Lynn / Spellbindah - EXCELLENT MOTHER harvesting souls for her "Demon"


Ghost Town Sherrif

“Ya’ll see how I look like? I do look like a transvestite don’t I?” -Spellbindah

Spellbindah is a self proclaimed satanist and spiritual reader from The Bronx, NYC who has been vlogging on Youtube for over a decade. More recently she has gained a more substantial following on Tik Tok thought she seems to have given that up mostly to post youtube livestreams.

Lynn claims to be possessed by a demon named Marcus who she believes she made a deal with in exchange for her son’s life. Lynn explains that her son was born premature due to excessive drinking while pregnant. While recovering after birth Lynn claims to have been transported to the mythical crossroads of Robert Johnson lore. At the crossroads she was greeted by "Marcus" who offered to let her newborn son live but in exchange she must “feed” him for a period of 20 years. She will henceforth refer to "Marcus" as "My demon".

Many people claim to be possessed or all kinds of wacky shit. Lynn however is the first one I have encountered who seems to not only really believe it but also believe that she is using her social media to gather souls for Marcus. This is some sort of task she must perform with success being rewarded by Marcus and failure being punished. She has been doing this for over a decade now this isn’t just some Tik Tok schtick. Lynn calls herself a “female Jefferey Dahmer” and seems to gather souls and “nourishment” for Marcus through some kind of (thankfully)thus unexplained sex magick. I speculate that Lynn works as a prostitute however I have yet to find proof of this. Despite all this Lynn often claims to be a Lesbian and that in 2014 she considered getting a sex change. In her words “Yeah I almost had a dick. So what?”. Lynn will also make extremely creepy videos of unaware people in public where she shares her intent to “feed” on these people.

Lynn is an avid collector of creepy dolls and Halloween decor just to keep the to the insane tik tok wiccan theme solid. She also collects arcade machines for her son in the single wholesome turn of this whole story. Lynn spares no expense for her son and seems to have had a recent battle with child services over her capabilities as a parent. Lynn claims her son’s father is gay but gets mad when people bring it up. Strangely considering all the other chaos in her life Lynn seems to have a fairly good relationship with her son’s father. Lynn posted a Tik Tok meeting with him and all parties involved seem cordial and happy. Lynn mentions in an early video that her parents were quite wealthy but she somehow ended up in the foster system. It is not known if her financial security which seems quite solid for a raving street loon stems from this or other means or if this is a delusion altogether.
Update: Lynn further clarifies that it was her foster parents that were wealthy not her biological parents.
Update 2: Lynn's son and dog have been taken by social services

Lynn claims to be descended from a man named William Elliot Spann who was a “knight and wealthy slaveholder” and that she believes he was who the movie Django Unchained was based off of(she sounds as confused as I feel). She says she knows for sure that in the Mini-Series Roots that there was a reference to him. Lynn claims that William and many of the other elder slave owners were cursed by Hoodoo magic. Lynn explains that the difference between Hoodoo and Voodoo is that only descendants of slaves can use Hoodoo while Voodoo can be used by anyone(take note for your future character builds).

YouTube [The truth is here!🌈 @spellbindah tiktok100K if they can't go live, ITS NOT ME! come meet my demon MARCUS👿gifted READER THEISTIC LUCIFERIAN also catch me on Amazon live @spellbindah ! This is a safe place for all, come and have fun with the leader of the chosen 37😈]

Tik Tok

Tik Tok 2[Lynn claims this is a fake account]


VID 20130105 000071

[First video on the Spellbindah YT Lynn appears to be attempting some kind of ritual involving a bible and candles]

freaky wild satanic orgies! update please see my new videos as I have lost 120 lb🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
[Lynn is talking on the video but the audio has been replaced by a country song. Lynn shows off her pentagram pendant]

I love the NYPD don't judge all officers by this video
[Lynn shows up at a traffic accident and aggressively inserts herself into the situation]

My Christmas dancing to a collection it's really cool!
[Lynn shows off some of her holiday decor]

Jim Crow laws still in effect in 2020!
[Lynn shows a senior centre which she claims is racially segregated even though you can see both white and black people in both areas she claims are segregated. I can’t figure out what she is doing here but I think she may live in a section of this assisted living facility]

arcade1up game room all the games you love!
[Lynn shows the arcade games she bought for her son]

July 18, 2022
[Lynn talks about how she collects haunted dolls. Unfortunately her latest acquisition is RAYCISSS]

happy birthday lite the 🎂 with a vibrtor???😵‍💫
[Lynn lights her son’s birthday candles with a lighter shaped like a penis]

instant facelift by my demon Marcus😈
[Lynn gives herself a “facelift” with the power of Marcus her demon while listening to Tool]

WHEN YOUR DEMON IS PLEASED instant facelift!
[Another demon facelift video]



pt 3?? 🐸 🤐meet my 👿 MARCUS

gingerbread cookies anyone?
[Lynn films a redhaired girl on the subway who is unaware. She says the redhaired girl will be her next meal]

FREE LIP PLUMPING courtesy of Papa John's Pizza!🤕😡🤬🤬
[Lynn has an allergic reaction to Pizza sauce]

[Lynn has a freakout in the entrance to her building]

when you're a FEMALE Jeffrey Dahmer👿
[Lynn has brought a man home to “feed” on]

I can't believe I made it! Today I celebrate life And blessings to those who didn't make it this far
[Lynn is 57 years old]

ungrateful SOB!
[Lynn is out and about in her neighbourhood while livestreaming]

Meet Melvin
[Lynn has yet another boyfriend or meal]
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Ok after some more research it seems that Lynn has had her son removed to the home by social services. They both appear in a hospital examination room and her son has several scratches or cuts on his arms which Lynn says his teacher saw and reported on and she is now suspected of causing them(likely). It is not clear what Lynn feels her son did wrong but she is now disowning him because of this and she walks out of the exam room without her son. This is one of the most heartbreaking things I've seen on the internet but I am glad her son is no longer in her care as it seems like a terrible environment.

