KF moderators and Staff

I’m a good programmer but I’m lost when it comes to social aptitude.
You have a single "certification", not a degree or any meaningful experience. Queen of Inspect Element perhaps but all this shit about being le 1337 hacker is nothing but a front to impress your 764 toilet pedophile friends, who I have a hard time believing are stupid enough to be doing anything but humoring their petcow.
You've never hacked anything and your biggest claim to fame is recycling the contents of the KF janny email leak and acting like it's original "research".
Pathetic tweaker skank
I literally think sex should be illegal. It’s degenerate and disgusting. Sex workers should be shot at dawn and I’m the last person to be one.
Dear, you've had this same Pandora's Box of autistic bullshit masks to wear for a while. You should consider reinventing yourself in a non disgusting way. I've seen you awkwardly slamming your very abused slobber curtains with a big black dildo, so forgive me for not playing along with the bit.
If you’re believing his bullshit that’s not my issue, whoever’s IP it was I don’t give a shit, he admitted it was his (and typed several cope paragraphs about it) , so I assumed as much. I doubt he was lying as he went on a tirade after that including spamming my emails & skibidi farms.

Hacked several websites and for what

These people will still cry faildox until the swat team kicks down their doors. I have no empathy anymore.
Can you give me some money
If it makes Elaine feel any better, Ashleigh was recently the target of a White nationalist AI porn campaign. They should really just be friends, they agree on much
Is this Ashley like, as in, the one that BTFOs onion farmers and makes that pedophile Nektar Geist seethe?
Who is that guy and why has a 50 year old british man been obsessed with you since you were like 20?

I don't know anything about you besides the cutting pics, the chatlogs and accusations are too convoluted and spread by bad actors to take completely seriously.
[/SPOILER]Who is that guy and why has a 50 year old british man been obsessed with you since you were like 20?

I don't know anything about you besides the cutting pics, the chatlogs and accusations are too convoluted and spread by bad actors to take completely seriously.
Speaking of spread by bad actors, what is the purpose of this additional hole?
Last swept by a janny: