent on the eastern side of the Eastern sea include: State of Hindustan - Capital:Isanarav, State of Christian Rosenkruez - Capital:Greenville, State of Learsi - Capital:Port Abraham, Republic of Christiansburg - Capital:Corinth, Kingdom of Aibara Iduas - Capital:Haydir, and the State of Africanople - Capital:Naitsirhc City.
Gaus and indeed the entire universe is influenced by a series of unique series elements known as the Transgabriel elements. They are as follows: Berithium, DiLenthium (N Series), Satanium, Andromalinite, Naberium, Orobasium, Gabrielium, Jesumium, Mohemdenium, Abramite, Jehannium.
The Trans-Gabriel series of elements were created at the time of the famous rebellion in heaven. In one final act of spite while Lucifier was being cast out of heaven, he reached out with his outstretched arm to try and drag everything that was created by God down with him into hell. What he succeeded in dragging down with him was perverted. One of the angels disgusted at what he saw reached out with his arm and tried stopping this. He was partially successful. These unique elements are exciting to work with but in the wrong hands, they are potentially very dangerous.
There are four major world sites on Gaus. The DiLenthium Portal in Christiansburg, God's Convergence in Aibara Iduas, the Gausian Repository in Learsi, and the Chaos Ruby in Christian Rosenkruez. They are described as follows.
The Dilenthium Portal in Christiansburg is a portal of entry that leads underground to some of the Transgabriel elements. God's Convergence in Aibara Iduas is a religious place of pilgrimage and the convergence of the bands of planetary energy on Gaus. The Gausian Repository in Learsi is the storehouse of knowledge (i.e. the great library of all Gaus).
The Chaos Ruby in Christian Rosenkruez is a relic of one of the original crystals as old as Gaus. It is reported that there are other mystical crystals and relics.
Sitting on the western border of Nadus, the city of Aff sprawled over an area of about 30 square miles with a population of about 85,000 The central business district was about 3 miles from the border with most of the city running to the south and east of the Nadus border. Aff is the only major city in western Nadus. In addition to being Sonichen's hometown, it was the hometown of the old mutant and JeeJee the Romulan.
Aff is located in the Kingdom of Nadus which is located south of Typge and borders the countries of Rose-Croix Republic and Furad. Mutrak with a population of 250,000 and an area of 50 square miles serves as the capital and is located just south of the beginning of the southern leg of Nadus. Mutrak is almost the same distance from the Rose-Croix and Furad borders.
The largest city by far is Port Nadus which has about 500,000 people covers an area of 75 square miles. Another mutant by the name of Frankenchu was originally from Port Nadus. The mutant race of Yettichus (who were rather weary of strange places and people) lived in the wilderness area to the west outside of Nadus. Occasionally they would venture into Aff, but they never ventured into Mutrak or Port Nadus. Some of them lived near the Ice Mountains. Yettichus were reportedly a race of Sonichu mutants.
Semi-autonomous areas of Nadus include the Pony Corridor and the Rhinerchu Corridor. These areas were set aside as a refuge for the Mutant Ponies and Rhinerchus. The Pony Corridor lies north of Aff and north and west of the urban area and is home to all the mutant horses of Gaus. The Pony Corridor contained the only portal that connected to Ponyland of MLP. Caught in the crossfire of a demon it was permanently sealed shut. The Rhinerchu Corrider lies directly north of the Pony Corridor.It is a long narrow corridor that starts at the northeast border of the Pony Corridor and extends almost to the border of Typge. The Rhinerchus were placid herbavores.
Not only was Kenneth an oddity on KiwiFarms thread [A], but the regulars on the also enjoy Kenneth's antics and attempts at relevance.
thread [A]

Forum [A]
Kenneth made a response to Nulls MATI stream on his yt channel where he describes what he wants to do with his forum.]

Two years after Kengles ban by null Kengles dad died Obituary [Archived].

Ken's socials
Deviantart [1] [A] [A] [A] [A]
WrongPlanet [account] [A [A]
Twitter accounts [1] [A] [2] [A]
Facebook accounts [1] [A] [2] [A] current [3] [A] [A]
Flickr [1] [A]
Disqus [1] [A]
Gab [1] [A]
Myspace [1] [A]
Instagram [1] [A] [A]
Yt [1] [A] [A] [A]
Steam [1] [A]
Linkedin [1] [A]
Voting info [1] [A] [A] [1]

1 A

Ken's house [] []
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