Lynn makes a live explaining how she does not regret her decision however she does make mention over receiving criticism for this which may be why she abandoned her Tik Tok despite it doing better than her youtube.

Lynn makes yet another live babbling incoherently but inbetween claiming her was son was taken from her unfairly. However a man can be heard talking in the background.. She constantly talks about people sneaking into her apartment but I think she just brings guys home and forgets who they are when she wakes up lol.
OH MY LORD. It's happening. Lynn is doing laundry while threatening other residents of her building with a knife. One man in particular who seems to be mentally challenged and doesn't speak much English seems to be totally oblivious to the danger he is in as Lynn threatens to slit his throat. Lynn says she is sad but not because of her son but because her dog has also been taken away(thank god). Lynn has also recently had her Grill(teeth jewellery) removed and she had them on for so long that her teeth began to rot away underneath. She announces her intention to turn her house into a club and says her son and ex husband will never be allowed back in(hopefully this means her son is with his father). She briefly breaks down crying over her dog in a departure from her psychotic babbling that I haven't seen yet. She says she would rather have her son shot in the head than lose her dog and that she loves her dog more than her son. Lynn is also screaming and singing while informing us it is 2-3am. I really think this lady is going to kill somebody and possibly soon.

I've downloaded a copy of this cause even preserve tube doesn't want to touch this crazy bitch. I'll cut it up and upload if this video gets removed.

After a day of no streaming where I worried she was arrested Lynn has returned. She is standing in line at a police precinct station. I don't know if Lynn was arrested but she does say the police came to her apartment and found her with two knives. she doesn't appear to be in custody. Maybe they took her knives and she is getting them back?

Lynn also absolutely goes off on the staff and executive director of the facility she lives in calling them everything from crackheads to embezzlers. This makes me wonder if she will be getting kicked out of the facility.

Lynn also keeps having allergic reactions to something causing her face and lips to swell massively. Lynn also wearing the rarely seen afro wig.
This steam is off the motherfucking hook. Lynn has a skitzo rant in a bodega, rants about the Jews(favorite quote: "Heroin? Naw we talking about Jews baby.") and talking about giving blowjobs to police officers in her younger days and pulling a screwdriver on a cop at one time. The last 45 minutes or so of the stream Lynn just breaks out crying after some comments left in chat. Lynn appears to have been having a war with a chatter named AngelDip who she mentions in the next video
Lynn also has her dog back and a new boyfriend/meal.
Lynn has a message for Josh Conner Moon. I'm sorry Lynn I would like to apologize for slandering your name. You are amazing. 🙏


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Josh, I'm not even mad at you.The only thing that I did not like is when you said.My son was removed from me , He was not There was a situation going on here that I had to get him out of here Of which you?
Are welcome to inquire about or! come to my LIVE ON YOUTUBE!! I am also not A satanist But I used to be and my content is to sway people away from doing what I do. I am a nutjob And the video of me with the knife was because the guy touched my ass in the laundry room and I Don't do laundry. I also was adopted by A wealthy white family that is In history books , but I am not entitled to Any of this privilege. I actually was pleasantly Surprised by this feed and flattered Could you continue it ? You give me the exposure that I need whether negative positive to help me grow on YouTube and I promise you.I will give you exclusive uncut videos just for you.Josh to do whatever you want to do with them.Do we have a deal? I promise you , you will only get the raunchest Most experts material and that I have And you have my word.
Ok after some more research it seems that Lynn has had her son removed to the home by social services. They both appear in a hospital examination room and her son has several scratches or cuts on his arms which Lynn says his teacher saw and reported on and she is now suspected of causing them(likely). It is not clear what Lynn feels her son did wrong but she is now disowning him because of this and she walks out of the exam room without her son. This is one of the most heartbreaking things I've seen on the internet but I am glad her son is no longer in her care as it seems like a terrible environment.

Lynn makes a live explaining how she does not regret her decision however she does make mention over receiving criticism for this which may be why she abandoned her Tik Tok despite it doing better than her youtube.

Lynn makes yet another live babbling incoherently but inbetween claiming her was son was taken from her unfairly. However a man can be heard talking in the background.. She constantly talks about people sneaking into her apartment but I think she just brings guys home and forgets who they are when she wakes up lol.
If what I said was not true.How come I had $400 stolen from me when I was in the hospital and I have the videos of the people that were in my house?My business bitch
Josh, I'm not even mad at you.The only thing that I did not like is when you said.My son was removed from me , He was not There was a situation going on here that I had to get him out of here Of which you?
Are welcome to inquire about or! come to my LIVE ON YOUTUBE!! I am also not A satanist But I used to be and my content is to sway people away from doing what I do. I am a nutjob And the video of me with the knife was because the guy touched my ass in the laundry room and I Don't do laundry. I also was adopted by A wealthy white family that is In history books , but I am not entitled to Any of this privilege. I actually was pleasantly Surprised by this feed and flattered Could you continue it ? You give me the exposure that I need whether negative positive to help me grow on YouTube and I promise you.I will give you exclusive uncut videos just for you.Josh to do whatever you want to do with them.Do we have a deal? I promise you , you will only get the raunchest Most experts material and that I have And you have my word.
I'm sorry I'm bad at understanding stuff sometimes. We don't want any raunchy stuff we swear but if you want to tell your own story and correct what I was wrong we would be happy to hear it. I won't talk about your family anymore either that was wrong.